Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ann Coulter: Next Time, Use FedEx

Human Events "American intelligence operations located Osama by following his trusted couriers, whose names were given up by al-Qaida members during harsh interrogations at CIA black sites under President Bush.
"Yes, the same interrogations endlessly denounced by the entire Democratic Party (save Joe Lieberman), the mainstream media, and an especially indignant Jane Mayer in The New Yorker."
And, I might add, Alan Colmes.
"It's great that we got bin Laden, but if the last Democratic administration had been doing its job, there would have been no Osama bin Laden and no 9/11 attack to begin with.
"Democratic presidents are always too busy feverishly redistributing wealth at home to devote serious attention to our national interests abroad."
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

The Intellectual Dishonesty of Nancy Pelosi

Commentary Magazine  "This devastating then-and-now comparison comes to us courtesy of John Hinderaker of Power Line. It underscores the degree to which partisanship can ravage people’s fair-mindedness and, in the process, make them look like fools and hacks. Such things aren’t uncommon in politics—but what is rare is to see such intellectual dishonesty proven so conclusively."

Massive Intelligence Haul: U.S. Spies Comb Trove of Computer Files Nabbed in bin Laden Raid for Terror Clues.

WSJ   "Putting into action a specially designed Sensitive-Site Exploitation plan, the Navy Seals who conducted the raid carried off five computers, 10 hard drives and more than 100 storage devices, such as DVDs and removable flash drives, U.S. officials said.
"The intelligence find is a jolt to bin Laden's network that could force its terror operatives to move into areas or initiate communications that make them more easily detectable."

OBL not armed  "The legal justifications for shooting bin laden dead come partly from the rules under which the Seals were operating. They were under the authority of the Central Intelligence Agency, which operates under fewer restrictions than the military, which has rules governing when troops can use deadly force. Even under the military's rules, the killing was legally justified as long as bin Laden wasn't attempting to surrender.
"Scott Silliman, an expert on national security law at Duke Law School, said there was no question the shooting was legally justified. "
Left-leaning sources will begin demagoguing this in

Neal boortz on THE PHOTO  "Muslims hung charred bodies of Americans from a bridge in Iraq and took pictures. Muslims videotaped the beheading of Americans. Muslims danced in the streets and celebrated around the world when the towers of the World Trade Center fell. So now concern over Muslim sensibilities are delaying a release of pictures of the dead Osama bin Laden?"
Dead Americans at Fallujah