Sunday, January 26, 2014
Gregory Hicks: Benghazi and the Smearing of Chris Stevens
"Shifting blame to our dead ambassador is wrong on the facts. I know—I was there."
WSJ "Last week the Senate* Select Committee on Intelligence issued its report on the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The report concluded that the attack, which resulted in the murder of four Americans, was "preventable." Some have been suggesting that the blame for this tragedy lies at least partly with Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the attack. This is untrue: The blame lies entirely with Washington.
"The report states that retired Gen. Carter Ham, then-commander of the U.S. Africa Command (Africom) headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, twice offered to "sustain" the special forces security team in Tripoli and that Chris twice "declined." Since Chris cannot speak, I want to explain the reasons and timing for his responses to Gen. Ham. As the deputy chief of mission, I was kept informed by Chris or was present throughout the process. " Full article
Via Lucianne
*Remember, the Senate = Democrats. Below: video of Democrat choices for president groveling.
WSJ "Last week the Senate* Select Committee on Intelligence issued its report on the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The report concluded that the attack, which resulted in the murder of four Americans, was "preventable." Some have been suggesting that the blame for this tragedy lies at least partly with Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the attack. This is untrue: The blame lies entirely with Washington.
"The report states that retired Gen. Carter Ham, then-commander of the U.S. Africa Command (Africom) headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, twice offered to "sustain" the special forces security team in Tripoli and that Chris twice "declined." Since Chris cannot speak, I want to explain the reasons and timing for his responses to Gen. Ham. As the deputy chief of mission, I was kept informed by Chris or was present throughout the process. " Full article
Via Lucianne
*Remember, the Senate = Democrats. Below: video of Democrat choices for president groveling.
Rand Paul: Bill Clinton Is A Sexual Predator…
Weasel Zippers
"But he’s a Democrat, so it’s Ok."
Via The Hill:
Full article...
Via The Hill:
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday accused former President Bill Clinton of “predatory” sexual behavior, saying he used the Oval Office to take advantage of Monica Lewinsky.
I think, really, the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this,” Paul said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that and that is predatory behavior and … we shouldn’t want to associate with people who would take advantage of a young girl in his office.”
In an interview with Vogue magazine, Paul’s wife, Kelley, said Hillary Clinton’s potential presidential run could be derailed by her husband’s “predatory” behavior while in office.
“I would say his behavior was predatory, offensive to women,” she said.
Paul on Sunday said he agreed with his wife.
Full article...
Why global warming is so hard to believe
More global warming pseudo-science "When everything is proof of climate change, warmists enlist even dinosaurs in their cause. You see, Mother Gaia, the being known as the earth on which we crawl, has been here before."
How Global Warming Makes it Warmer and Colder

NASA data shows that the ‘pause’ in global warming continues "The so-called “pause” of global warming continued through 2013, according to NASA, as there was no statistically significant rise in global temperatures last year.
“ 'The trends over the last 10 to 15 years compared to the trends before do appear to be lower than they were,” Gavin Schmidt, climatologist with NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told reporters."
Tell Us Again How Criticism of Wendy Davis is Sexist
American Glob "Kirsten Powers is one of the only liberal commentators I like but her claim that recent criticism of Wendy Davis is sexism is absolutely baffling.
"William Jacobson notes that these claims aren’t just coming from Kirsten Powers but Powers made the same claim on Special Report last night. Read reactions here.
"Sorry liberals, you can’t cry sexism when it suits you. In fact, you can’t cry sexism for at least a generation. Because every time you do, you’ll be reminded of this and every other vile thing like it." ...
"William Jacobson notes that these claims aren’t just coming from Kirsten Powers but Powers made the same claim on Special Report last night. Read reactions here.
"Sorry liberals, you can’t cry sexism when it suits you. In fact, you can’t cry sexism for at least a generation. Because every time you do, you’ll be reminded of this and every other vile thing like it." ...
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