On Sept. 25, as part of a national walkout, hundreds of Berkeley students walked out of class to protest against Israeli aggression and stand in solidarity with Palestine.
Monday, October 30, 2023
UC Berkeley Instructor Gives Students Extra Credit to Attend Anti-Israel Walkout
The Latest On Global Warming Is … There Is No Global Warming
"A new study out of Norway is exactly what was needed to shut down the climate alarmists. Its findings show that man has not set fire to his home planet.
"Right from the top, in the abstract not 10 lines into the study, the authors get to the point.
“Using theoretical arguments and statistical tests we find,” the researchers say, “that the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be strong enough to cause systematic changes in the temperature fluctuations during the last 200 years.”
"In other words, our words, the greenhouse effect is so weak that it should be sidelined as an argument.
"From there, the bad news only gets worse for priests of the climate religion.
" 'Even if recent recorded temperature variations should turn out to deviate from previous variation patterns in a systematic way it is still a difficult challenge to establish how much of this change is due to increasing man-made emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases.”
"The researchers, from Statistics Norway, the government’s official data agency, also address the apparent “high degree of consensus among many climate researchers that the temperature increase of the last decades is systematic (and partly man-made),” while noting that “is certainly the impression conveyed by the mass media.”
"Of course the climate zealots won’t like the study. Well, they also won’t like another new paper, this one from University of Alabama in Hunstville climate scientists Roy Spencer and John Christy, who have submitted Urban Heat Island Effects in U.S. Summer Surface Temperature Data, 1880-2015 to a science journal." . . .
The Latest On Global Warming Is … There Is No Global Warming. Part 2
Top Israeli Cartoonists Discuss the War in Cartoons –
Imagine every 9-11 how they enjoy seeing Americans' shock and horror at the buildings' fate.
We previously have covered to other interrogations previously released:
"The additional videos released today are described by the Israel Hayom newspaper:
“The plan was to go from house to house, throw grenades, and kill everyone there, including women and children,” the terrorist said. He also mentioned that Hamas instructed them to behead their victims….
During the interrogation, he admitted that they received instructions to carry out the heinous acts they committed, which has led Israel to successfully compare the Gaza rulers to the Islamic State terrorist group, which has become infamous for its atrocities and torture.
“The purpose of entering Israeli territory for free was to kidnap civilians; they want as many hostages as possible,” one of the terrorists revealed during the interrogation. He added, “They promised us that whoever brings a kidnapped person will receive an apartment and $10,000.” The Babylon Bee found room for parody, but I prefer to call it sarcasm. TD :
'I Wouldn't Have Gone Along With The Nazis In 1939,' Says College Student At 'Kill The Jews' Rally | Babylon Bee
. . .Stephens was joined by a number of her fellow students who all agreed that none of them would have allowed the evil Nazi ideology to spread in the years prior to World War II. "What the Nazis did was really awful," said sophomore Allison Davis. "Singling out one ethnic group, blaming them for all the ills of the world, rounding them up, and systematically slaughtering them? How hideous! I could never be a part of that. That's why today I'm standing with those who want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth if it's the last thing they ever do." . . .
Is Meat the Next “Sin” We’ll Be Asked to Atone For? - Maybe sody pop?
"If you’re wondering what the next front of the radical anti-consumer brigade will be, it’s likely going to be a meat tax. The idea has support among animal rights activists (who want to ban meat-eating) and environmentalists (who believe animal agriculture causes global warming)—two large, noisy, and nagging constituencies.
"The Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return, a UK-based activist group, recently pushed out a report that audaciously claims meat causes more greenhouse gas emission than the transport sector, antibiotic resistance, food and water insecurity, and deforestation.
"While all of these claims can be easily debunked, the reliance on “sin” taxes as a means of public policy is becoming a go-to strategy for the anti-consumer crowd. Whether it’s increasing taxes on alcohol, sodas, or bacon, the idea of punishing consumers over a product’s perceived immorality is abhorrent to those who believe grown adults can make decisions for themselves."
Lawmakers Repeal, Reject Soda Taxes "For years the self-anointed “food police” have yearned to use the tax code to influence what Americans eat and drink. They’ve shopped a form of nanny state around to states and localities, arguing that targeted taxes on soda (and sometimes other foods they don’t like) can both raise money for revenue-addicted politicians as well as cause people to eat healthier foods.
Scientific research has cast doubt on the theory that these “sin” taxes on food cause anyone to lose weight. And as these public health nannies have found out, these measures are quite unpopular with the public. Now lawmakers are taking heed.
In Cook County, Illinois, commissioners last week repealed the jurisdiction’s two-month-old soda tax by a whopping 15-to-1 vote. The measure was met with legal challenges and defiance from some consumers, who reportedly driving to Indiana to buy groceries. “It doesn’t matter if you tax tea or sugar,” said one commissioner. “Eventually people say ‘enough is enough.’”
The people also spoke earlier this year in Santa Fe, where 58 percent of voters rejected a soda tax on the ballot. Philadelphia’s soda tax is facing scrutiny in the state legislature, and it has already lost in the court of public opinion. And state lawmakers in Michigan just passed a law forbidding localities from taxing food and soda, recognizing the futility of these measures.
When will the soda taxers learn that Americans don’t want the government managing their shopping lists?
Biden’s Freefall Continues
Lucianne |
Power Line (powerlineblog.com) . . ."Most significant is that much of Biden’s decline has occurred among Democrats—an 11-point drop. Gallup’s explanation is significant, because it attributes the decline to something other than Biden’s age:
Biden’s immediate and decisive show of support for Israel following the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas appears to have turned off some in his own party, resulting in Democrats’ worst assessment of the president since he took office. . . Early this year, Gallup found that for the first time in the U.S., Democrats’ sympathies for the Palestinians outpaced those for the Israelis. Although the survey is not designed to allow for statistically reliable estimates for any subset of the three-week polling period, the daily results strongly suggest that Democrats’ approval of Biden fell sharply in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas and Biden’s promise of full support for Israel on the same day. Biden’s current 75% approval rating among Democrats is well below the 86% average from his own party throughout his presidency.
"How much more evidence do we need that the Democratic Party has a serious anti-Semitism problem?"
To accommodate Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, his staff can leave nothing to chance.
— Marla Hohner (@marlahohner) October 26, 2023
For his staged ‘Australia Press Conference’, Biden was provided with a printed notecard, to let him know which pre-approved reporter to call on, & what they look like. 😣 pic.twitter.com/fupF4bdf57
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/29/23)
The Media Is As Awful As They Are Predictable (townhall.com)
That last bit puts him in the same boat as Hakeem Jeffries, the New York Democrat picked to pretend to be the public face of Democrats in the House while Nancy Pelosi continues to pull the strings behind the scenes. You didn’t really think she “stepped down” from leadership, did you? That wealthy old white lady isn’t about to let a black guy take over her job, not while she still has a breath left in her. She’s spent her life making sure minorities stayed “in their place,” and she’s not about to change now.
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/29/23) (substack.com)
"#10 - 97% of scientists don’t agree on ‘climate crisis.’ (Snip) #8 - Tucker Carlson declares, “The whole George Floyd story was a lie.” #7 - Man gets dragged out of Hillary Clinton rally for asking about Bill Clinton’s trips to Epstein Island. #6 - Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know that statin drugs are impairing brain function. #5 - New research finds heart anomalies within 48 hours after the COVID-19 shot. #4 - Florida Surgeon General drops eye-opening revelations on Biden admin’s booster push. #3 - Swiss banker calls for arrest of Bill Gates and those responsible for “democide.' ”
The George Floyd story, by the way, struck an interesting cord with the British who heard Americans making fun of the Queen's spectacular funeral:
![]() |
Brit, Sophie Corcoran, Goes Viral Defending the Queen Against Vile U.S. Leftists* |
Case in point: "The Whole George Floyd Story Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson (vigilantnews.com) . . ."In other words, George Floyd, according to the official autopsy, was not murdered. He died instead of what we used to call natural causes, which, in his case, would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his final day," Carlson continued - laying out how the initial George Floyd storyline was endorsed and amplified by mainstream media, and ignited nationwide protests, intensive racial discourse, and movements like Black Lives Matter." . . .
Ep. 32 You’ll be shocked to learn this, but it turns out the whole George Floyd story was a lie. pic.twitter.com/4vDXBStHf5
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 20, 2023
A bit of the back story to MS. Corcoran's magnificent comment on George Floyd: *Young Brit Slams U.S. Leftists Mocking Mourning Of Queen: You Mourned George Floyd | The Daily Wire . . ."Corcoran has previously made waves for her staunch support of the state of Israel. In June 2021, she wrote a column for the Jewish Telegraph explaining her support for the Jewish state.
" 'I don’t have to be Jewish and I don’t have to be Israeli to know it is the right thing to do,” she wrote. “Why wouldn’t I support the only democracy in the Middle East’s right to exist?”
"Corcoran’s backing of Israel has subjected her to threats and abuse because “the Instagram culture of woke, poorly informed infographics” prompts ill-informed people to deny the Jewish State’s right to exist, she wrote. But she called on people of all faiths to stand with Israel and not give in to the anti-Semitic mob.
" 'I have been on the receiving end of an astronomical amount of vile abuse, not only online but also in person,” she wrote. “I received many abusive messages on Twitter for defending Israel’s right to exist, including repeatedly being told to kill myself. . ."
Is Hamas enough to wake up the slumbering American people?
Is Hamas enough to wake up the slumbering American people? - American Thinker
Can this Israeli tragedy wake America from our long slumber? Let’s hope so, because if we can see it, we can fix it.
. . ." In America, the tail (leftists) has been wagging the dog (liberals) for two decades. The Democrat party has lost its center, and most liberals just haven’t paid attention as they blindly support what they’d like to believe is the party of their parents, the party of John Kennedy. But it isn’t. It’s the party of Omar, AOC, and Tlaib. The vocal, aggressive, radical minority often dominates the quiet majority, and in American liberal precincts, this is certainly the case." . . .
On Israel, Biden Picks Up Where Obama Left Off (thefederalist.com) . . ."You can hear echoes of Barack Obama’s insufferable moral equivalencies imbued in that statement.
"The contention is a not-so-subtle warning to Israel, who will almost surely enter Gaza and try to dismantle the Hamas terror state — which has been indirectly and directly funded not only by Iran, the European Union, and the United Nations but also by the Obama and Biden administrations.
"The insinuation, of course, is that Israel needs to temper its inclination to engage in “terrorism and nihilism.” It is a blood libel.
"It is not “terrorism” to seek justice for the pregnant woman who had her baby cut from her body or the elderly couple who was burned alive. And eliminating those who committed Nazi-like atrocities against your citizens is no more nihilistic than tracking down Eichmann or demanding Emperor Hirohito unconditionally surrender.
"Yet, only days after the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, Biden was already lecturing Benjamin Netanyahu on how “democracies like Israel and the United States are stronger and more secure when we act according to the rule of law.” The insinuation, again, is that there is something nefarious about winning a war against those who massacre your citizens.
"Israel doesn’t target civilians, as Blinken, busy placating the progressives who now infest Washington and academia, knows well. Many Israeli soldiers have died because the nation avoids civilian casualties – even as Hamas diligently places their weapons and themselves behind women and children."
'From the River to the Sea': A Call to Genocide Heard in America | Opinion (newsweek.com) "Israel and its people are being asked to do something unprecedented in history: commit suicide. Nothing else will satisfy the nation's enemies. The end of the Jewish State and the death of the Jewish people are in the Hamas charter, in Iran's chants, and projected onto the walls of George Washington University in downtown Washington, DC."
Genocide, step one: Shani Louk Beheaded by Hamas, Israel Says (newsweek.com) "This means that these barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head as they attacked, tortured and killed Israelis. It is a great tragedy and I extend my deepest condolences to her family," he continued."
This local crime story deserves national attention, anger, and action
Seth Grossman - American Thinker "Sabir Jones (pictured), a 39-year-old “homeless” man from Newark walked, into the busy Fifth Avenue/53rd Street station in midtown Manhattan around noon on October 18. Without provocation, Jones approached a 26-year-old man getting off an E train. Jones punched him in the face, breaking his jaw. Jones then walked up to an unsuspecting 30-year-old woman who had stepped off an F train. He violently shoved her head into the side of the departing train and she tumbled onto the tracks. Passersby jumped down to get her out before another train arrived. She was rushed to a nearby hospital where she
underwent emergency brain surgery. A “a significant portion” of her skull was removed. Even if she survives, she will never again have a normal life."Jones was quickly identified because he was “known to” police. He was arrested in Newark the following day.
"Last July, Jones punched a random 65-year-old woman twice in the back at another busy station. A few months earlier, Jones was “connected” to an incident involving threats to a business in the Lower East Side. Jones also had two “emotionally disturbed person” incidents there. Last December, Jones was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest when he refused to stop riding between subway cars on a J train in Brooklyn." . . .
Celebrated by sheep-like students who cannot find an original thought: more murdered victims of Hamas.
Elsewhere: 'She died holding her babies in her arms' (msn.com)
The parents of a British-Israeli woman killed in her home by Hamas alongside her two children say they were found "all cuddled together".
Bristol-born Lianne Sharabi, 48, and her two teenage daughters were killed when Hamas stormed their home in Kibbutz Be'eri, Israel, on 7 October.
Gill and Pete Brisley said Lianne was a "devoted mother" who "tried to protect her daughters to the end".
"Lianne was doing what a mother would do - holding her babies in her arms."
Mr and Mrs Brisley spoke to the BBC about their daughter and grandchildren Noiya and Yahel just days after their funeral.
"Our three beautiful girls are no longer with us," Mrs Brisley said." . . .
Kidnapped Festival Goer Shani Louk Beheaded by Hamas: Israeli President (breitbart.com)
. . ."Her family had recognized her in a video circulating on social media showing a half-naked, unconscious woman being paraded by Hamas fighters in the back of a pick-up truck. The woman's face wasn't visible, but Louk's family said they identified her by her leg tattoos.
"Now, Louk's family said that they were informed by Israeli authorities of the 22-year-old's death. While the family didn't specify how or when Louk died, Herzog said the woman was beheaded after the October 7 attack. Newsweek could not verify the legitimacy of the claim.
" 'I am truly sorry to report that we have now received news that Shani Nicole Louk has been confirmed murdered and dead. Her skull was found," Herzog told the German daily newspaper Bild.
" 'This means that these barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head as they attacked, tortured and killed Israelis. It is a great tragedy and I extend my deepest condolences to her family," he continued.
" 'What we saw on the Gaza-Israel border goes far beyond a pogrom. We saw a slaughterhouse. We saw the blood flowing in the streets. We have seen the most horrific tragedies imaginable," he added." . . Her last hours.
WATCH – ‘Our Kids, Our Consent’: California Drag Queen Story Hour Canceled When Parents Protest
From the state giving us Gavin Newsom comes......
Pickle the Drag Queen (breitbart.com) "A children’s event featuring a drag queen was shut down when parents intervened on Wednesday in San Fernando Valley, California. The Post Millennial reported Thursday the drag queen story hour was scheduled to happen at the San Fernando Library with Pickle the Drag Queen, who describes himself on Instagram as the Drag Laureate.Video footage shows Pickle arriving at the venue, wearing a pink outfit and sunglasses. However, he is quickly surrounded by a group of adults:" . . .
The article properly refers to this man as "she".
Drag Queen Shows Up Expecting to See Children, Finds Furious Parents Instead (westernjournal.com) "It's about time.
"Whatever they may tell you, drag is a sexual perversion related to a mental disorder known as transvestic fetishism indulged in by grown men.
"And in a democratic society, they have a right to it -- or any other perversion -- as long as its done among consenting adults.
"But when the government celebrates this adult activity, pushing adult men with problems on young children without any concern for their safety, the only protection they have remains their parents.
"And at least in one city, parents are doing just that.
"On Wednesday, a drag queen who goes by the name "Pickle" was scheduled to host a drag story hour event at San Fernando Public Library, but was prevented from entering the library by scores of angry protesters who blocked his entry, according to KGO-TV.
WARNING: The following social media posts include content that some may consider offensive.
Among the groups protesting was Gays Against Groomers California, an LGBT group that recognizes that drag is an activity unsuitable for kids and that drag activity involving minors is a blatant attempt to sexualize and indoctrinate children.