Monday, February 2, 2015

CNN ‘Totally Biased’ Against Republicans [VIDEO]; Other items on Media bias as well

Daily Caller  . . . "Navarrette didn’t just lay blame with CNN, saving his harshest words for Univision, telling Malzberg they’re a shill for the Democratic Party and that he doesn’t blame the GOP for not kowtowing and giving a primary debate to Univision.

“ 'Univision has shown itself to be a partisan network in favor of Democrats, making Democrats look good, making Republicans look bad,” Navarrette said. “I don’t think the RNC owes them anything and I think it’s time we spoke honestly about what Univision is. It’s a shill for the Democratic Party.' ”

Completely Non-Biased WH Reporter Expects To “Probably Cry” When Obama Finally Leaves Office  April Ryan, White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, really loves President Obama." . .

Rand Paul scolds CNBC anchor  Well, their name does contain the letters N, B, C after all.  "Rand Paul Tears into CNBC Anchor for ‘Misleading’ Questions on Vaccines, Taxes: ‘Try a Little Objectivity’
"(Mediaite) Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) showed his impassioned side Monday afternoon during a heated interview with CNBC anchor Kelly Evans on forced vaccinations, a bipartisan corporate tax holiday bill, and accusations of “conflict of interest.' ”  Video

Various musings on the Super Bowl X-Whatever

How an undrafted Patriots rookie made one of the greatest plays in Super Bowl history
seahawks interception patriots super bowl
. . . "It's not like Seattle's play call was doomed from the beginning. It's not like Russell Wilson made a horrible throw. Butler read the play perfectly, jumped the route, and got to the spot on the field where the ball was going before the receiver.
"Here's the breakdown of how he did it." . . .
The left hijacks the Super Bowl  . . . "I’m one old football fan who does not like to be preached to by holier-than-thou liberal jerks when I’m trying to watch a game.  I resent such indoctrination attempts to the point of questioning if I’m going to continue to allow myself to be insulted by an advertising industry that appears to be several degrees left of the New York Times." . . . 
"And of course they have their intestinal worm: Bob Costas."  By Russ Vaughn
It's not just in those commercials; it is in most conversations during every TV show. One theme: guys are clueless dunces and ripe for ridicule by dominant females of any age.

Lloyd Marcus: A shared American experience: Super Bowl  . . . "It was fun being a part of a uniquely American shared experience, watching and allowing myself to be slightly emotionally invested in the Super Bowl." . . .
I'm done with the Super Bowl.  The leftists have won.
I’m done with the Super Bowl. The leftists have won.  . . . "But as a viewer and occasional football fan, I care.  I watch for entertainment.  Not to get judged.  I don’t watch the Super Bowl to be told we need to “have a conversation”.  Save the “conversations” for another day.  If that’s the future direction of the Super Bowl, then I’ll spend my time on something more worthwhile.  The left-wing ad execs have won.  They killed it.  The Super Bowl is now officially yet another propaganda outlet for left-wing psychology.  As if we needed another one." . . .

Barack Obama Marks Super Bowl Sunday By Posting Pics Of . . . Barack Obama…
Here is one of several:
Screen shot 2015-02-02 at 11.00.21 AM
George Will: A Season of Wretched Excess; Don’t let Deflate-gate keep you from enjoying the uniquely American experience that is the Super Bowl.   . . . "It consists of the days — this year, twelve of them — between the State of the Union address and the final merciful tick of the clock of the Super Bowl.
"The State of the Union has become, under presidents of both parties, a political pep rally degrading to everyone. ". . 

Was The Nationwide Commercial The Worst Super Bowl Ad Ever? [VIDEO]  . . . "Calling the ad a downer is an understatement. But it did leave an impression on the tens of millions of viewers who saw it. Unfortunately for Nationwide, that impression was incredibly negative." . . .

The Super Bowl That Took Everyone’s Breath Away 

In Defense of Darrell Bevell  . . . "Keep in mind, Bevell has limited resources. None of Seattle’s wide receivers can consistently separate from man coverage, and their quarterback, great as he is on extended plays, can’t make many throws from the pocket. That makes things tough on an offensive coordinator.
John Biever/SI/The MMQB

George Will: The harm incurred by a mushrooming welfare state

"America’s national character will have to be changed if progressives are going to implement their agenda. So, changing social norms is the progressive agenda. To understand how far this has advanced, and how difficult it will be to reverse the inculcation of dependency, consider the data Nicholas Eberstadt deploys in National Affairs quarterly:

"America’s welfare state transfers more than 14 percent of gross domestic product to recipients, with more than a third of Americans taking “need-based” payments. In our wealthy society, the government officially treats an unprecedented portion of the population as “needy.' ” . . .