Anwar al-Awlaki |
Associated Press "Paul, a Texas congressman known for libertarian views, says the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki on Yemeni soil amounts to an "assassination." Paul warned the American people not to casually accept such violence against U.S. citizens, even those with strong ties to terrorism."
In a related story, the ACLU condemned the union forces of President Lincoln, Republican, for opening fire on the forces of General Pickett at Gettysburg. They should have waited for them to approach Union positions, arrested them and given them due process, which these American citizens were denied.
American Thinker: Al-Alwaki meets death from above "I have no sympathy at all for Alwaki, and am glad the man is dead. But knowing that our president can order an American killed with no apparent checks and balances ought to give us all pause. We need to create a better legal framework for operations, one which respects our constitutional order, appropriate to the era of Islamic terror."
Did American forces kill any of these guys: Columnist recounts tale of German-Americans fighting for Nazis ?
From April, 2010: Why Is It Legal to Kill Anwar al-Awlaki? "When I asked Karen Greenberg of NYU’s Center on Law and Security whether al-Awlaki could be lawfully assassinated last month, she scoffed, “They can’t do this with al-Awlaki. He is an American citizen, born in New Mexico. They can’t take away his citizenship.”
Soooo, we should have arrested him how?