Saturday, October 20, 2018

About Robert Francis O'Rourke: He Has The Support of College Students...Who Can't Name a Single Accomplishment of His

Much ignorance was mixed in with the expected "...As a woman..." statements.

Townhall  Campus Reform went to Texas A&M to talk with O'Rouke supporters. Of course, none of the college students could name a single accomplishment of O'Rouke's. 
" 'Umm, I’m not aware of any specific accomplishments,” one student said.
“ 'I honestly couldn’t point to anything. I’m not as educated as I would like to be," another student replied. 
"The craziest response, however, was to the question: why is Beto popular with younger people? 
“ 'I think he resonates with young people because we are more aware," one student replied. "So...younger people are so aware of what's going on that they know absolutely nothing about the candidate their voting for or the policy positions said candidate holds? Makes perfect sense." . . .

Campus Reform: O’Rourke supporters can’t name any of his accomplishments
“I honestly couldn’t point to anything. I’m not as educated as I would like to be.”   
. . . "While Cruz leads in most polls, O’Rourke has a decided lead amongst Millennials and college students. "Supporters of Sen. Cruz have claimed that though O’Rourke possesses plenty of smooth rhetoric, he lacks in substance and qualifications. "Wanting to see if O’Rourke’s supporters could detail accomplishments of the Texas Congressman, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to Texas A&M to ask his supporters a simple question: Can you name an accomplishment of his? 
"The answer was a resounding no. " . . 

O'Rourke Tries to Answer About His Calling Cruz 'Lyin Ted' Daily Wire felt O'Rourke's response "was his typically evasive self when asked about his recent bestowal of the nickname “Lyin’ Ted” on Cruz, a moniker first used by then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016. O’Rourke first claimed he had decided at the beginning of his recent debate with Cruz to attack him for being dishonest. When CNN’s Dana Bash asked if he regretted using the pejorative nickname, O’Rourke suddenly became shy, sighing, “I don’t know that that’s the way that I want to be talking in this campaign.”

"Bash began: “You’ve been saying that people are sick of the pettiness and the smallness in politics, yet during Tuesday’s debate that you had with Senator Cruz, you took a page right out of President Trump’s playbook and you called Senator Cruz, 'Lyin’ Ted.' Why did you do that?' ”. What a pleasant and unexpected challenge from a CNN interviewer.

O'Rourke is receiving the Deep State's media seal of approval.  . . . "When asked if he was willing to share some of the 38 million dollars he raised in the third quarter with candidates involved in tighter races, he replied, "No."  O'Rourke claims that "[m]ost of our contributions have come from Texas."  However, he has traveled to Los Angeles at least twice in order to collect contributions from the Hollywood elite

"O'Rourke's history has not received the amount of attention given public figures like Brett Kavanaugh and Judge Roy Moore.  He is a former punk rocker who was arrested for DWI and reportedly attempting to flee the scene of an accident.  He completed a court-approved diversion program and had the charges dismissed.  Of course, this sentence had nothing to do with the fact that he was the son of an El Paso County judge."
Kamala Harris, Corey Booker and Chuck Schumer, do your due diligence.

Suppression: Theaters Drop 'Gosnell' Movie Despite It Being a Top-Grossing Film

Beth Baumann

"When "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" was released last week, 668 theaters decided to hold screenings of the independent film. The movie quickly surpassed expectations by grossing $1.2 million on just 668 screenings of the film, Daily Wire reported. It even was put in the top 10 film list. Now, 188 theaters have dropped the film, 15 of which were top-performing multiplexes.
" 'Gosnell" executives aren't surprised by the move, especially after the up-hill battle they've faced producing and placing the film. 
"I ' can tell you from my experience in 15 years of releasing movies independently, we’re in uncharted territories," the film's marketing director, John Sullivan, told Daily Wire. "It is an impacted fall, no doubt about it, but the fact that we’ve been dropped from theaters where the movie is the number 6 or number 9 movie is just something you don’t see. It’s hard not to believe it isn’t about the content of the movie.' " . . .

This State Demands Christian Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films Or Face Jail Time. No, not THAT state but close - politically!

America The Awesome  "The state of Minnesota is being sued after a Christian couple, who owns a film company, was threatened with imprisonment and fines if they refuse to make same-sex films.
"The couple’s company is called Telescope Media Group through which they intended to become a part of the wedding industry. However, Carl and Angel Larsen do not want to create films involving same-sex marriage due to their Christian views.
"However, CBS News reported that Minnesota’s Human Rights Act specifies that those who are willing to produce films about marriages between a woman and a man, must also be willing to create films that celebrate unions that violate their religious beliefs.
"On Tuesday, in a news release, the liberty law firm which is representing the couple, Alliance Defending Freedom, stated that the Larsens are facing up to 90 days jail time along with compensatory and punitive damages of up to $25,000 if the couple doesn’t abide by the Minnesota’s public accommodation law." . . .

‘Fantastic’ Robert O’Rourke Gets Endorsement From Former Mexican President Vicente Fox

Weasel Zippers

"His campaign is frijoled.
"Via Fox News:
Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico who famously said his country will not (expletive) pay for President Trump’s proposed border wall on Thursday announced his support for the “great American” and “fantastic” Democratic Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke.“Wow! What a candidate! What a man! Beto, you are fantastic,” Fox said in a video posted to Twitter. “You’re great! You’re an all-American.”With just a few weeks left before the midterm elections, O’Rourke is in a tight race with Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.Fox, who served as Mexico’s president from 2000 to 2006, has openly voiced his discontent for Trump and his immigration policies – including the hotly debated wall along the southern border.“I’ve been an opponent and resistant (of Trump) because I feel as part of this nation — I am part of this nation — and I don’t like what I’m seeing,” Fox said during a speech at Northwestern University on Tuesday night, according to the Chicago Tribune.The former Mexican president praised O’Rourke as compassionate and intelligent who understands Americans, “but you also understand we are human beings.”“You are the enlightenment for Texas and I hope every single Mexican, Latin, every Hispanic in that great state of Texas is going to vote for you,” Fox said. “You deserve it because you are going to respond to the hope and expectations of Texas, understanding what they need and understanding what America needs.”

The very definition of Hubris: Hillary condemns corruption; plans to run again to stop it

If You Haven’t Had Enough Of Her Yet, Prepare For Hillary 3.0… (Weasel Zippers)
 Hillary 2020: Top Aide Leaves Door Open For Third Presidential Run  "Hillary Clinton is giving signs that she is seriously mulling another run for the White House, and a top aide and ally is not dissuading people from believing just that.

"Clinton has been communicating with reporters covering the White House, having convinced herself her sour relationship with the press sabotaged her 2016 presidential effort, according to Politico, which reports that after President Trump criticized ABC News’ Cecilia Vega at a news conference, Clinton left a voicemail for Vega.

"Clinton penned a new afterword for her book “What Happened” that includes her current attempts to frame Trump’s actions as an “assault on our democracy.” Cleaning up the mess left by her husband’s sexual behavior in the wake if the #MeToo movement, she insisted last week that his affair with aide Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power because Lewinsky was an “adult.”

"In September, Clinton issued a series of tweets attacking Trump, as well as the Electoral College, with messages such as these:
“Donald Trump refuses to be subject to the law. The legitimacy of our elections is in doubt. The president is waging war on the truth. The administration is undermining the national unity that makes democracy possible. And then there's the breathtaking corruption.” “We should be clear about this: The increasing radicalism and irresponsibility of the Republican Party, including decades of demeaning government, demonizing Democrats, and debasing norms, is what gave us Donald Trump.” “Whether it was stealing a Supreme Court seat, gerrymandering congressional districts to disenfranchise African Americans, or muzzling government climate scientists, Republicans were undermining American democracy long before Trump made it to the Oval Office.” “We need to improve and protect our elections, from instituting paper ballot backups to repairing the Voting Rights Act, getting secret money out of politics, and—you won't be surprised to hear my support for this—abolishing the Electoral College.”

Donald Trump refuses to be subject to the law. The legitimacy of our elections is in doubt. The president is waging war on the truth. The administration is undermining the national unity that makes democracy possible. And then there's the breathtaking corruption.
. . . 'Fight corruption! Vote Hillary! 

‘The View’ Smashes Hillary’s Defense Of Bill’s Man-Skank Behavior

To say Hillary and Bill have enhanced the Democrat's reputation, one must ignore their own:

How quickly they turn! Hillary and the ladies of "The View" discuss what to call Bill after she is elected President back in April 2016.

Chicks On The Right  "DAAAAAANG. I really didn’t expect this, but at the same time, how can anyone defend it? I mean, everyone knows Bill Clinton is a serial liar and cheater. For Hillary to pretend like that’s not the case? RIDIC. Even Joy Behar can’t buy it, and that’s saying something."If you recall, Hillz recently claimed that Bill’s affair with Monica Lewinsky was NOT an abuse of power, and she weirdly tried to bring Trump into it." “Where’s the investigation into the current incumbent, against whom numerous allegations have been made and which he dismisses, denies, and ridicules?” Hillary asked. He didn’t perform sex acts in the Oval Office with an intern so…
"Surprisingly, Joy Behar called Hillary out. However, she couldn’t help but slam Republicans in the same sentence.
"What [Hillary] just did is exactly what Republicans do — they changed the subject,” Behar said. “And that’s why we never get anywhere in the discourse.”
"What does this have to do with Republicans? Whatever. I’ll let it slide. I’m just surprised she dared to speak out against Hillary.
"“This highlights to me I think why some people struggled to vote for [Hillary], because you can’t have it both ways in her position,” Abby Huntsman said. “You can’t put yourself on a pedestal and be a leader for the feminist movement, and at the same time refuse to acknowledge the reality that you’ve lived with for all these years and stand by your husband.”
“I don’t think she can have it both ways, and she continues to try and do this,” she continued." 
"Bingo. You can’t say that all women should be believed when you’re KNOWN for calling your husband’s accusers a buncha bimbos.
“ 'He’s guilty,” Behar said of Bill." . . .

How Obama Treated Slain Journalists

It was all good with TV hosts, MSNBC and CNN you can be sure.

First, some background: NY Times: "A Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics" and this:
Which president actually abdicated moral leadership?
. . . They essentially did nothing to stop North Korea from developing dangerous weapons to threaten the world besides repeatedly telling the North Koreans to stop. They rewarded the murderous dictators in Cuba despite their not changing their ways." . . .

Daniel John Sobieski  "As facts are gathered concerning the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the foreign-policy implications are pondered by a liberal chattering class willing to blame President Trump when a sparrow falls from a tree, consider the reaction by President Barack Hussein Obama to the murder of journalists and the press treatment of a president who actually bowed to a Saudi king.
    "President Trump’s caution against a rush to judgment concerning our Saudi allies has the press moaning that the condemnation of the Saudis is not coming fast enough or will not be harsh enough. Any reaction comes in the context of the need to keep Iran from building a deliverable nuclear weapon or otherwise expanding its hegemony in the Middle East.               "Listening to Trump’s critics could easily result in a strategic disaster as we sit after the dust clears in our smug anti-Trump motivated self-righteousness[.] 
     "Journalists should not be slain by authoritarians, tyrants, or ideological fanatics for their views, but they have been, and in the case of President Obama with an attitude of callous indifference. Has the media forgotten the attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which, along with a deli attacked at the same time, the Obama administration dismissed as the victims just being in the wrong place at the wrong time? 
The lives of the four Jews killed in a kosher market in Paris were dismissed by Obama as "a bunch of folks in a deli" shot "randomly" as they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
     "After the attack on that kosher market and on Charlie Hebdo, President Obama didn’t have time to join other world leaders in a moving protest march in the streets of Paris. He did have time to watch an NFL playoff game and welcome the San Antonio Spurs to the White House. 
     "After issuing a perfunctory condemnation of the Islamic State’s beheading of American journalist James Foley, President Obama was moments later on a golf course. The realities of dealing with Islamic terrorism, a phrase that cannot cross his lips, could not be allowed to disturb a President who was contemplating the threat of climate change as he works to correct his slice. 
     "Not only did Obama go golfing after James Foley’s execution, he didn’t do all that much to prevent it, according to Foley’s family:" . . .
. . . 
     "Our delusional former commander-in-chief, who still believes the massacre at Ft. Hood by jihadist Nidal Hasan is a case of “workplace violence” and that the Charlie Hebdo/deli massacre in Paris was a case of random violence and of victims being in the wrong place at the wrong time pathetically proclaimed at the G-20 Conference in Antalya, Turkey, as the Federalist reports:
 “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France,” Obama said. “I’m too busy for that.” 
"Too busy, the same way you were too busy resting up for a Las Vegas fundraiser the night Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith were murdered by a terrorist attack in Benghazi, an attack you and your Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, told the parents of the deal was caused by a video? 
     "The French, whom you refused to honor with your presence during a march protesting radical Islamic terrorism after the Charlie Hebdo attack, wasted no time in responding with air strikes on the de facto Islamic State capital of Raqaa, Syria. As CNN reported: 
On Monday, France targeted a command center, a recruitment center, an ammunition storage base and a training camp in the city, the French military said. On Sunday, the air force struck similar strategic targets in multiple sorties, reinserting France, a partner in the U.S.-led coalition striking ISIS from the air, into the battle against ISIS. 
      "The French were using target coordinates supplied by the U.S.. Why didn’t we strike ISIS with the French in a joint mission? Where was the press condemnation of his callous indifference to the murder of reporters? Why did he bow to a Saudi king? 
     "Critics of President Trump’s handling of the Khashoggi affair ought to revisit President Obama’s indifference to the war on radical Islamic terrorists and the murder of reporters by their bloody hands."

Journalist Dies After Being Attacked For Being White

Daily Caller
"They’re completely consumed with the murder of a journalist who isn’t American and whose murder had nothing to do with the United States but just ignore this murder."

Via Daily Caller:

"Jerry Wolkowitz, a freelance journalist and EMT, died on Thursday months after he was attacked for being a “white man.”
"Wolkowitz, 56, was attacked in New Jersey on May 1 by 26-year-old Jamil S. Hubbard.
“[Wolkowitz] was punched in the head and then dragged into the parking lot before being run over by a Chevrolet Malibu. His blue Kia Forte was then stolen,” the Asbury Park Press reported.
"Police found Wolkowitz with extensive head injuries and shattered bones.
"Hubbard was originally charged with attempted murder, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose and bias intimidation, and a grand jury later added armed robbery, eluding and theft." . . .

Keep reading…

Jamil Hubbard, 25, of Sayreville, is charged with first-degree attempted murder,