Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Libs Using Maxed Out Race Card On a Daily Basis, Now

Nice Deb "The reaction of the SC debate crowd to Newt Gingrich’s smack-down of Juan William’s race baiting question at the debate last night should have sent a warning to racial demagogues – people are clearly fed up, and not  putting up with the racialist BS any longer.
"Juan Williams was booed, and Gingrich was given a standing O for standing up to the demagoguery:"

Only on MSNBC can Mitt Romney be considered a racist for giving money to a black woman in need.

From The Black Sphere:  Kevin Jackson... has made it his mission to expose the left's ignorance and racist political escapades.

Can Real Liberalism and the Democratic Party Be Saved from the Radical Takeover?

Barry Rubin  "Forget about making Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt your villains. It’s historically untrue and plays perfectly into the left’s hands. It is more than happy to pretend to be the natural successors of such people, all the better to dupe the large part of its constituency that reveres those presidents but would be horrified to understand that it is really being fooled into following the successors of the Communists and New Left.

"Real liberals understood this very well and derided the dupes as “fellow travelers.” During the 1940s and 1950s liberal groups were energetically anti-Communist, suspicious of an excessively big government, believed in American greatness, and supported a U.S. international role as a great power.
"Remember that it was Truman who led America to recognize and fight the Soviet threat and it was his administration that successfully purged Communists from the U.S. government. And the labor unions threw out the Communists, too."
"The left may lose to conservatism at the ballot box. But its hegemony over universities, publishing, entertainment, culture, and the mass media can only be defeated by an ideological revival of moderate liberalism. Like it or not, those controlling these institutions have been too inoculated with the  demonization of conservatives to be challenged by them."

Newsweek on Why Obama's critics are dumb

From the liberal Politico: Right blogs take on Newsweek cover  
[Andrew] "Sullivan, a self-described “unabashed supporter of Obama from early 2007 on,” writes in the cover story that attacks against the president are not only out of bounds but “simply — empirically — wrong.” "

Big Government: Why Is Andrew Sullivan So Dumb?  "Aside from the war on Al Qaeda, Obama squandered every diplomatic and military success bequeathed to him by Bush. He destroyed missile defense in Europe, and wasted hard-won gains in Iraq by withdrawing troops against the advice of the military. While appeasing Iran and gutting the future of our defense, Obama alienated and undermined U.S allies. Sullivan, who detests Israel, even applauds Obama’s pointless confrontation with Benjamin Netanyahu–hardly a way to sell a second Obama term."

 I thought only in North Korea did they write puff pieces such as Sullivan's about their Dear Leader. This may make it on the always-watchable-unless-Alan-Colmes-is-on-the-panel Fox News Watch this next Saturday evening.

Newsbusters asks: "Is there anything the mainstream media won't do to get Obama reelected?"

Ethel Fenig in American Thinker wonders: Why are Newsweek's supporters so dumb?  "
Want more titillation?  Next to Obama's left ear, in still smaller, bold caps we can learn of MRS. SANTORUM'S SURPRISING PAST.

"Brown's short term desperation to punch up newsstand sales, to set off a short term buzz just might backfire, turning off the remaining middle of the road subscribers without adding new Obama lovers.
"If so, it couldn't happen to a more deserving magazine and its editor."

Neal Boortz has his always-interesting perspective:  "The accompany article is by Obama sycophant Andrew Sullivan, and it signals the beginning of an age-old Democrat theme in presidential elections:  Conservatives are stupid, liberals are smart.  Gerald Ford; clumsy and dumb.  Ronald Reagan: dumb.  George H.W. Bush, affable, but dumb.  George W. Bush, dumb.  Now if you are a critic of Barack Obama, you’re just dumb.  What a surprise.
Look … there are going to be three constant themes during the campaign
  1. Republicans and conservatives are ignorant.
  2. Republicans and conservatives are racists.
  3. Republicans are only for the rich.  

Nile Gardiner from the UK wonders Why are Barack Obama’s critics so smart?  "In response to Sullivan’s provocative article, which has stirred up a good deal of debate in America, here are five reasons why President Obama’sconservative critics are significantly smarter in their approach and thinking than his failing Left-wing administration in Washington:"  Read on as each of the points below are discussed...
1. Obama’s critics have a far better understanding of the concerns of the American people and the mood of the country
2. Obama’s critics reject big government and the ludicrous idea that bureaucrats know best
3. Obama’s critics reject appeasement of America’s enemies, support America’s allies and don’t believe in apologising for their country
4. Obama’s critics believe that a presidency should behave with decorum, and show respect for opposing views
5. Obama’s critics know a gaffe-prone, embarrassing administration when they see one

Obama: Incompetent or Evil?   "The most acute division on the right — the one that will give Mitt Romney the most trouble — is not between moderates and hard-core right-wingers, between electability-minded pragmatists and ideologues, or between the Tea Party and the Republican establishment. It is between those Republicans who disagree with Barack Obama, believing his policies to be mistaken, and those who hate Barack Obama, believing him to be wicked."

How the Network Morning Shows Are Trashing Republicans and Trumpeting Barack Obama in Campaign 2012   "- By a 4-to-1 margin, ABC, CBS and NBC morning show hosts have employed an adversarial liberal agenda when questioning this year’s Republican candidates. But those same hosts’ questions for President Obama leaned in his direction, with mostly liberal-themed questions.  
"- Four years ago, questions for the Democratic candidates tilted by more than two-to-one to the left, a friendly agenda."
The foregoing was a summary of this 19-page report from the Media Research Center.  Here is a pdf of the full report