Western Journalism

Advocates for women in combat have mouthed the words: If women can make the standards, they should be able to serve in the combat units and Special Forces. If they are telling the truth, why don’t they insist women be tested on the men’s unaltered standards? Three pull-ups is the bare minimum; it would put a man at the bottom of his unit. Women get 100% for eight pull-ups where men have to do twenty for 100%. Is that equality?
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/women-fail-achieve-male-marines-lowest-standard/#6pG3VejIavFRbxCj.99
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/women-fail-achieve-male-marines-lowest-standard/#6pG3VejIavFRbxCj.99