Friday, September 30, 2011

Obama to Keynote Event of Gay Group That Promotes LGBT Curriculum in Elementary Schools

CNS News  "– President Barack Obama will speak on Saturday at the Human Right Campaign’s (HRC) annual dinner in Washington, D.C. – the HRC is a pro-homosexual lobbying group that, among things, is promoting a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender-inclusive curricula for children in elementary school."

"The HRC’s description of “What Welcoming Schools Offer” states, in part, the following:
Curriculum must be LGBT inclusive starting in elementary school for the following reasons:....

Al Qaeda infighting led to Awkali killing in Yemen. Ayman Zawhiri is in Yemen

DEBKAfile  "The tip-off which enabled two American drone-borne Hellfire missiles to kill the US-born Anwar al-Awkali by locating his convoy in the Khashef in the Jawf province of Yemen, 140 kilometers east of the capital Sanaa, reached US intelligence as a result of a power struggle within Al Qaeda's leadership in Yemen.
"Killed too was a second US-born al Qaeda operative. (Good grief, don't tell Ron Paul!)
DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources disclose that the internal strife which led to their deaths was sharpened by the recent arrival in Yemen of the new Al Qaeda leader Ayman Zuwahiri.
DEBKAfile exclusive.

Oh, the stupidity out there! Cornell Belcher: Cain's "Brainwashed" Remark Was "Racist, Bigoted"
RealClearPolitics  "Democratic strategist Cornell Belcher says there is a media "double-standard" over Herman Cain saying blacks have been "brainwashed." Belcher calls Mr. Cain a bigot and a racist and says this incident is a "teachable moment." "  Just when you thought every race card imaginable had been played, he comes up with this one.
Also here.

Here's everything you could want to read on this. Maybe more.

Krauthammer: Land without peace: Why Abbas went to the U.N.

Charles Krauthammer  "...Abbas responded by boycotting the talks for nine months, showing up in the 10th, then walking out when the freeze expired. Last week he reiterated that he will continue to boycott peace talks unless Israel gives up — in advance — claim to any territory beyond the 1967 lines. Meaning, for example, that the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem is Palestinian territory. This is not just absurd. It violates every prior peace agreement. They all stipulate that such demands are to be the subject of negotiations, not their precondition."

"Abbas unwaveringly insists on the so-called "right of return", which would demographically destroy Israel by swamping it with millions of Arabs, thereby turning the world’s only Jewish state into the world’s 23rd Arab state. And he has repeatedly declared, as recently as last week in New York: “We shall not recognize a Jewish state.” "

Iranian Pastor Sentenced to Death; To Die Today: Nadarkhani Refuses to Convert

Voice of the Martyrs
International Business Times  "Before his last hearing Wednesday, Nadarkhani had been given three previous chances to repent, and all three times he has refused. After his final refusal Wednesday, no verdict has been announced, but many expect that he could be put to death as soon as Friday.
"The case has slowly garnered international attention, and there are a number of Christian rights groups advocating for his release."

Iranian Christians International

C.S. Lewis : "You never know how much you really believe anything
until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you."
"At the recent hearings, the court in Rasht ruled that Pastor Youcef was not a practicing Muslim before becoming a Christian but that he remains guilty of apostasy because of his Muslim ancestry."

Apostasy in Islam
In the Islamist's view, everyone is born a Muslim and leaves it later. Ergo, one does not "convert" to Islam; one "reverts" to Islam.

Ron Paul: US-born al-Qaida cleric 'assassinated'

Anwar al-Awlaki
Associated Press  "Paul, a Texas congressman known for libertarian views, says the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki on Yemeni soil amounts to an "assassination." Paul warned the American people not to casually accept such violence against U.S. citizens, even those with strong ties to terrorism."

In a related story, the ACLU condemned the union forces of President Lincoln, Republican, for opening fire on the forces of General Pickett at Gettysburg. They should have waited for them to approach Union positions, arrested them and given them due process, which these American citizens were denied.

American Thinker: Al-Alwaki meets death from above   "I have no sympathy at all for Alwaki, and am glad the man is dead. But knowing that our president can order an American killed with no apparent checks and balances ought to give us all pause. We need to create a better legal framework for operations, one which respects our constitutional order, appropriate to the era of Islamic terror."

Did American forces kill any of these guys: Columnist recounts tale of German-Americans fighting for Nazis ?

From April, 2010:  Why Is It Legal to Kill Anwar al-Awlaki? "When I asked Karen Greenberg of NYU’s Center on Law and Security whether al-Awlaki could be lawfully assassinated last month, she scoffed, “They can’t do this with al-Awlaki. He is an American citizen, born in New Mexico. They can’t take away his citizenship.”  Soooo, we should have arrested him how?

Obama the Nation-Splitter

Freedom of religion and of expression under attack by liberals

 Groups press Obama on religious hiring
The Moral Liberal  "The letter claims the executive order allows faith-based groups to discriminate against potential employees on the basis of religion and urges the administration to replace the policy with one that could force religious organizations contracting with the government to disregard their convictions when hiring."....
"As Jennifer Marshall and Joseph Loconte pointed out in a Heritage Foundation paper:
“There is no more vital protection for organizations with a religiously-rooted approach to social assistance than the freedom to hire according to their convictions. The leadership and staff of an organization determine its destiny. They alone will carry out its mission, uphold its priorities, and embody its deepest values. If the First Amendment guarantee of religious liberty does not protect the employment decisions of faith-based organizations - their right to free association - then it has become a meaningless abstraction.”

 Religious Leaders to the President: Don't Curtail Our Religious Hiring Freedom
"Activists are again pressing the Obama administration to curtail religious hiring by religious organizations that receive government funding."
 So far it doesn't affect the average church, but give 'em time. Liberals never sleep and they must always seek remedies for their guilt-ridden lives.
pdf of the letter here.

Religious Freedom in Canada:   Chris Kempling delivered this address on March 4, 2005 in New York City to a United Nations Commission on Human Rights Delegate Briefing. He received a standing ovation.
If Christians say publicly that they disapprove of homosexual behaviour because the Bible declares it to be immoral, then that is "promoting hatred". If they quote medical statistics about the HIV infection rates of homosexual men, that is "promoting hatred". If they object to their children being indoctrinated in kindergarten class with information about homosexuality, they are hateful people.
Suppression of free speech is further advanced in Canada. Watch Canada to see where America is headed under liberalism. Are we headed for Canadian-style star chambers?  See examples of star chambers in action:

...Western society may be irrevocably altered — and not for the better — by unassimilated Muslim immigration.
Ezra Levant Mows Down the Canadian Star Chambers:
Levant and the secret trial.

Levant commented on his "favorable" result: (Emphasis fervently added)
His decision is not that I have freedom of speech. His decision is that I have his approval. I'm not interested in his approval. The only test of free speech is if I can write what he disapproves of with impunity.