Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Please, Mitt; don't campaign like John McCain!

Althouse  "Romney phrase sets off a lefty feeding frenzy.
"Of course, this is completely silly. The full context is:
I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.
"The ideologues are embarrassing themselves by trying to turn this into a statement that he doesn't care about or empathize with the very poor."

Romney Could Defend What He Said… But He Probably Won’t "But is there any reason to think Romney will say any of this? I noted a few days ago, “Avik Roy defends the work of Bain ten times better than the candidate himself. Romney’s entire argument against Gingrich’s work at Freddie Mac was based on the work of Tim Carney. Every day, I see better, more compelling arguments for Romney from outside the campaign from within the campaign.”

"This doesn’t have to be a negative-perception-reinforcing, “I-voted-for-it-before-I-voted-against-it” gaffe. But who believes that the Romney campaign has what it takes to turn the narrative around?"
Oh, please; not another George Bush or John McCain!

Shame on you, Juan  
Juan Williams Accuses GOP Candidates of Veiled Racism   "It does seem a touch odd that Williams would be so quick to conclude that Republican candidates were masking bigotry, given that he was (unfairly) crucified on a similar altar last year. He, as much as anyone, should understand the cheap way such accusations are thrown around in the modern political climate. Still, that Republicans are racists is an article of faith for the Left; perhaps Williams has seen a chance to rehabilitate himself in the media’s eyes and taken it with both hands?"

The Racial Hypocrisy of Juan Williams, Jeffrey Goldberg, and the Liberal Media  "It might surprise Williams and Goldberg, but Republicans who advocate self-reliance among black Americans actually believe they are fighting racism. The essence of anti-black racism is the belief that blacks are inherently inferior. And in conservative eyes, many of the failed policies of the social welfare state accept black inferiority as given. Therefore, Republicans believe, to oppose these policies is actually to oppose racism."

Juan Williams Finds Racism in Candidates' (and Others'?) Use of 'Constitution' and 'Founding Fathers'  "This afternoon, Jim Taranto at the Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web noted another potential target of Williams's ire:

 Accusing someone of not respecting "the 'Constitution' " is a racial code word? If that were true, the American Civil Liberties Union would be the biggest racist organization around.
"Indeed. When are we going to hear from you, Juan, about the ACLU's obvious and pervasive racism?"
Boortz: Code words on the campaign trail  "Juan Williams has graced us with a list of code words … these are words that when you hear candidates, particularly Republican candidates, utter these words, they are really just euphemisms for raaaaaacist language.  So here, for your displeasure, is a list of the racist code words:"...