Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Ann Coulter;
"In liberals’ view, blacks don’t count. They aren’t — in the Times’ words — “the bulk of native workers.” 
"According to the Times, Obama’s black supporters were dismayed at a White House meeting last year when cards were passed out to campaign donors with talking points about how Obama had helped various groups. There were cards for women, Jews, gays and lesbians. But no talking points for how Obama had helped black Americans.
"So Joe Biden tells a black audience that Romney wants to “put y’all back in chains,” and MSNBC hosts claim opposition to Obama’s re-election is based on “racial hatred,” and the Democrats believe their work is done." Oh, by the way, Coulter mentioned Chris Matthews and his racialism and I wanted to be sure you saw that:
Since my book came out, MSNBC, the Official Network for Racism Detection, has moved on from trying to convince black people that Republicans are promoting slavery and segregation to trying to convince women that Republicans plan to redefine rape and ban contraception.
Only Chris Matthews is still on racism patrol. After the third presidential debate on Monday night, Matthews said that conservatives and “the white working class in the South” have a “racial hatred” for Obama. Why, Chris is so crazy about black people, he’s even considering hiring one someday to work on his show! Not yet, but soon.
Cartoon: Eh, Racist!

'Boston Globe' Joins Obama's Dirty Trick Brigade

Big Journalism  "We know Gloria Allred has personally met with Barack Obama. We also know Gloria Allred is currently attempting to create a whiff of scandal to aid and abet Obama's war on women narrative over some nonsense involving a scorned woman and a divorce settlement from the nineties. Furthermore, we also know this is how the Axelrod/Obama machine operates to win elections because unsealing divorce records to destroy opponents is exactly what they've done before. What's new in today's scenario, though, is that The Boston Globe has officially joined the Obama/Axelrod/Chicago Dirty Trick Brigade."

Comments on the Benghazi embassy attack

Sharyl Attkisson, CBS News; Emails detail unfolding Benghazi attack on Sept. 11  "These emails contain the earliest description so far of what happened at Benghazi the night of the attack.
Read the emails (PDF)
Ambassador warned Libya was "volatile and violent"
Why no one has been right about Libya
CIA saw possible terror ties day after Libya hit: AP
PJ Tatler; White House Was Told Benghazi was a Terrorist Attack Two Hours Into the Battle"Two hours. 120 minutes. Just one-third of the way into the six-hour battle. That’s how soon officials in the Obama White House had been told that the assault in Benghazi was a terrorist attack."
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
Jihad Watch exclaims, "Re-elected? Are you kidding? How about impeached?"

White House Responds to Release of Real-Time Emails About Benghazi Attack Jake Tapper, ABC News; "The White House this morning attempted to down-play the significance of emails sent to top national security officials during the attack on the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, one of which suggested a known terrorist group claimed credit for the attack in its immediate aftermath. As obtained by ABC News’ John Parkinson and posted last night, the emails seem to be ones sent by the State Department Operations Center to distribution lists and email accounts for the top national security officials at the State Department, Pentagon, the FBI"...,

State Department emails from day of Libya attack show Al Qaeda-tied group on radar   "Fox News was told that an estimated 300 to 400 national security figures received these emails in real time almost as the raid was playing out and concluding. People who received these emails work directly under the nation’s top national security, military and diplomatic officials, Fox News was told."   (Video)

Obama’s Benghazi Investigator: An Iran Sympathizer  "The freshly appointed chairman of a federal investigation into the Benghazi massacre is an apologist for Islamic terrorism who has a cozy relationship with Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. And to add insult to injury, at press time Tuesday evening the chairman of this new State Department panel, former Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering, was poised to participate in a panel discussion at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on “what role the faith community can play in fighting Islamophobia.” "

The 7 Most Trivial Campaign Issues That Obama Has Embraced

Townhall  "Like him or not, you have to admit that Mitt Romney has at least centered his campaign around the issues that matter. He has spent most of his time focused on the economy, jobs, the debt, and foreign policy. On the other hand, Barack Obama's entire campaign has been one long circus of trivialities. Instead of making "Forward" his campaign slogan, he should have used something more appropriate like, "Hey, look over there!" How bad has it gotten? This bad. "
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
...."If Barack Obama doesn't even know what investments he has in his own pension, is it any surprise that he doesn't realize how much debt we have, how damaging Obamacare is to America, or how many Americans he's keeping out of work with his policies? "

Alert the media- The NY Times doesn't like Romney! Oh, they ARE the media.