Asserting that “the dominant ideology of the modern West is an ideology of suicide,”. . . From progressive city halls and blue legislatures and Democratic governors’ mansions, to the U.S. House and the White House itself, the worst possible people are holding the levers of government, and it’s a death-grip of self-destruction.
Issues & Insights
"Mark Jan. 20, 2021, as the day the U.S. fell under the control of the lousiest presidential administration of our lifetimes, if not our history. Heaven help us to get past this bunch in Washington that is either so inept, or so blinded by its radical ideology, that it’s ushering the country into an era of decline.
"Where to begin? How about with John Kerry? President Joe Biden’s climate envoy believes that “even if we get to net zero, we still have to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.” So no CO2, get rid of it all? Was this a slip of the tongue? A misstatement that can happen to anyone? Or simply yet another politician on the left gone mad?
"More likely the latter. As our friend Steve Milloy at pointed out, Kerry actually made the same nonsensical statement twice Biden Equals 'Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated'at last week’s virtual climate summit to emphasize his point.
"Another friend, Anthony Watts of the world’s most widely read global warming website," . . . reminds us Kerry “said essentially the same thing back in 2015” when arguing – correctly – that no matter what the West does, carbon emissions will still be pouring out of the developing world.
"Whether or not Kerry was making this exact same point last week, or was absurdly suggesting a zero-CO2 Earth, matters little. The inanity, however, does. How did we allow ourselves to be saddled with such a character?" . . .
Some of us said after the 2012 election we won’t get fooled again. The evidence that too many were has been evident throughout every news cycle since Jan. 20

2019; nothing new: The Seven Dumbest Things Democrats Demand You Believe . . . "If you don’t like seeing young men with pants hanging below their derrières and underwear showing, you are clearly a racist. If you think Ilhan Omar is an unmitigated, hateful disaster, you’re racist through and through. If you don’t think politicians seeking to represent the entire country should be breaking bread with Louis Farrakhan, you might as well join the Ku Klux Klan. Similarly, you’re a racist if you believe Al Sharpton should pay his federal taxes, that the city of Baltimore has greatly declined under Democrat leadership, a state of affairs that happens to manifest itself with black people in positions of power (that decline, however, was present when Martin O’Malley, who is white as a sheet, was mayor) or that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hank Johnson, Mazie Hirono, or Rashida Tlaib are among the lesser examples of American leadership one might produce for inspection." . . .
B.I.D.E.N. Biden Equals 'Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated' . . . "Forget about supporting Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's $10 trillion Green New Deal that will bankrupt the U.S. economy and kill millions of jobs forever. Forget about old Joe's radical new beliefs on open borders and "defunding the police." Oh, and Biden also said recently the police could "become the enemy." Process that for a minute." . . .
Dem State Rep Targets Veterans With Proposal To Strip Them Of Earned Benefits If Government Labels Them “Domestic Terrorists”
Americans Waking Up to Fact That Kamala Harris Is an Idiot . . . "I’ve tried to explain for years that Democrats in California don’t have to be good at their jobs or even be good politicians to rise through the party ranks there. They merely have to meet the right money people early in their careers. That’s how Barbara Boxer, Gavin Newsom, and Kamala Harris happen. "I used to think it was nightmarish to imagine Joe Biden having to become president if something happened to Barack Obama. Now we’re living that nightmare with an even bigger nightmare backing him up.
"A cackling nightmare." . . .