Saturday, January 18, 2014

Women Fail to Achieve Male Marines’ Lowest Standard

Western Journalism

Advocates for women in combat have mouthed the words: If women can make the standards, they should be able to serve in the combat units and Special Forces.  If they are telling the truth, why don’t they insist women be tested on the men’s unaltered standards?  Three pull-ups is the bare minimum; it would put a man at the bottom of his unit.  Women get 100% for eight pull-ups where men have to do twenty for 100%.  Is that equality?

Biden Still Wrong on Afghanistan

Max Boot   “ 'I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”  –Bob Gates on Joe Biden
"Biden is obviously determined to maintain his perfect batting average, to judge from this Wall Street Journal article, which reports: “Vice President Joe Biden has resumed a push to withdraw virtually all U.S. troops from Afghanistan at year’s end, arguing for a far-smaller presence than many military officers would like to see, said officials briefed on the discussions.' ”....

.... "But if all goes well with Afghanistan’s election, Karzai won’t be president much longer. The U.S. would be crazy to hold hostage our long-term policy in Afghanistan and the region to his whims–or to Biden’s misguided policy prescriptions." ...

Charles Krauthammer: How in good conscience?

Charles Krauthammer   "By early 2011, writes former defense secretary Robert Gates, he had concluded that President Obama “doesn’t believe in his own [Afghanistan] strategy, and doesn’t consider the war to be his.”

"Not his? America is at war and he’s America’s commander in chief. For the soldier being shot at in the field, it makes no difference under whose administration the fighting began. In fact, three out of four Americans killed in Afghanistan have died under Barack Obama’s command. That’s ownership enough." ....

Mr. Krauthammer could always see it; in the above article he refers us to this column he wrote back in 2009:
 ... Which made his last-minute assertion of "resolve unwavering" so hollow. It was meant to be stirring. It fell flat.
Back to Mr. Krauthammer's original piece in which he points out the political hackery of this president:

... "Even worse, Obama ordered a major escalation, expending much blood but not an ounce of his own political capital. Over the next four years, notes Gates with chagrin, Obama ignored the obligation of any commander to explain, support and try to rally the nation to the cause.

"And when he finally terminated the surge, he did so in the middle of the 2012 fighting season. Militarily incoherent — but politically convenient. It allowed Obama to campaign for reelection proclaiming that “the tide of war is receding.' ”
It is said that a nation gets the leaders it deserves. Let us give thanks to Obama voters who gave our nation and Western Civilization this mediocre socialist for our president.

Benghazi: Hillary, Obama and the Press

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
'Core Al Qaeda' nonsense: The Big Mac problem  ... "But now it is acknowledged by the Senate Intelligence Committee (chaired by Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-CA) that the attack was preventable because warnings of AQ terror cells in Benghazi were offered to Hillary Clinton's State Department and ignored:"....
But here is something the left will buy:
... "So a new fiction has been invented: that the groups operating in Libya were not "core Al Qaeda.""
But not Steve Hayes and Thomas Joscelyn. They call this ..."a reprehensible evasion." That they say "explains why the United States has failed to bring the Benghazi perpetrators to justice. But it in no way excuses that failure."

I call it more cowardice from an administration that turns against America's allies, cowers before our enemies, and viciously condemns entire classes of American citizens. Anyway, back to the article:

The Real Scandal  ... "A new report on the attacks from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, along with more than 400 pages of newly declassified congressional testimony from senior military officials, provides fresh insight. The explanation for this failure—a lack of will, combined with a shameless mischaracterization of intelligence—is almost as outrageous as the failure itself."