Monday, December 21, 2020

Seattle Councilwoman Calls Cops She Wants to Defund

 PJ Media

"Ahhh, Seattle. Home of Pearl Jam, Starbucks, Amazon, and lots of other stuff that used to be cool. The Emerald City once brought to mind nothing more nefarious than flannel shirts and the occasional heroin overdose, but now Seattle’s claim to fame is violent crime. And lots of it. After a man named George Floyd died in the custody of a multiracial group of Minnesota police officers earlier this year, Seattle’s crime rate has skyrocketed. Over the summer we saw the CHAZ/CHOP lawless zone in the middle of Seattle, which accomplished nothing but driving down local property values and giving Tucker Carlson new material every night. And yet in the midst of all this crime, the city is still cutting police funding. The place isn’t as bad as Portland, Ore., yet, but not for lack of effort.

"All year we’ve watched as our leaders have failed us. Over and over again, people in power have imposed rules on us and broken those same rules with impunity. So it’s more satisfying than it should be to see one of them get their comeuppance.

"Louis Casiano, Fox News:

A Seattle City Councilwoman called the police to her home Friday to report a crime she is effectively trying to legalize…

Lisa Herbold phoned authorities on Friday after a man reportedly threw a rock through her living room window, My Northwest reported. The councilwoman said “she was on the west side of the living room near the kitchen when she heard a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot and dove into the kitchen for cover…”

The irony is that under a proposal introduced by Herbold, the suspect could avoid criminal charges if caught. Under the legislation, charges against most misdemeanor suspects could be dismissed if they can show symptoms of mental illness or addiction or if they can prove the crime provided for a need to survive, a so-called “poverty defense…”

Are There Anti-Semitic Tropes in Obama's Memoir?

PJ Media "Writing in The Australian, economist Henry Ergas noticed something in Obama’s memoir that has so far been ignored by the mainstream media. Or perhaps it was just never seen before because, really, how many people who bought Obama’s absurd book (which is only the first volume of his presidential memoirs) actually read the thing?

According to Ergas, “The silence that has greeted the former US president’s description of Nicolas Sarkozy in his book reflects the normalisation of casual anti-Semitism on the ‘progressive’ side of politics.”

" 'What did Obama say about Sarkozy?

The words leap out and grab you. Former President Barack Obama characterizes no other world leader in anything like the terms he reserves for former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

In his recent memoir, Obama tells us that Sarkozy is a “quarter Greek Jew.” Little wonder, then, that Sarkozy has “dark, expressive, Mediterranean features,” which resemble the exaggerated, often distorted figures “of a Toulouse-Lautrec painting.”

Little wonder, too, that he is “all emotional outbursts and overblown rhetoric,” while his conversation, which reflects unbridled ambition and incessant pushiness, “swoops from flattery to bluster to genuine insight.”

"Here’s the full passage in context..... 

Stable California, where 2/3 of it is on fire, 1/3 is homeless, and pissing in the street, but it is NOT at all destabilized…

 Media/Democrats Claim Recall Effort Against Tyrannical California Governor “An Attempt At Destabilizing California”  . . . "Battered by several crises, including the coronavirus pandemic, crippling unemployment, devastating wildfires and one very poorly timed fancy dinner, Newsom faces a recall effort that shows no signs of slowing.

"A petition to oust Newsom has more than half the signatures needed to trigger a special election, said Orrin Heatlie, who is leading the Recall Gavin 2020 campaign. Volunteers had collected 844,000 signatures by Tuesday, he said" . . .

Jimmy Kimmel Says Mike Pence Doesn’t Deserve Covid Vaccine: ‘Save That Dose For Someone Else’   .

. . “Speaking of cold, white stuff, Mike Pence is expected to get his first of two Pfizer shots tomorrow,” Jimmy Kimmel said his opening monologue on Thursday, tasing aim at Pence and his wife Karen’s decision to take the vaccine to prove it is safe. “I guess the thinking is, if it’s good enough for America’s First Karen, it should be good enough for the rest of them too. But this is exciting for Mike Pence. Getting vaccinated is the only time Mother ever does shots with him.' ” . . .  

Alec Baldwin Suggests Violent Punishments for Trump: ‘A Knee on His Neck, Cutting Off His Oxygen’

California’s Population Growth Rate Slumps as Residents Flee COVID and Taxes  . . . "Housing affordability is cited by many as a reason to flee the Golden State. The state’s median home price reached yet another record high this fall, hitting $712,000 in September.

“ 'I knew for sure I’m never going to own a home. So I talked to my girlfriend, and that was our defining moment,” software salesman Colin Jordan told The New York Times earlier this year about his reasons for moving out of the Bay Area. “I said: ‘I want to buy a house and start a life. Will you move with me?’”

"The couple now own a four-bedroom home in Arizona. And they’re far from the only California transplants that have taken up in the Sun Belt.   And while many consider leaving California because they’re struggling to get by or afford a place to live, others argue that they’re leaving the state to free themselves from tax bills they say have become burdensome.

A proposed “wealth tax” impacting those with net worths greater than $30 million appears to have spooked some super-wealthies, despite its failure to pass in the state

Kamala Harris Reminds Everyone She's the Queen of Cringe, Ben Shapiro Roasts

Kamala Harris Explains What Hanukkah Is; Ben Shapiro Reacts

 RedState  "Kamala Harris, or ‘Black Hillary’ as Redstater Jeff Charles calls her, has got to be the most cringe politician of the last decade, at least in so far as someone who has risen to the top levels of our government. To the extent that there’s a comparison, and there certainly is, she makes Hillary look charismatic.

"Almost as if to provide more evidence of this, the Biden transition team decided it’d be a good idea to ask Harris what Hanukkah is about on video, because being married to a secular Jewish man apparently qualifies her to do so. What follows is one of the most awkward videos you’ll see this.

"For example, did you know that Hanukkah is just about “light,” you know, because they light candles and stuff. Harris repeats that line several times in the beginning, almost as if she doesn’t know what else to say, likely because she doesn’t know what else to say.

"Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, took the video apart on his show late this week." . . .

Joseph Stalin Posthumously Identifies As Strong Woman Of Color To Deflect Criticism Of Socialist Policies

 Parody from the Babylon Bee

"HELL—In a statement offered to reporters during a 15-minute recess from hell, dictator and mass murderer Joseph Stalin announced he now identifies as a strong woman of color in order to deflect criticism away from his socialist policies that killed millions.

"I now identify as a strong woman of color, and a lot of men simply can't handle that," Stalin said, sassily snapping his fingers in a "Z" formation. "It drives them crazy to know that a strong woman of color such as myself can wield so much power." Stalin stated that white men simply feel threatened by his accomplishments and can't possibly have any legitimate criticisms of his policies, including a centralized economy that led to mass starvations, a brutal police state, genocide, and government control over every area of citizens' lives.

Millions of people quickly apologized to Stalin after the announcement was made.

"If we had known that Stalin was a strong POC, we wouldn't have distanced ourselves from his policies," said one moderate Democrat in New York. "It is always wrong to criticize a woman, especially a minority woman, no matter how repulsive her ideas and how many people's lives they would destroy."

Soros-funded DA George Gascon Apologizes to Murder Victim’s Family for Telling Them to ‘Keep Their Mouth Shut’

Other Soros-backed prosecutors include Chicago’s Kim Foxx, notorious for protecting Jussie Smollett; and Kim Gardner of St. Louis, who charged Patricia and Mark McCloskey with felonies for defending their property from a Black Lives Matter mob. She was recently removed from Patricia McCloskey’s case after using it to raise campaign funds.


"Newly-installed Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón has apologized to the family of murder victim Joshua Rodriguez for telling them to “keep their mouth shut” as they protested his appearance in Pomona, California on Friday.

"Video of the interaction, which was published by Bill Melugin of local Fox affiliate KTTV-11, shows Gascon saying: “It’s unfortunate that we have people who do not have enough education so they can keep their mouth shut for a moment so we can talk.”

"A woman’s voice, later identified as Rodriguez’s mother, is heard responding: “My son can never speak again because he was murdered — kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. My son matters.” She later shouted at him as he left.

"Joshua Rodriguez was murdered in 2015.

"Gascón was elected with the help of millions of dollars from left-wing billionaire George Soros, who has funded the election of left-wing prosecutors across the country. Since taking office earlier this month, he has begun implementing radical policies that have included ending cash bail, preventing prosecutors from seeking the death penalty, and removing some sentencing enhancements for crimes such as using a gun or belonging to a gang.

"One case involved a suspect charged with a double murder, including that of L.A. Sherrif’s Deputy Gilbert Solano." . . .