Friday, September 21, 2012


The Passion of Andrew Breitbart: 'Occupy Unmasked' in Theaters Today
"Taking down the Occupy movement was Andrew’s last true passion project. And the film shows it. 

"Just two weeks before his tragic death, Andrew took a few moments out from the Conservative Political Action Conference to confront the Occupy protesters staking out the event. “Stop raping people!” he shouted at them. “You filthy, filthy, filthy raping, murdering freaks!”  He wasn’t kidding." 

View the trailer here:
...."And more than anything else, Occupy Unmasked shows what the Occupy movement was and is, in all of its true horror. And it deserves horror. It morphed from a ridiculous camp-out movement into a dangerous political force, wielded by the Obama administration and the media as the counter-Tea Party, even as it smashed windows, burned property, and assaulted police."
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"Here’s how you can help generate buzz and box office success for the movie and its message:"  Read more...

Krauthammer; "Collapse of the Cairo Doctrine"

Charles Krauthammer  "And his policies of accommodation and concession would consolidate the gains: an outstretched hand to Iran’s mullahs, a first-time presidential admission of the U.S. role in a 1953 coup, a studied and stunning turning away from the Green Revolution; withdrawal from Iraq with no residual presence or influence; a fixed timetable for leaving Afghanistan; returning our ambassador to Damascus (with kind words for Bashar al-Assad — “a reformer,” suggested the secretary of state); deliberately creating distance between the United States and Israel.

"These measures would raise our standing in the region, restore affection and respect for the United States and elicit new cooperation from Muslim lands."....
...."A foreign policy in epic collapse. And, by the way, Vladimir Putin just expelled the U.S. Agency for International Development from Russia. Another thank you from another recipient of another grand Obama “reset.”"

America stands for freedom of speech for, well...

First Amendment of the US Constitution 
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Obama’s Muslim Apology Tour Heads to Pakistan
"1. From the American diplomatic perspective the video explains everything. From the Muslim perspective, it fails to explain why the filmmaker isn’t in jail and facing blasphemy charges. The ad fails because it also fails to explain free speech to Muslims. Instead of explaining American values, it apologizes for them and fails at that too."

2. Airing a loud denial of involvement with manufacturing the video looks like a cover-up to Muslims. Dedicating the bulk of the video to such a denial looks like an admission of guilt.
3. The video makes it look like Obama and Clinton are broadcasting an apology to Pakistan. Such a show of weakness will only lead to more terrorist attacks as the protesters, rather than being pacified, will go on demanding the death penalty for everyone involved with, “The Innocence of Muslims.”  More: The Future of Freedom of Speech in America
Meanwhile, closer to home:
New York Art Gallery To Display “Piss Christ”…
"Rampaging Christians in 3… 2… 1… wait, wrong religion".

Weasel Zippers links to this NY Post article:
Andres Serrano's work — a “photograph of the crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine” — first ignited controversy in 1989 when D’Amato complained to the US Senate that it was an “outrage,” an “indignity” and a “piece of trash” that had been funded by taxpayers. Serrano had won a $15,000 prize for his work, backed in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Former Soviet Jews Ask: Why 'Transform' U.S.A.?

Spartacus Educational
By Svetlana Kunin at  "My husband and I left the USSR in 1980. We were 30 years old and had no idea what was ahead. We were not looking for a paradise; we were running from the hell of a government-controlled society, where people are helpless against government power."....
"Is Ms. Fluke's concern about free contraceptives really our concern? Do we have rights to our property, businesses, savings and income? Can the government prevent us from freely mentioning God in public places? Do we want a health care model where the government gives us permission to seek out available treatment? Do we all belong to the government?"   Via Lucianne

We're supposed to pledge allegiance to THIS guy?

Hope n' Change; "This ran on Facebook after Obama's appearance on "Letterman." Liberals hated it. Hated it." 

This next one is from the Jerusalem Post; you know, from the country that never had a better friend than Barack Obama?

Obama tells Letterman he represents Everyone. Really?   "But let’s work on a list of people who may beg to differ. Barack Obama is NOT working for:"....Here is a very interesting list, but I particularly appreciated this item:
Those evil millionaires and billionaires (with the exception of Hollywood libtards and those who gained their wealth through liberally approved “legitimate means”)

Politico; Darrell Issa: President Obama has 'enemies list'   " Issa’s remarks came in the wake of a story in the Daily Caller, much-discussed in the conservative blogosphere, highlighting what some consider a collaboration between Department of Justice officials and the liberal watchdog group Media Matters and an effort to target critics of the administration." 
Emails reveal Justice Dept. regularly enlists Media Matters to spin press

Did you know that Scott Brown debated Elizabeth Warren on Thursday?

American Glob: Scott Brown Won Tonight’s Debate Hands Down    "Scott Brown offered substantive answers backed up by facts. Elizabeth Warren was nothing but liberal talking points from the Democratic Party. In fact, Elizabeth Warren’s position on everything seemed to break down into two categories:
1. Millionaires and Billionaires.2. Big oil straw men.
"Brown nailed her to her massive salary for teaching one class, the fact that she doesn’t voluntarily pay the higher taxes she demands, the fact that she defended the largest insurance company in the US while screwing asbestos poisoning victims, her declaration of being the inspiration for Occupy Wall Street, her fake Indian heritage, and on and on and on." 

From Hot Air blog: Scott Brown to Elizabeth Warren: "How can we trust your character when you lied about being Native American?"

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection covers it here: Warren-Brown Post-Debate Analysis (Videos added)  "When Warren tried to say that Brown sided with big companies, Brown lowered the boom on something most viewers probably didn’t know, that Warren represented Travelers Insurance Co. and was paid $225,000 to defeat asbestos claims.  Brown harped on it, and because most viewers probably didn’t know, I think it hurt."