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Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Portland's Black Residents ‘Drowned Out’ by Black Lives Matter Protests
"Portland's black residents are reportedly feeling "drowned out" by the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests in the city that are being led by mostly-white, violent Antifa extremists.
"The African-American community in the Oregan city is feeling silenced amid the nightly riots and violence caused by radical-left protesters, the Associated Press reported Monday.
"According to the AP, the "voices of many black Portland residents" are being "lost" in the "chaotic and often violent protests," supposedly against racial injustice.
"Some in the black community feel the overwhelmingly white crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters — and particularly those committing vandalism — are co-opting the anti-racism movement.". . .
As Portland experiences more than 70 days of violent protests, riots, arson attacks, soaring homicides & shootings, @washingtonpost actually published a glowing photo essay on #antifa riot fashion. What is wrong w/reporter @Marissa_Jae & the editors there? https://t.co/uiqmwXT9cY pic.twitter.com/lJhrPW6avC
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) August 10, 2020
This Democrat Party and its strange actions appears "satanic"
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. . . "The incident follows the anti-police sentiment that swept the nation last year following the death of George Floyd while he was in police custody, and the resulting defund the police movement.". . .
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" 'If it was about "Saving Lives" the democrats would lock down the border and stop firing nurses!" Rob Gunne |
Marine Stuart Scheller Levels Charges at Biden’s Military Leadership for Leaving Americans Behind; Jailed! (Updated)
Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the officer who went viral for blasting the military's leadership amid the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, has been sent to the brig, according to a report.
"First a psych eval and now brig confinement. It appears the powers that be are out to make an example of him — which he astutely predicted. On the psych eval, it was tragic that the Marine leadership went "full Soviet" on him.". . .
The Marine Who Called for Afghanistan Accountability Has Been Thrown in Prison (townhall.com)
From the United Kingdom: Father reveals US marine son who criticised withdrawal from Afghanistan is in military prison (theworldnews.net) " "Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller gained notoriety in August when he released a public video ripping into the hasty withdrawal of US troops and personnel from Afghanistan, leaving the country to fall to the Taliban.
"After several of his videos went viral, his superiors banned him from posting on social media, but the marine continued to do so before handing in a letter of resignation on August 31 - the final day of US occupation of Afghanistan.
"Now, his father has revealed that the former Lieutenant Colonel has been sent to military prison, known as 'the brig', where he is being held as he awaits a military hearing for breaking the gag order set by his superior officers.
"'All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud,' said Stuart Scheller Sr.
"'He was asking for accountability, but they had a gag order on him and asked him not to speak.
" 'He did, and they incarcerated him.' ". . .
UPDATE: The Wrong Man Is In The Brig – Put Biden On Trial -(andmagazine.com) "Scheller was up until recently a Marine battalion commander. He was relieved of his command following a series of public statements he made chastising military leadership for the manifest incompetence shown during the Afghan withdrawal that led directly to the deaths of 13 Marines. After his relief Scheller announced he would resign from the service and continued to speak out – in apparent violation of direct orders to stop discussing his concerns publicly.
"In one video, posted on September 16th, Scheller stated his intention to charge Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., head of U.S. Central Command, with dereliction of duty. In the video, Scheller said he was continuing to speak out even though it could jeopardize a deal the Marine Corps had offered him, under which he would accept nonjudicial punishment, resign his commission, forfeit his military pension, and accept a general discharge under honorable conditions rather than face a court-martial.
" 'I have read the entire UCMJ [Uniform Code of Military Justice] in the last two weeks of my purgatory – all of the punitive articles – and it turns out that all military officers are subject to the UCMJ,” Scheller said in the video. “Because it appears to me that no general officers are willing to hold each other accountable, I am submitting charges against Gen. McKenzie for his bad assumptions – not because I’m vindictive, but because the senior leaders need to be held accountable to the same standard as us.' ”. . .
Cartels delighted with Joe Biden's Del Rio border mess, vow to take out Border Patrol with more fake news
It's a horror in the making, and there's not a scintilla of recognition from the Bidenites that they're about to lose big again as the entire country suffers.
"According to independent journalist Lara Logan:
BREAKING: Acc to law enfcmt in RGV Texas, BP agents advised latest Intel from cartels: after Biden response to horse patrol, cartels ordered their smugglers to force BP to react/appear to use excessive force & record. Cartels will push to media to force more agents off the line.
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Joe Biden is one of those craven leaders who's signaled to cartels that he has no intention of backing his own government enforcing the laws of the country and is easily diverted by "racist" narratives. The end result is that Border Patrol agents are now on their own, and cartels have noticed. They'd like more racial incidents, the better to beef up profits. Any Border Patrol agent who sticks his neck out to protect the country from an illegal foreign invasion will be subject to a cartel-provoked incident framed as racism by the press and then get the back of Joe's hand. As the old fool put it: "Those people will pay."
10 Lowlights of Maxine Waters’ Political Career
This woman is frightening to me, but so are her voters that keep her in office. TD
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Sabo photos from 100%Fedup |
10 Lowlights of Maxine Waters' Political Career (breitbart.com) "Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is one of the most controversial members of Congress, with a history of scandalous and bizarre statements and stories throughout her thirty years as a representative.
"Below are ten lowlights in Waters’ political career:
"1. Waters is reprimanded by a judge for inciting unrest during an ongoing criminal trial
"Waters has recently been in the news for encouraging protesters in Minnesota to “get more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin is acquitted of murder charges for the death of George Floyd.
"Judge Peter Cahill, who is presiding over the trial, said on the day of counsel’s closing arguments that her remarks were “abhorrent” and “may result in the whole trial being overturned”:. . . "
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