Election Day Riots "Let’s be clear about what the calls for violence on social media are, they are a call to action for anarchists and domestic terrorists. While most of the tweets are from urban blacks that are incensed that a black president might be tossed aside in favor of a white president (their words, not mine), the call to violence will be heard by hundreds of thousands of individuals looking for an opportunity to wreak havoc on society and government.
"If President Obama loses the election, it is almost guaranteed that riots will occur; the only variables are how large the riots will be, how well law enforcement is prepared to deal with the riots, and which groups will use the riots as a distraction to inflict additional terror."
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And this is just over a World Series game!
New Michael Moore Ad Is Loaded With Obscenities: Uses Senior Citizens To Threaten Romney "Michael Moore has once again resorted to innuendo, obscenities and unproven allegations in his latest attempt to discredit the candidacy of Mitt Romney. Moore is the creative ‘genius’ behind the MoveOn.Org sponsored commercial that accuses the opposition of planning massive voter fraud to steal the election from President Obama. The commercial features a group of senior citizens who voice obscenity laced violent threats against the Republican candidate."
"One might wonder if Attorney General Holder or Michael Moore have the slightest idea that making a commercial in which a person says : “I want the Republican Party to know if your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama, we will burn this motherf***er down” probably constitutes a felony for making a threat of violence against a candidate for the office of President of the United States." Emphasis added.
Here is the ad. We could have linked to the bleeped version, but want you to experience the full force in this ad as Moore meant for us all to. Just be advised. TD
Piers Morgan Chats Up Moore, Ignores Filmmaker's Vulgar Anti-Romney Ad "CNN's Piers Morgan got Michael Moore for an extended chat Wednesday night, and yet the low-rated talker didn't mention the vulgar, nasty ad Moore produced recently using seniors to attack Mitt Romney."