Good luck with this.

"Gov. Signs Law Dooming California To A Quick Death:
"Jerry Brown created and signed a new law regarding online merchants and state tax collection. It was obviously targeted at Amazon and only serves Jerry Brown's personal interests and not the states.
"So now local small businesses will be able to sell much less and most likely wont be able to sell at all and many will go out of business. The ones that go out of business will fire their employees increasing unemployment and decreases revenue and income taxes for the state along with increasing welfare payments by the state. It also eliminates the brick and mortar sales tax income for the state.
"Along with a myriad of other consequences that increases all of California financial and social problems far more than the nonexistent tax revenue it will generate now that Amazon cut everyone off and refuses to pay California in the future or for past sales. Oh and did I mention this law is going to drive EBay and Paypal out of California further adding to our problems. This and much more are the reasons we need to impeach Jerry Brown now.
"So how is this good Jerry Brown? I never thought I would actually wish we could go back to a Governor like Gray Davis. Please help California become a better state and rescue us from the maniacal, self-serving man we refer to as Jerry Brown." . . .
Updated: Liberal California Now Leads All Other States In Poverty
Updated: Liberal California Now Leads All Other States In Poverty
"Liberal California now has the distinction of being the state which leads the nation in poverty. All of their big government and big spending policies haven’t helped at all.
PJ Media reports: What’s the Matter with California? "This just in from what was once the best state in the Union:" . . .
. . . It's a perfect racket, and one that will continue unless and until the California Republicans get their act together and begin vigorously contesting what has become a one-party state designed to enrich those at the top, beggar the middle class, and keep those on the bottom in permanent penury. . .
Victor Davis Hanson writes: 21st Century California Reverts Back to the Wild West . . . "California is hyper-lawful and lawless, completely free and without freedom, a condition entirely predicated on one’s sense of income and dutifulness. If one picks and chooses legal compliance, claims grievance, and earns ideological sympathy on the basis of race and class, then the law is negotiable; otherwise, he is a ripe target for bureaucracies and agencies to monitor every aspect of his life—on the principle that because millions now do not pay traffic fines and income taxes, file proper and legal names, and obey bureaucratic summonses, a few thousands must to the nth degree."