Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Was Joe Biden ever competent? -

  American Thinker   "Joe Biden was never smart.

"When I interned in Congress for two summers many years ago, other congressional members openly referred to him as one of the dumbest men on Capitol Hill.  Staffers and interns, including ones who worked for Democrats, made fun of him. 

"Old age and dementia have done this dull man no favors.  That was apparent over the weekend when Biden, stupidly even for him, went off script and called for regime change in Russia.  It also was apparent a few months ago, when Biden may have precipitated the war by, according to President Zelensky's account of their phone call, encouraging Ukraine to apply for membership in NATO.  Biden then later suggested that the response from Western allies to any offensive moves by Russian troops massing at Ukraine's border might be more muted if Russia were to carry out a "minor incursion" into Ukrainian territory. 

"Elsewhere, Biden has shown the same kind of incompetence on forging another nuclear deal with Iran.

Added by TD

"It is really quite pathetic to see the same pro-Israel individuals and organizations who supported Biden over Trump raising the alarm on the administration's weak Iran nuclear negotiations.  This was all so predictable for those of us who could see past Trump's "mean tweets" and were instead focused on supporting his administration's policies, which brought unprecedented peace and prosperity. 

"Instead of mean tweets, we have an incompetent administration that has brought the very opposite of peace, along with high inflation through its reckless spending policies.  With all of the giveaways to Iran, the administration might as well include the development of Iran's nuclear capability in its "infrastructure" project and funding.

"I wonder whether, when in a few years Iran is aiming its nuclear weapons directly at Israel and the Gulf States (and perhaps Berlin and Paris, too), those moderates and independents who tipped the election to Biden will continue to congratulate themselves on being "on the right side of history" by voting against Trump.

"Once the Republicans take back Congress in the midterms, I would be in favor of impeaching Biden on the grounds that he is dumb and incompetent except for the inconvenient fact that his vice president is even more so.  That's one of the reasons he picked her.  Sadly."

Josh Kantrow is a cyber-security lawyer who lives in Chicago.

The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left

 Victor Davis Hanson

When ideologues demand power but cannot achieve it politically because they are cruel ideologues, expect more of their insanity to follow.

. . ."Normally, the mad Left would not object terribly to the ensuing fuel price hikes. Remember, Joe Biden bragged on the campaign trail that he would end fossil fuels during his tenure. 

"Obama’s soon-to-be Energy Secretary Steven Chu said during the 2008 campaign he wished to see American gas prices match those in Europe (i.e. $9-10 a gallon). And then President Obama himself did not disagree. He meekly added that such increases should be “gradual.” He had also warned that his cap-and-trade initiatives would necessarily “skyrocket” electricity prices—without suggesting that his off-guard brag was even a gaffe of unexpectedly telling the truth. 

"So green orthodoxy dictates that the highest possible fossil fuel prices are good. Unaffordability will hasten the end of gas and oil, ensuring currently subsidized but uneconomical green energy as the only remaining alternative. 

"But like most leftist top-down agendas, the details and consequences are usually hidden. After all, green wokeism usually exempts the lifestyles of its elite advocates. The Obamas currently are building a most un-green luxury Hawaiian beach mansion (their third such estate). And Al “Earth in the Balance” Gore got rich selling his failed cable outlet to a carbon-fueled Al Jazeera. 

"Nonetheless exorbitant gas and heating prices are toxic politically to the middle class. Worse yet for the Left, we are currently in a Biden-created inflationary spiral, in the middle of a savage Ukrainian war, and facing a catastrophic Democratic wipeout in the upcoming November midterms. 

The result of green theory meeting cruel reality is sheer madness. As a good green, Joe Biden in one of his first acts sought to cancel the critical EastMed pipeline that is planned to feed over 10 billion cubic meters per year of natural gas into southern Europe. That clean burning fuel would enhance the suppliers, our allies Greece, Cyprus, and Israel. 

"Yet Biden also dropped all sanctions against the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 pipeline, enriching Vladimir Putin with profits from global exports. Biden talked a good game, Corn Pop-style, to Putin—but acted in ways throughout 2021 that would appease Russia until it subsequently invaded Ukraine. 

"What other than sheer madness is the logic of helping enemies like Putin and hurting our Mediterranean allies? ". . .

Lori Lightfoot has secret detail of 70 cops protecting her as crime in Chicago spirals

  Daily Mail Online

"One-time Defund the Police advocate Mayor Lori Lightfoot has a secret group of Chicago cops known as Unit 544 protecting her alongside her bodyguards, it has been revealed.

"The unit of 65 officers, five sergeants and a lieutenant are provide round-the-clock protection for the city’s mayor, together with her bodyguard detail of about 20 men, The Chicago Sun Times has revealed, citing city records.

"The revelation comes as crime in the Windy City has surged to frightening new rates not seen in half a decade, and after Lightfoot proposed slashing a whopping $80 million from the Chicago Police Department budget in 2020 during the Defund the Police protests.

"The proposal was later scaled back and 3.33 percent of the budget – or $59 million – was cut. 

"It also comes amid news 660 cops retired in 2021 - almost twice as many as in 2018. The mass retirements came in the same year Lightfoot announced a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for city employees.

"Lightfoot, 59, has since denounced the movement and in December pleaded with Attorney General Merrick Garland to send Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents to the city for six months after the city saw its murder rate jump to a 25-year high.". . .

The Office of “What He Meant to Say”

The Office of “What He Meant to Say” - PatriotRetort.com  "The White House Office of “What He Meant to Say” must be the busiest office in the Biden White House.

"Every time that broken-down old codger speaks in public, the Office of “What He Meant to Say” is placed on stand-by waiting to rush in like janitors to mop up the messes old Joe makes every time he opens his mouth.

"This has been the case since Joe was sworn in.

"But right now, with Europe on the brink of World War Three, Joe’s reckless ad-libs have become a threat to national security.

"A month before Russia invaded Ukraine, Joe landed himself in it by saying in a January 19 press conference:

“And so, I think what you’re going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades.  And it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, et cetera.”

"The Office of “What He Meant to Say” leaped into action, explaining what Biden meant to say by his “minor incursion” remark, clarifying that any move into Ukraine would be met with “a swift, severe, and united response.”

"And while that “minor incursion” blunder was bad, it’s nothing compared to the series of blunders he made this past week in Europe.

"In the course of just two days, Joe made three highly volatile comments that had to be “clarified” by the janitors from the Office of “What He Meant to Say.”

"During his press conference in Brussels on Thursday, ABC News White House correspondent Cecilia Vega asked the president if Russia using chemical weapons in Ukraine would “trigger a military response from NATO.”. . .

BBC Corrects Article Calling Women ‘Assigned Female at Birth’ Instead of ‘Women’

 BBC Corrects Article Calling Women 'Assigned Female at Birth' (breitbart.com)

Comment to this post:  this is proof of how stupid democrats are , this is simple just look at the crouch and see which parts they have ! a penis is a man and a vagina is a woman . if you can see a sexual personality in a baby then you probabaly should be in a secure mental healthcare facility with high fences .

. . ."In an article on endometriosis, the publicly-funded British broadcaster had said the condition “affects one in 10 people of any age in the UK, who are assigned female at birth” — i.e. women who are born as biological females — in an apparent effort to accommodate transgender ideologues.

“ 'Dear @BBCNews, sex is not ‘assigned at birth’,” complained feminist author Milli Hill on social media after the article’s publication, prompting a large number of complaints.

"The broadcaster has since edited the article to say that endometriosis is “a condition that affects one in 10 women of any age in the UK” and added a decidedly less than clear editor’s note claiming that the “article has been amended to make it more clear for audiences.”

"Critical observers will note that this falls far short of an apology for its assertion that biological women are merely “assigned female at birth” — and even gives the appearance of patronising an audience unable to understand its woke language.". . .

Related: Lia Thomas Confused As To Why Teammates Keep Asking Her To Open Pickle Jars | The Babylon Bee   

"PHILADELPHIA, PA—Champion swimmer Lia Thomas (she/her) is constantly being asked by her teammates to open pickle jars, and it's reportedly causing a great deal of confusion. Thomas reports she has never been more distracted.

" 'I'm a teeny-tiny woman," said Thomas while effortlessly opening a pickle jar. "I don't know why they keep asking me to open these things. It's not like I'm biologically predisposed to being stronger."

" 'Lia, darling, can you open this jar of Vlasic for me?" asked teammate Annabelle Humphrey. "They say it's the tastiest pickle you've ever had and I've just gotta' know!"

"Thomas has reportedly been confused, not only by the fact a weak and timid woman keeps having to open pickle jars but also by her team's sudden obsession with pickles.". . .

Will Smith Blew Up 30 Years of Goodwill in 30 Seconds

Smith's wife caught him laughing at the joke, gave him the Michelle Obama look, and this is how he dug himself out of hole #1. And into hole #2.

Nolte: Will Smith Blew Up 30 Years of Goodwill in 30 Seconds (breitbart.com)  . . ."None of that will alter three facts… 1) Smith melted down, lost control, and sucker-slapped a much smaller man, and this much-smaller man not only took the hit like a man but showed unbelievable poise. Believe me, Chris Rock’s stock just went up. His reaction defined professionalism. He exited that confrontation the Alpha Male. 2) The very thing that (I believe) triggered Smith’s meltdown — his wife publicly humiliating him as a cuckold, is about to be talked about and examined more than ever. It’s one thing for Jada to have affairs. This is Hollywood, after all. But for her to openly discuss those affairs on a podcast is beyond the beyond. Then she has Will come on the podcast and publicly emasculated him by throwing the affairs in his face. 3) Will Smith believed he could reclaim his manhood in the eyes of his wife and the public by assaulting a much smaller man. Ugly doesn’t begin to describe it.

"This is both Shakespearean and image shattering…

"Think about the image we all have of Will Smith… The handsome, charming, masculine, funny guy who’s never caught off guard and capable of handling himself in every situation.

"Smith has spent 30 years building that persona into a multi-billion dollar brand, and now it’s shattered and still shattering. Believe me; this story is far from over…"

Celebrity bullying goes back a long, long way: Watch Colbert showing off in front of the Hollywood left to get attaboys from Demo-celebs back in 2006. I didn't know Colbert at the time, but from then on I have considered him a weasel. The Tunnel Dweller

Joe Biden/ Kinnock: the darling of Democrats and their celebrities


Biden denies saying every bad, stupid, scary thing he said last week - American Thinker   . . .That’s the world in which Biden, a compulsive liar, has always existed. However, when he was one Senator among many—especially among many who shared the same trait—his chronic lying was less obvious. For most people, it first burst into view during his 1987 run for the presidency, when he told a series of lies about his educational abilities and plagiarized a speech from a British politician.

" After that, “Joe Biden lies” was a known fact but most people ignored it. All politicians lie, they would say. As president, though, especially one who presents as slowly losing his marbles, it’s harder for Biden’s flaks in and out of the media to hide the fact that Joe always and only tells his own truth, with no concern for whether it aligns with objective facts.

"That’s how you end up with this amazing dialogue between Joe Biden and Fox’s Peter Doocy:

DOOCY: Are you worried that other leaders in the world are going to start to doubt that America is back if some of these big things that you say on the world stage keep getting walked back?

BIDEN: What’s getting walked back?

DOOCY: It may sound like, just in the last couple days—it sounded like you told U.S. troops they were going Ukraine. It sounded like you said it was possible the U.S. would use a chemical weapon. And it sounded like you were calling for regime change in Russia and we know—

BIDEN: None of the three occurred.

DOOCY: None of the three occurred?

BIDEN: None of the three. You interpret the language that way.

 Biden used cheat sheet while doubling down on message to oust Putin (nypost.com)

 Biden caught using 'cheat sheet' as Rand Paul claims cue cards show 'cognitive decline' | Daily Mail Online

Bruce Springsteen Praises 'Very American' Joe Biden  (mediaite.com) Springsteen told the Atlantic writer and New York Times columnist David Brooks, “Joe Biden is like one of the fathers in the neighborhood I grew up with as a kid.”

“ 'They were firemen and policemen, and there was an innate decency to most of them that he carries naturally with him,” Springsteen declared, adding, “It’s very American.' ”. . .

Forget Will Smith, This Hollywood Actress Just Threatened Violence Against Govs. DeSantis And Abbot (trendingpolitics.com) (Photo added by TD)

. . ."She’s also apparently cool with political violence. Some might call that terrorism.

As reported by Breitbart, here is Sally Field threatening violence against two different conservative politicians:

“Actress Sally Field says that if she sees Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) or Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), she “cannot be responsible for what I would do.”

“Those men who are doing that, and they’re mostly male governors who are doing it, are so backward, so ignorant and really just power hungry,” the Forest Gump star told Variety, after being asked what she thinks of these pro-life legislation in states like Texas and Florida.". . .

. . ."In the light of Will Smith’s immediate move to violence – whether it was staged or not has yet to be determined – it’s becoming a real concern that Hollywood elites are setting the stage for the most dangerous psy-op yet, that of violence against political opponents who dare to think for themselves and/or go against the narrative.

"I doubt it ends with just Sally Field making a stupid comment.". . .