Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The press and the Aurora shootings

Yep, even liberals know NBC News is no longer reliable when the truth is suddenly less important than The Narrative:  "For viewers to be turning off MSNBC during a major news event is "disheartening" for NBC, said Horizon media analyst Brad Adgate."

News Of Another Shooting

CNN Uses Aurora Shooting to Force Anti-Gun Agenda on Viewers  "Ironically, both a CNN host and a CNN contributor expressed their distaste for the media hitting on the gun issue Friday morning. Howard Kurtz called out CNN and Piers Morgan by name for turning the atrocity into "ideological fodder." "
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Dianne Feinstein: On second thought, forget what I said about intel leaks coming from the White House

Hot Air  "Pitiful twice over. Once because this is wholly unconvincing, and twice because she and her own staff can’t get their story straight about why she’s walking this back. The official statement:"
....“I was asked whether the White House might be responsible for recent national security leaks. I stated that I did not believe the president leaked classified information. I shouldn’t have speculated beyond that, because the fact of the matter is I don’t know the source of the leaks.....
 Politico  "Feinstein responded that she was “disappointed” that her comments were used by Romney to criticize the president.
" “I am disappointed by the statements made by Mr. Romney today regarding a question I was asked yesterday at the World Affairs Council,” she said. “I regret my remarks are being used to impugn President Obama or his commitment to protecting national security secrets.” "

The NCAA Got It Wrong

Richard Kline  "The horror of the Jerry Sandusky crimes committed against young boys is almost too much to believe.  But Sandusky is off to prison where he will experience a living hell for however much longer he lives.  Joe Paterno's legacy is now one of shame and disgust. 
"But, the recent NCAA sanctions levied upon Penn State are punishing the wrong people.  The Administrative people in the Penn State management chain are the guilty ones and they will be prosecuted and sued and vilified for the rest of their lives. 