Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Auschwitz renovation uncovers objects hidden by prisoners


"Vienna (AFP) - Renovation works at Auschwitz have turned up spoons, forks, cobbler's tools and other objects hidden beneath a chimney flue -- some that might have been used to plan escapes, a national fund said Tuesday.
"The objects, which also include knives, hooks, scissors, pieces of leather and parts of shoes, were found last month in block 17 of the main camp, Austria's National Fund for Victims of National Socialism said.
"The fund commissioned the renovation and restoration works in the block at the former concentration camp in Poland in preparation for an exhibition.
" 'These utensils, kept out of sight of the SS guards, were perhaps used by shoemakers, or to prepare an escape or simply to be able to eat," fund secretary-general Hannah Lessing told AFP on Tuesday.
"The items were likely hidden in the chimney because block 17 was used to house manual workers.
"It is no coincidence that a chimney was used as a hiding place in the very building where chimney sweeps were accommodated," the fund's structural consultant Johannes Hofmeister said, according to a press release from the fund.
"The objects are not expected to be on display at the exhibition, due to open in 2021, but instead have been handed over to the Auschwitz-Birkenau museum for conservation.
"One million European Jews died at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which Nazi Germany set up in occupied Poland in 1940 and which became Europe's biggest death camp.
"More than 100,000 others including non-Jewish Poles, Roma, Soviet prisoners of war and anti-Nazi resistance fighters also died there.
"Items scattered around the camp and its surroundings continue to turn up periodically during works."    

As usual, the UK Daily Mail is an excellent source for information: Spoons and tools are discovered hidden beneath a chimney at Nazi concentration camp
. . . "Birkenau became a major part of the Nazis' 'Final Solution', where they sought to rid Europe of Jews. 
An estimated 1.3 million people were sent to the camp, of whom at least 1.1 million died – around 90 percent of which were Jews.
Since 1947, it has operated as Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, which in 1979 was named a World Heritage Site by Unesco. 

The left’s two big albatrosses – Biden and Pelosi

To be sure, Biden and Pelosi have their devoted fans who are so blinded by their hatred of Trump and their thoroughly unwarranted hero worship of Biden and Pelosi that they mistakenly think they are normal and healthy but both are seriously in need of an intervention.

Patricia McCarthy   "One has to wonder, do those on the left, including the media, actually think that Joe Biden is a viable candidate for president?  Do they not realize that Nancy Pelosi is as senile as Joe? Like Joe, she often slurs her words, suffers brain freezes mid-sentence and spews gibberish.  Biden is life-long corruptocrat, a known plagiarist, a pathological liar and a truly mean and evil man.  You can catch a glimpse of  just how mean in the film about Clarence Thomas; it was Biden who grilled him mercilessly during the hearings over Anita Hill’s phony allegations. Biden is a racist as well.  Pelosi is a life-long power-mad lunatic.  She has allowed her own district to dissolve into a homeless camp with all the attendant problems – discarded needles, feces on the streets and sidewalks, and an ever-escalating crime wave.  Smash and grab car burglaries occur by the minute in San Feancisco and there are no consequences for the perpetrators if caught.   Like Sen. Dianne Feinstein,  Pelosi and her husband are millionaires several times over; they’ve become rich because both have been in Congress for so many years.  They all get rich on insider information.  Joe Biden goes further; we all know he used a billion dollars in U.S. aid as leverage to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was investigating his son.  John Kerry was in on that bit of bribery.  He is as low a form of life as Biden. 
"And yet, at the moment, Biden is their candidate and Pelosi is their Speaker who embarrasses herself every time she opens her mouth, as does Biden." . . .  

De Blasio Follows Through On Threat To Target Jews…

Weasel Zippers

Ukrainian Lawmaker Releases Recorded Phone Calls Of Biden, Poroshenko That Contain Eyebrow-Raising Remarks

"Andriy Derkach, an independent member of Ukraine’s parliament, said at a press conference on Tuesday that he had received recorded phone call conversations between presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden, then-vice president in the Obama administration, and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, which Derkach reportedly played at the press conference.
"The Washington Post reported that the “recordings of private phone calls between former vice president Joe Biden and former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko” were “a new broadside against the presumptive Democratic nominee for U.S. president.”
"The Post reports that Derkach has past links to Russian intelligence and that he claimed that the tapes were made by Poroshenko. The Post noted that the clips consisted of “edited fragments of phone conversations [between] Biden and Poroshenko” but did not dispute that the clips were authentic.
. . . 
"It was widely reported last year that Biden bragged to a group of people in 2018 that he threatened Poroshenko that if he did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company that Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was on the board of, that the U.S. would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees from Ukraine.

"In one of the audio clips that Derkach allegedly released dated February 18, 2016, Poroshenko appeared to tell Biden [emphasis added]:
I have some positive and negative news. I will start with positive news. … Yesterday, I met with the General Prosecutor Shokin. And despite the fact that we didn’t have any corruption charges, we don’t have any information about him doing something wrong, I specifically asked him – no, it was a day before yesterday – I specifically asked him to resign … as his position as a state person. And despite of the fact that he has a support in the power and as a finish of meeting with him, he promised me to give me the statement on resignation. And one hour ago he bring me the written statement of his resignation. And this is my second step for keeping my promises. . . .

The Elusive Pro-Life Democrat: The Kristen Day Interview

A departure for the Bee:
Babylon Bee

"This is the Babylon Bee Interview Show.
"Listen to this episode on our podcast page or subscribe using your favorite podcast platform here.
"Kyle and Ethan talk to Kristen Day, the Executive Director of Democrats For Life of America. She caught the Bee’s eye after putting Pete Buttigieg on the spot about whether or not there is a place in the Democratic Party for pro-life voters. Kyle and Ethan chat with her about abortion, pro-life activism, and partisan divides. 
  • "Topics Discussed
  • There are 21 million pro-life Democrats that aren’t being served by their partyKristen’s pro-life convictions based on religious worldview and scienceHaving an opinion on abortion without a uterusSafe, Legal, and Rare becoming Legal… ‘Shout Your Abortion’Confronting Pete Buttigieg on whether there is room in the party for pro-life DemsThe goals and activism of Democrats For Life of AmericaHow the pro-abortion lobby took control of the partyThe Democrats For Life are not officially endorsing Joe Biden“Pro-life for the whole life”Political strategies and strange alliancesAdoption and pregnancy centers