Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pat Condell on the Religion of Peace

This should put Pat Condell on somebody's list

So who is Pat Condell?
Patrick "Pat" Condell (born 1949 or 1950)[2] is a writer, comedian and YouTube personality. He performed alternative comedy shows during the 1980s and 1990s in the United Kingdom, and won a Time Out Comedy Award in 1991. He was also a regular panellist on BBC Radio 1's "Loose Talk"."

See also: Park51
"Condell has been resolute and outspoken in his opposition to the development of Park51, near the site of 11 September 2001 World Trade Center attack, in lower Manhattan. On 4 June 2010, he released a video titled "No Mosque at Ground Zero", in which he said that it was representative of Islamic triumphalism and that the United States would soon be on the verge of Islamization and have its freedoms trimmed, as Europe has.[57] The video has attracted 6 million views since it was uploaded. Speaking on why he believes the Mosque is offensive, Pat Condell stated:
"To describe it as they have as a tribute to the victims is beyond bad taste, and shows a profound contempt for those who died. It would be hard to find a more provocative gesture short of standing on their graves and burning the American flag. Yet how typical of Islam, with its own hair trigger sensitivity to the slightest imagined insult, to
do something so arrogant and insensitive."

"Additionally, Condell cast some doubt over the funding of the community centre, and claimed that Islam would have been banned in the civilised world if it wasn't for the fact it was a religion. He compared the system of Sharia and the Muslims who endorse it to Nazi Germany." . . .

Hillary greeted her protectors with a curse


"One fine morning in Washington D.C., a secret service agent walked in to the room Hillary Clinton was in.
“'Good morning, ma’am, “ the agent said, cheerfully.
“' Fuck off,” she replied.
"How delightful.

"Agents have described Hillary as a “nightmare” and “nasty” in the book by Ronald Kessler.
In “The First Family Detail,” Kessler takes a captivating look at the people who protect America’s President and First Family.

“ 'When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler explains. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident.”
Some other details from Kessler’s book:
  •  “Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”
  • “Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House,” one former agent remembers. “She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.”
  • Former agent Jeff Crane says, “Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps.”
  • Another former member of her detail recollects, “Hillary never talked to us . . . Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that.”
  • “We spent years with her,” yet another Secret Service agent notes. “She never said thank you.”
"What a delightful woman."

Secret Service agents view Hillary as 'worst duty assignment' and 'consider being assigned to her detail a form of punishment'

Kessler's book also reveals how Mrs Clinton allegedly didn't like the attire military aides wore around the White House. She reportedly asked if they would wear business suits instead of their uniforms

And she didn't like the uniformed Secret Service either.

'She asked if they would wear business suits instead. 
' 'The uniform's a sign of pride, and they're proud to wear their uniform. 
' 'I know that the military was actually really offended by it.' 
 '' 'Another Secret Service agent shared with Kessler that Mrs Clinton was never polite to the agents.
' 'We spent years with her,' the Secret Service agent said to the author. 'She never said th" ank you.'
    'In another instance, a separate former Secret Service agent told Kessler that, 'if Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions.'

" 'She asked if they would wear business suits instead. 
'" The uniform's a sign of pride, and they're proud to wear their uniform. 
" 'I know that the military was actually really offended by it.' 
Another Secret Service agent shared with Kessler that Mrs Clinton was never polite to the agents.
" 'We spent years with her,' the Secret Service agent said to the auther. 'She never said thank you.'
"In another instance, a separate former Secret Service agent told Kessler that, 'if Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions.' . . .

Look who is applying for the job as Secretary of Education

Obama and his Gun Control priorities

County Sheriff & Residents Speak Out About Gun Control After UCC Massacre


"The rhetoric from the left, after one of our communities suffers a tragedy at the hands of a madman with a gun, has become so predictable that it’s sickening. We hear the same worn out calls for “common sense” gun laws every time there is a mass shooting, even though their demands are anything but sensible. The Douglas County Sheriff, as well as several residents of Roseburg, are boldly speaking out about gun control and the role it played in the Umpqua Community College massacre on Thursday.

"Douglas County, Oregon Sheriff John Hanlin has a history of fighting against stricter gun control measures in his community, and according to Breitbart News, he said that the UCC massacre has not changed his mind.
. . .
"It seems that Sheriff Hanlin isn’t the only resident of Douglas County who feels that way. Several others have spoken out as well with their opinions that, had students on the UCC campus been allowed to carry their firearms, the situation may have played out very differently. Some people believe that with a known presence of personal weapons, the college wouldn’t have been chosen as the venue for the massacre to begin with." . . .

Obama's Politicized Indignation   "America is still waiting for President Obama to share his insights on Kate Steinle. Kate is the woman murdered by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an illegal felon who, after being deported seven times, managed to find his way back to San Francisco where he shot the 32-year-old in the back with a stolen gun.
To date: “No comment.”

"Conversely, much as he does whenever there is a mass shooting, Obama nearly tripped over his wingtips sprinting to the podium to blame Second Amendment advocates and the Republican-controlled Congress for the mass shooting on a community college campus in Roseburg, Oregon.

"Yet every day, 4,000 babies expire in abortion clinics and dozens of people die at the hands of inner city thugs and illegal immigrant criminals, none of which the president responds to with grief or concern." . . .Jeannie DeAngelis

Can anti-Christian bigotry be embedded in our culture now?

Consider the movies and dramas that make Christians the bad guys. Even after 9-11, a Law and Order episode made a Christian group a terrorist training school for kids: Angelgrove .
. . . "But the probe leads the detectives to the victim's troubled son and his ties to a fanatic religious group. " Having seen this drama, I recall Jack McCoy's final words were approximately, "They have their fanatics and we have ours". The line posited a moral equivalence of Muslims and Christians

Quotes from this drama:
Pastor Hensley (Shaun Astin): What do we say to blasphemers who pollute the Kingdom of God?

Jack McCoy: My God, it's a school for fanatics.
Michael Cutter: And one that isn't in the Middle East.

"Repent! Repent and be saved!" – Billy Boone

"The reports are multiplying — the gunman who killed ten people in Roseburg, Ore., yesterday did, in fact, target Christians during his shooting spree. The brother of victim Autumn Vicari told NBC News that the shooter told his victims to stand and asked them whether they were Christians. If they said “yes,” he shot them in the head. “If they said ‘other’ or didn’t answer, they were shot elsewhere in the body, usually the leg.” A similar report came from student Kortney Moore, who was on the scene.

" With Christians explicitly targeted for mass murder, are we now going to launch a round of anguished soul-searching about anti-Christian rhetoric? Will we cleanse political discourse of anti-Christian expression? Will militant, angry atheists be universally shamed into silence?" . . .

"But if the gunman had asked Muslims to stand before shooting them, what would the conversation look like today? After all, we’re still talking about the brief detention of a young Muslim student who made a clock look like a bomb. Will we talk about anti-Christian bigotry after Roseburg as much as we discussed “Islamophobia” after Ahmed? I doubt it." . . .

Weasel of the Week. (Nominees posted before the UCC shooting)

Nice Deb  "It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…"

. . . "My nominee for Weasel of the Week are the boneheads in the production department at WGN-TV, Chicago who chose for last week’s news story on Yom Kippur that horrible image of the yellow Star of David that Nazis forced Jews to wear during the Holocaust.

"According to the first news report I saw, once an editor pointed the offense of using the illustration, WGN-TV immediate issued an apology on social media. However, according to the, WGN, stated that “the image came from its image bank, and they ‘failed to recognise that the image was an offensive Nazi symbol.’”

" 'The next day, WGN issued an on-air apology, “Last night we ran a story to recognize Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. Regrettably, we failed to recognize that the artwork we chose to accompany the story contained an offensive symbol. This was an unfortunate mistake. Ignorance is not an excuse.' ” . . .

Why is Obama not called to account for the "common-sense" gun laws in his home town?

The awful truth about Obama's hometown that he and the media ignore in gun discussion
"Why has no one asked President Obama what “common sense” gun control measures in addition to those already at work in Chicago he would like to see? Why has no one asked him about the disparity in his concern over a handful of white victims in Oregon versus his complete ignoring of hundreds of black murder victims in his hometown?

"Chicago, the town Obama adopted as his own and where his mansion still sits, puts the lie to the vague gun control nostrums he is selling.

"A highly amusing site called (“Illustrating Chicago Values”) graphically illustrates the ongoing carnage with grim wit. The fact that President Obama has never been called to account for his chosen hometown’s disastrous record in the face of some of the harshest gun control laws in the nation speaks volumes about media bias.

"Here are some of the highlights of the page:"

So much for "Black Lives Matter".

More graphs like this at the link.

The ideology of the Roseburg shooter. Open it yourself if you must; I'm not

Illegal immigrants could elect Hillary

"How noncitizens decrease Republican chances of winning the White House next year."



"Illegal immigrants—along with other noncitizens without the right to vote—may pick the 2016 presidential winner. Thanks to the unique math undergirding the Electoral College, the mere presence of 11-12 million illegal immigrants and other noncitizens here legally may enable them to swing the election from Republicans to Democrats.

"The right to vote is intended to be a singular privilege of citizenship. But the 1787 Constitutional Convention rejected allowing the people to directly elect their President. The delegates chose instead our Electoral College system, under which 538 electoral votes distributed amongst the states determine the presidential victor. The Electoral College awards one elector for each U.S. Senator, thus 100 of the total, and D.C. gets three electors pursuant to the 23rd Amendment. Those electoral numbers are unaffected by the size of the noncitizen population. The same cannot be said for the remaining 435, more than 80 percent of the total, which represent the members elected to the House. " . . .

"The distribution of these 435 seats is not static: they are reapportioned every ten years to reflect the population changes found in the census. That reallocation math is based on the relative “whole number of persons in each state,” as the formulation in the 14th Amendment has it. When this language was inserted into the U.S. Constitution, the concept of an “illegal immigrant,” as the term is defined today, had no meaning. Thus the census counts illegal immigrants and other noncitizens equally with citizens. " . . .