Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Assange says a 14-year-old could have hacked Democratic emails as he reveals John Podesta’s password was 'password'

Weasel Zippers


Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said a 14-year-old could have hacked into the emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.
John Podesta’s emails were made public by the whistleblowing website and proved to be a hammer blow to the Democrat’s election campaign as she lost out to Trump.
In an interview, Assange revealed the campaign chairman’s password was ‘password’ and that he had responded to phishing emails.
The Wikileaks founder said he was 1,000 percent confident the Russians did not hack the Clinton campaign, adding Barack Obama was ‘trying to delegitimize the Trump administration’.

A Victory for Law in Israel

Max Boot


"The Palestinian Authority, the “moderate” alternative to Hamas, has become notorious for celebrating terrorism against Israel.
"A recent example occurred on October 9, when, as CAMERA reports, a “Palestinian terrorist named Musabh Abu Sbeih murdered two Israelis, a 60-year-old grandmother, Levana Malihi and a 30-year-old police officer, Yosef Kirma, in a shooting rampage in Jerusalem.” Sbeih, who wounded five others before he was killed by police, was hailed by Fatah, the dominant political party in the Palestinian Authority, as a “shahid,” or martyr. It was not long before Fatah published a celebratory cartoon “depicting a hand waving a machine gun from the top of the Dome of the Rock.” In the cartoon’s corner was “a pool of blood and two helmets with Stars of David, symbolizing two murdered Israelis.”
"It is this mindset, rather than, as Secretary of State John Kerry and the United Nations seem to imagine, Israeli settlements in the West Bank that prevent the conclusion of peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Granted, Israelis are sometimes guilty of brutality against Palestinians as well. The difference is that Israel is a rule-of-law country where those who commit human-rights violations against Palestinians, of the kind that are inevitable in all struggles against terrorism, have a good chance of being tried and convicted." . . .

Actors get super-secret training on how to bash Trump

. . . . Remember “After the election, Hollywood continued to show what little sway it has on the public at large as well while showing how hallow their promises are. At last check, the celebrities who vowed to leave the country if Trump won – Lena Dunham, Bryan Cranston, Samuel L. Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler and Whoopi Goldberg, among many others, have not left the country as promised." . . .


Donald Trump

"Hollywood celebrities never really have had trouble telling the nation what they want to happen.
"They told voters to vote for Hillary Clinton before the election, and when she lost, a team of mostly B- or C-list names insisted they wanted at least 37 Republican electors to be turncoats to their party and vote for someone other than Donald Trump.
"Their failed effort, had it succeeded, would have accomplished nothing anyway, since the election, if Trump had not gotten the 270 Electoral College votes needed, would have ended up before the Republican-dominated U.S. House of Representatives where he and Hillary Clinton would have been the only candidates.
"Even names that at one time were big, like Cher, got into the act, with her threat to “leave the planet” if Trump won. Cher, a septuagenarian who is actually is a month older than Trump, failed to keep her promise.
"But now there’s a new move afoot.
"A clandestine strategy by union officials to train actors to be more effective in protesting Trump.
"According to an email, obtained by WND, from Actors Equity, the group is planning secret training sessions across the country for its members.
“ 'The training is open to Equity members in-good-standing only, and we ask that you not publicly post the announcement of these trainings,” the union instructed." . . .
They don't need training; it just comes naturally. Remember this hatchet job TV did on the TEA Party?  "Law & Order": another TV show that sucker-punches half the American population 
The Tunnel Dweller wrote:
"We began watching a 2009 episode of "Law and Order" entitled "Fed" last night and I had to shut it off at the start. We saw people like ourselves - TEA partiers, portrayed as rifle-toting, hateful bigots. Only Hollywood is capable of inspiring dislike and outrage by the simple means of the skillful acting of those who portray people like you and me as despicable and violent. They give us the same treatment they give to pharmaceutical  and insurance companies.May God bless all courageous conservatives in our country trying to stem the socialist tide sweeping America because the left has such massive force to bring against them. And the propaganda is being spoon-fed to the American public. How do we stand a chance?

They Clapped while They Took Away Jerusalem from the Jews

Image result for photos obama disrespects netanyahu

Rabbi Aryeh Spero  "Normally, when the U.N. Security Council passes a resolution, a vote is taken and the result recorded. Period.  Something very unusual happened after the Security Council voted to declare Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria as Arab/Islamic land. The representatives of the nations applauded and celebrated what they had just done by giving themselves a standing ovation. They clapped not so much in behalf of what they gave to “Palestinians” but more so in declaring the Jewish tie to the Old City of Jerusalem as illegitimate and Israel’s attachment to the Temple Mount and Judea and Samaria as illegal. It was a celebration by too many of the nations of the world against the history of the Jewish People and their Covenant to the Holy Land. It was an act of anti-Semitism.

"There are over 200 wars currently on the world stage, as well as millions of suffering refugees and people under severe and calculated oppression. The solutions to these conflicts and the suffering of these millions are daily overlooked by the U.N. and the world’s nations. The “Palestinians” are not being tortured and live better than their Arab counterparts elsewhere. And there is a legitimate question whether they even constitute a nation. Yet their complaint reaches center stage as if the tranquility of the entire world depends upon their satisfaction." . . .

Don't blow it, Mr. Trump; the intelligence community can make a president or break him.

bully pulpit

Trump Questions Legitimacy Of Russia Hacking Probe  "Donald Trump on Tuesday cast doubt on the intelligence community’s claims that the Russian government was involved in cyber attacks against Democrats during the presidential campaign. 
"Trump also announced, via Twitter, that an intelligence briefing he was set to receive in the early part of the week has been delayed until Friday." . . .

The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!

Chuck Schumer tells the intel community to sic 'em.
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer suggested Tuesday night that U.S. intelligence agencies could “get back at” President-elect Donald Trump after he questioned the legitimacy of the intelligence community’s probe into Russian involvement in the hacking of Democratic party officials." . . .

We like to think there is wisdom and reasoning behind Trump's actions, but I fear this will become a millstone about the neck of his presidency.
So far I do not think Kellyanne Conway has been able to pull Trump out of this ditch:
President-elect Donald Trump’s inexplicable insistence on denying the unanimous conclusion of the intelligence community regarding Russian interference with our election forces his surrogates into fits of incoherence. Kellyanne Conway tried to worm out of his declaration that her boss knows “things that other people don’t know.”
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Could Trump be right?  "President-elect Donald Trump expressed skepticism over reports that Russia hacked the U.S. election. It is well-known that Russia -- and China, and various of our friends and allies -- spend a lot of time and effort trying to access American military and industrial secrets, as the U.S. does theirs. But in the case of altering the election, Trump’s skepticism appears warranted.

"How did we get here?" . . .