Sunday, September 16, 2012

U.S. Government Supports Pussy Riot (But Not 'Innocence of Muslims')

American Thinker  "The U.S. government lectures the Russians about "freedom of expression" in defense of freaks who engage in public sex, public vandalism, and the denigration of a "great religion," the Russian Orthodox Church.
"But when Americans exercise First Amendment freedoms that Muslims dislike, the Secretary of State reproaches them, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs calls them to encourage them to cease and desist, and federal law enforcement officers haul them in for questioning.  
"Who's living in the police state now?"
The musical performance group was organized, in part, due to anger over what they perceived as government policies that discriminate against women, citing legislation that "placed restrictions on legal abortions". According to their co-founder, Pussy Riot is "part of the global anti-capitalist movement, which consists of anarchists, Trotskyists, feminists and autonomists."


Human Events   "Liberals are starting to hear the dog-whistles they say conservatives slip into their conversations as racial code words and have discovered an amazing array of such language relating to criticism of President Obama. Be prepared to cut down on your vocabulary after seeing the list of these liberal race cards."

So much for the election of Barack Obama being the great racial healing this country was waiting for. This past four years has caused racial polarization not seen since the days of Bull Connor, and it is coming not from white segregationists, but leftist Democrats. 
Come to think of it, weren't they the people who were the Jim Crow party originally?
(Left) Democrat party rally, 1922.
Wikipedia on the Klan:
Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement during the Reconstruction era in the United States. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans.

The Terrifying Line in Obama's Speech That Everyone Missed

Investor's Business Daily  "But while everyone was picking apart these and other flaws in Obama's speech, they overlooked the most frightening line of all. That was when Obama promised that he'd pursue "the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one."
"That promise might have made liberal hearts swoon. But as Amity Shlaes explained in her outstanding history of the era —"The Forgotten Man" 
 — it was precisely FDR's "bold, persistent experimentation" that was largely to blame for the length, depth and severity of the Great Depression."   
(Emphasis added)
Amity Schlaes

Related article by SchlaesObama Is a Loser Who Wins, Like FDR in 1936
The result is our “count me out” problem; businesses that could hire are not doing so; companies that invest would invest more if the market were predictable. A similar “count me out” culture prevailed in the late 1930s. A “capital strike” was what Roosevelt crossly labeled it. The third similarity is that both candidates are especially ready to assign blame somewhere else.