"Disney claimed that what Ms. Carano said was an affront to a cultural and religious group. I assume thereby Disney mean Jews. However, what she said is not offensive to any Jew whose sense of fairness and justice is appalled by the new McCarthyism being directed at political conservatives." Rabbi Aryeh Spero
Disney versus Gina Carano: Spot the dangerous bigots . . . "Furthermore, what began as denying Trump supporters the basic courtesy of eating in restaurants, as was the case with Sarah Huckabee, has degenerated into harassing conservatives; punching them out at public events and while walking on the street; pounding on the doors of their private residences; demands for their firings at places of work; denying them financial credit; shooting at them while playing ball; and a general knee-jerk maligning of them by the media and opinion-shaping institutions. There have even been calls by powerful political activists to “get rid of their kind” and make sure “they never rise again.”
"Many understand the harmful and malicious goals of those who speak of “their kind” and making sure “they never rise again.” And though the German mischaracterization and cancellation against Jews during the 1930s was an unmatched, horrific category in and of itself, what we are witnessing in America from progressives against tens of millions of Trump supporters and conservatives is one of the most dangerous and un-American phenomena in American history. This deserves discussion. And while progressives may claim that their agenda against conservatives is not based on bigotry but what is good for the country, this refrain has been expressed many times before in history by those intent on destroying their opponents." . . .
Reason Can’t Prevail Against an Irrational Opposition | Intellectual Takeout . . . "Disney will get away with the Carano firing, and in a week the incident will be forgotten, yet another sign of the fact that we are losing.
"We are losing because our side assumes that reason can prevail when it comes to the confrontation of ideas. It can—but only when both sides are committed to reason. It’s useless to attempt to reason when the opposition is doggedly irrational. You will always lose an argument with someone who insists that two plus two equals five just as easily as it equals four, and meanwhile you will have wasted both time and energy." . . .
. . . "Before I am accused of inciting violence, let me be clear that the sword we need to wield is a figurative one of boycotts, strikes, and protests. Why should any reasonable person patronize Disney? Going further, we must establish cultural alternatives to the left-loving pop hegemony that rules our lives, as Carano seems to now be doing. Reason will not work against the likes of people who somehow manage to see the “denigration” of minority cultures in sensible comments such as Carano’s." . . .
To Prove Cancel Culture Doesn't Exist, Disney Fires Actress Who Condemned Cancel Culture | The Babylon Bee . . . "According to Lucasfilm, Carano was given the opportunity to grovel, promise to do better, renounce her beliefs, and agree to undergo 8 weeks in a Disney reeducation camp if she wished to keep her job. When she refused, she was let go.
""We gave her the chance to avoid cancelation by telling her to recant her belief that cancel culture is real," said Kennedy. "We then tried to burn her at the stake, but our lawyers informed us that's still illegal. For now."
" 'Only when we force everyone to believe the same thing can we defeat fascism."