Monday, September 11, 2017

OK, Hillary, you win! You can be president right now. Just leave us alone! Bitter Hillary Update:

‘And let’s not forget sexism and misogyny, which are endemic to our society’
And she blames American society as a whole, wouldn't you say?

Watch Hillary Clinton Blame Everything Under the Sun for Her Election Loss in Under Two Minutes   "Hillary Clinton may have lost the presidential election to Donald Trump, but she's in a strong position to bring home a gold medal in self-serving blame-storming -- though knowing her, she'll likely blow that large lead, too.  If you're keeping score at home, feel free to tally the outward-facing excuses she offered in less than two minutes during an interview with CBS News' Jane Pauley on Sunday morning.  Life is just so unfair:

"But the laundry list in that clip excluded a cold, hard truth: Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate.  She a corrupt, unlikable liar who managed to blow a gimme race against a profoundly flawed opponent whose unfavorable rating among the electorate was an extraordinary 61 percent. None of those inescapable truths are about Comey, or Putin, or voter ID, or identity politics. They're about her character flaws, Democrats' foolishness in stacking the deck for her, and the power of the voting public's desire for change. Given her scathing assessment of the Trump administration and the media's relentlessly negative coverage thereof, one would think a prevailing sense of (previously-undetected) buyers' remorse would have taken root among throngs of American voters. Not so much: " . . .

The difficult truth of 9/11

Graphic. Bloviating Zeppelin  . . . "Now you have a choice. Imagine. You can burn to death via the flames behind you, or you can knock out a window. If you fail to knock out a window, yes, you burn to death. If you knock out a window or locate a window aperture already damaged, you have time to contemplate. Perhaps a few minutes, perhaps a few seconds. Do you turn to face the flames? Or do you seek the very thing that keeps you alive and has done so for years? The open air?

"Perhaps now the flames are licking at your back. You have seen some of your friends, or persons you don’t know, step out into the abyss, their choices having been made. Again, your choice: do I burn to death or do I simply jump?" . . . Many jumpers out of the towers.

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

When did the Miss America pageant turn into a Nasty Woman protest?

Todd Starnes   "The 2017 Miss America pageant was not so much about empowering women as it was bashing President Trump.

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 "A panel of celebrity judges goaded finalists into condemning the president on his response to the Charlottesville terrorist attack, climate change, Confederate War monuments and whether he colluded with the Russians.
It was as if Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton were sitting underneath the Atlantic City boardwalk, sipping Chardonnay and writing this year’s questions.
I’m surprised none of the judges asked if President Trump is the anti-Christ. Yes? No? Please explain.
“There are multiple investigations into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia on the election,” singer and judge Jordin Sparks said. “Well, did they? You’re the jury. Guilty or innocent and please explain your verdict?”
"Miss Missouri, Jennifer Davis, did not hesitate in responding.
“ 'Right now, I have to say innocent because not enough information has been revealed. We are still investigating this and I think we should investigate it to its fullest extent. If we do find evidence that they have had collusion with Russia, the justice system should do their due diligence and they should be punished accordingly,” she replied.
"Miss Missouri was picked as the first runner-up.
"I have no doubt that had she declared that President Trump was guilty as sin and deserved to rot in jail – she would be wearing the crown today.
"Get a load of the question Miss Texas, Margana Wood, had to field:" . . .

Equifax Executives Sold Stock Worth Over $1 Million Before Announcement of Giant Data Breach

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Patterico  "You may have heard about the Equifax breach in which hackers got access to Social Security numbers of up to 143 million people — probably including you and me. Looks like some Equifax executives may have profited (or at least avoided losses) on the news:
Three Equifax Inc. senior executives sold shares worth almost $1.8 million in the days after the company discovered a security breach that may have compromised information on about 143 million U.S. consumers.
The trio had not yet been informed of the incident, the company said.
The credit-reporting service said late Thursday in a statement that it discovered the intrusion on July 29. Regulatory filings show that three days later, Chief Financial Officer John Gamble sold shares worth $946,374 and Joseph Loughran, president of U.S. information solutions, exercised options to dispose of stock worth $584,099. Rodolfo Ploder, president of workforce solutions, sold $250,458 of stock on Aug. 2. None of the filings lists the transactions as being part of 10b5-1 scheduled trading plans.
"You probably will not be surprised to learn that the stock plummeted today on the announcement. Had these executives held on to the stock, they would have lost a lot of money. But instead, knowing about the breach, they sold the stock before the breach was announced.

"It sounds outrageous, but the company claims that the sales represented “a small percentage of their Equifax shares.” Different people define “small” differently. I have a feeling the SEC will be taking a close look at this. If there were hijinks, someone might be going to prison. (Then again, maybe these dudes are members at one of Trump’s golf clubs and will skate. You never know!)
It is an interesting question whether insider trading should be illegal. The fact that we may recoil at it does not mean it is necessarily bad for society. And there are rational arguments that suggest that insider trading is a good thing, because it helps spread information. As economist Bob Murphy says:
In a nutshell, insider trading is beneficial because it moves market prices closer to where they ought to be. Those profiting from “inside knowledge” actually share that knowledge with the rest of the world through their buying and selling.
"Murphy argues that if you parse out who actually loses when insider trading occurs, it’s not the public at large, but just other investors who might have done better through dumb luck. Meanwhile, when insiders profit from their greater knowledge, that knowledge is spread, to the benefit of the public." . . .

Antifa Protesters Throw Smoke Bombs, Assault Police During Oregon ‘Patriot Prayer’ Rally

Washington Free Beacon

Antifa members and counter protesters gather during a rightwing No-To-Marxism rally in Berkeley, California

"Antifa demonstrators in Portland, Ore., threw smoke bombs, rocks, and other objects at police while they protested an event held by the group Patriot Prayer on Sunday.
"The Rally and March Against White Nationalism turned violent as some protesters had weapons seized and others attempted to break through police barriers, Fox 12 Oregon reports. Antifa protesters consider Patriot Prayer, which has supported President Donald Trump, to be a hate group, but its leaders say that label is unfounded.
" 'They see an enemy in me or in these people but it's not real," said group leader Joey Gibson. "We don't have to be enemies; we can all get along."
"Police tried to keep Antifa protesters separated from the Patriot Prayer members, but video shows protesters breaking through barriers, leading to one being taken into custody." . . .
Paul Crookston is a media analyst with the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a Collegiate Network fellow at National Review. A 2016 graduate of Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., he served as the managing editor of the Tartan campus newspaper. He is originally from Tampa, Fla., but he still roots for Dad’s Ohio teams

Bill Whittle & D’Souza eviscerate Progressives for inciting hate and bigotry

WoW! Magazine  "In this interview, Dinesh D’Souza and Bill Whittle reveal what really happened at Charlottesville and what Democrats are doing on a regular basis to incite hate and violence all around America. This interview aired on NRATV’s “Bill Whittle’s Hot Mic.' ”

Why I Don’t Use Female Pronouns For My Transgender Brother

The demand that I refer to my sibling using a female pronoun is nothing less than thought policing. It is a demand that I assert what I do not believe.
Michael Booker

. . . "It’s a simple matter of common courtesy to call someone by whatever name he or she chooses. Transgender activists have tried to latch on to this simple social courtesy to insist on the use of specific preferred pronouns, which they argue is no more than an extension of that common courtesy. The pushback on this has largely been on the profusion of novel potential identifiers: he/his, she/hers, they/theirs, xe/xirs, ze/hirs, ei/eirs…the list is really endless, with individuals generating new pronouns almost daily.

Some English Pronouns Convey Gender  

"But the complaints about the profusion of pronouns miss a far more important point of language that seems to have slipped under the radar, something that makes this far more than a matter of courtesy. It has to do with the nature of second-person and third-person pronouns in English.

"When I talk to you, I can do so without a gendered pronoun. You is the same no matter who, or what, I’m talking to. I can call my misbehaving car “You old pile of garbage” without making my car a he or a she. Likewise, I can speak to a male, female, or non-binary individual with the same second-person pronoun.
"It’s the third-person pronoun in English that conveys gender (and here I’m so happy to be able to use the word gender in its appropriately technical and linguistic sense). I can use he,  she, or it as singular pronouns, and each conveys information about the object I’m referring to. There are odd circumstances when I’d use a third-person pronoun in the presence of someone who is in the room with me, but it never feels polite. In the majority of cases, I am taking about a person or thing not present.
"This is where preferred pronouns become critically intrusive." . . .
The demand that I refer to my sibling using a female pronoun is nothing less than thought policing. It is a demand that I assert what I do not believe, or at least a demand that I dare not evidence dissent from a particular pseudo-scientific understanding of human nature. Asking me to be polite is not the same thing as asking me to lie, or worse, to accept a lie as truth.
Michael Booker has a doctorate in philosophy and retired from the Army Reserve at the rank of lieutenant colonel. He has been married for 30 years, has two amazing sons, and is currently a low-level administrator in academia.

This 12-Year-Old Boy ‘Transitioned’ To A Girl, Took Hormones, Then Changed His Mind

The Federalist

A preview for an upcoming episode of “60 Minutes Australia” features a teenage boy who tried to “transition” to a girl then changed his mind. In the minute-long snippet, the mother of a boy identified as Patrick admits she fed him hormones that were prescribed in an effort to help him become a girl, which she says her son wanted for a time.
“When he was young he would dress up in girls’ clothes,” Patrick’s mom said. “At one stage he did say to me, could he be taken to the doctor to be changed into a girl.”
. . . 
"Patrick’s story of regretting the decision to “transition,” or try to appear opposite of one’s biological sex, is not uncommon. A 21-year-old woman from New Zealand took hormones for several years in an effort to make her body appear more like a man’s. While undergoing hormone treatments, Zahra Cooper says she became irritable, depressed, and attempted suicide. She eventually decided to stop the process and embrace being a woman again — a decision her significant other and grandfather say has made her happier." . . .

Tucker Carlson Destroys Stephen Colbert For Nazi Salute To Trump

Stephen Colbert, the Grover Dill of all anti-Trump media

"During an episode of “The Late Show” on Friday, Colbert lambasted former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon for saying he defended President Trump’s Charlottesville comments, but that’s not all. Colbert then proceeded to ‘prove’ whatever point he was making by doing a Nazi salute. Check out the bizarre scene here, it happens at 4:46:
"This is sick beyond belief, and that fellow leftists didn’t see it and call him out is even more baffling. Tucker Carlson was paying attention at least and called Colbert out big time, saying:
“ 'Can we agree that is out of bounds? Jeffrey Lord just got canned from CNN for making reference to that regime but it’s okay here. How?”
"Carlson’s guest Joe Concha then brought down the hammer:

“ 'This is late-night comedy in 2017. It’s unhinged hate. And there is no line anymore to go over because there ain’t no line. It is . . .  anything goes.”

"Then he points out Colbert’s total hypocrisy:
“ 'Look, last week, or at the beginning of this week, Stephen Colbert mocked President Trump’s reaction to Hurricane Harvey, and here’s the bottom line: While Trump was in Texas twice, Stephen Colbert was on vacation for two weeks, and he had the time and the resources to go there and do something himself but instead, he mocks people from afar. And I think that’s all you need to know about the person Stephen Colbert is.' ” . . . (Emphases in the original)
Stephen Colbert Gives Nazi Salute to Trump on ‘Late Show’ (Video)
. . . "Colbert has parlayed his position as the perhaps the most anti-Trump host in late-night television into stronger ratings. The former Comedy Central star struggled mightily when he first took over for David Letterman in 2015, often falling behind Jimmy Fallon’s less-political Tonight Show. After ramping up his attacks on Trump, Colbert has regularly beaten Fallon in the late-night ratings race, though Fallon usually maintains a lead in the key demo." . . .
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