Althouse "Romney phrase sets off a lefty feeding frenzy.
"Of course, this is completely silly. The full context is:
Romney Could Defend What He Said… But He Probably Won’t "But is there any reason to think Romney will say any of this? I noted a few days ago, “Avik Roy defends the work of Bain ten times better than the candidate himself. Romney’s entire argument against Gingrich’s work at Freddie Mac was based on the work of Tim Carney. Every day, I see better, more compelling arguments for Romney from outside the campaign from within the campaign.”
"Of course, this is completely silly. The full context is:
I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."The ideologues are embarrassing themselves by trying to turn this into a statement that he doesn't care about or empathize with the very poor."
Romney Could Defend What He Said… But He Probably Won’t "But is there any reason to think Romney will say any of this? I noted a few days ago, “Avik Roy defends the work of Bain ten times better than the candidate himself. Romney’s entire argument against Gingrich’s work at Freddie Mac was based on the work of Tim Carney. Every day, I see better, more compelling arguments for Romney from outside the campaign from within the campaign.”
"This doesn’t have to be a negative-perception-reinforcing, “I-voted-for-it-before-I-voted-against-it” gaffe. But who believes that the Romney campaign has what it takes to turn the narrative around?"
Oh, please; not another George Bush or John McCain!