Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Texas Ron Paul supporter runs a newspaper ad seeking women who have slept with Rick Perry

Salon  "CASH is the Committee Against Sexual Hypocrisy, of which Morrow is president. "Is it a real group? No. It's just me," he told Salon earlier this week. Here is the ad, which the paper confirmed is running today..."

What sort of people does Ron Paul attract, anyway?  If he gets elected and has opposition, is this what those who disagree with him can expect?  Opposing Obama gets you called a racist; this appears to be what we can expect for opposing Ron Paul.

A Google search turned up a page full of anti-Perry sites. When searching for info on Robert Morrow, I had to dig pretty deep to find even this:
Can you imagine the outcry if someone ran this ad about any Democrat candidate?   "It’s nice to see that the Paulians are staying civil like always. Perry must have everyone scared. I’m not a big Perry supporter, but between the White House and the Paulians, I’m beginning to lean that way."

Consider the source  "Having political differences with a candidate is one thing, but taking out an advertisement in search of past sexual encounters is, well, an entirely different beast. Aside from the embarrassment this ad will likely cause, there is a good chance — as there always is when public figures are at the center of controversies like this — that individuals with no true ties to Perry will come forward with wild allegations.
"Of course, this isn’t the first time Morrow has been engaged in wild attack campaigns. As Elliot reports, he paid for and personally voiced a robocall in South Carolina back in 2008. Intended to defame Hillary Clinton, the message claimed that “Hillary knew about and helped cover up Bill’s rape of Juanita Broderick.”"     
Hear the robocall: 


Is there a theme here?

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
One column about editorial cartoonints I read a number of years back told of one sign a current president was losing respect with the cartoonists: they began to draw him smaller in stature relative to his surroundings.
 Lets see.  TD

Headlines we knew we would be seeing

S and P downgrades U.S. credit rating for first time. OK, we knew about that, but didn't you just know this next one was coming from the Obama Administration:

Justice Department Reportedly Investigating Standard and Poor's   The investigation began before Standard and Poor's cut the United States' AAA credit rating this month, but it's likely to add to the political firestorm created by the downgrade, the newspaper said. Some government officials have since questioned the agency's secretive process, its credibility and the competence of its analysts, claiming to have found an error in its debt calculations."
This will be a shot across the bow of anyone else who may consider rating the US poorly, deservedly or not.

9-11; Never Quit

Heritage  "Ten years later, Osama bin Laden is dead, delivering to victims’ families and the rest of America a bit of justice for the heinous acts we all witnessed. But one terrorist’s death does not justify returning to the national security mindset that existed prior to that day.
"As Thomas Paine said, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” "
"Please continue to check in with us here on The Foundry, at and on Facebook and Twitter over the next four weeks. On Twitter, send us pictures of your flag flying by using the hashtag #Flag911 in your tweet to offer your own remembrances and encourage others to join with us."

The Spending Threat to Our National Defense   "Consider it a warning from the highest levels of the U.S. government. Yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta held a joint press event in Washington in which they cautioned that U.S. debt is jeopardizing America’s ability to ensure national security and preserve its interests abroad.

Bolton: Debt-Ceiling Negotiations Leaving Defense Budget in Grave Jeopardy  Defense has already taken hugely disproportionate cuts under President Obama, and there is simply no basis for expanding those cuts further. Republican negotiators must hold the line, since the Obama Administration plainly will not. John R. Bolton, July 31, 2011

Max Boot warned of this back on Jan 17: A Farewell to Arms  "But now we learn from Secretary of Defense Robert Gates that the force is going to shrink again. Last week he announced that, starting in 2015, the Army is going to lose 27,000 soldiers on top of an already planned cut of 22,000. That will bring the Army’s active duty strength down to 517,000—still larger than it was in 2001 but far smaller than it was in 1991, and not big enough to meet all of the contingencies for which it must prepare. The Marine Corps will lose 15,000 to 20,000 personnel. So our ground combat forces—the most heavily deployed forces since the end of the Cold War—will be deprived of 70,000 troopers or almost 10 percent of their strength."

Great money-raiser!

This man is in charge of the US economy