Saturday, January 25, 2014

Oregon ruling really takes the cake -- Christian bakery guilty of violating civil rights of lesbian couple

Sweet Cakes owners respond to firestorm over wedding cake decision
Aaron and Melissa Klein

Todd Starnes    "The owners of a Christian bakery who refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple are facing hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines after they were found guilty of violating the couple’s civil rights.

"The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries said they found “substantial evidence” that Sweet Cakes by Melissa discriminated against the lesbian couple and violated the Oregon Equality Act of 2007, a law that protects the rights of the LGBT community."....

It looks very much like LGBT activists are using review sites to ruin this business. The comments seem to be pure vindictiveness made manifest.

When women lived FREE in Afghanistan: Pictures show how they were once able to study, wear skirts and mix freely with men - before civil war, invasion and the Taliban enslaved them

This picture of Afghan women attending university in 1967 could have been taken anywhere in the Western world
This picture of Afghan women attending university in 1967 could
have been taken anywhere in the Western world
UK Mail  "Women in Afghanistan were brutally repressed under Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001 – but a series of fascinating old photographs show how women there used to live freely.
"The Taliban were condemned around the world for their treatment of women.
"Under their rule they were forbidden to be educated, publicly beaten for showing disobedience and forced to wear burqas – a garment that covers the whole body, apart from the eyes."

Women browse in a Kabul record store
Women browse in a Kabul record store
.... Mr Karzai insisted the document was in keeping with Islam and did not restrict women.
" 'It is the Shariah law of all Muslims and all Afghans,' he said."

Polio on the rise in radical Muslim countries    ... "As we wring our hands (at least the UN workers do) over the terrible backwardness of so much of the Muslim world and wonder why the Middle East is in a state of "failure to thrive," we must acknowledge that no effort from the outside can fix things. Change will come, as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once noted, "when they become countries, not causes" (militant Islam)."

Pakistan Launches New Islamically Correct Anti-Polio Campaign    "How backward is the Taliban? One measure of barbarity would be the resurgence of polio in Pakistan because of the insistence of the jihadists that preventive vaccine is un-Islamic and that public health workers who vaccinate children should be murdered. At least a dozen people have been killed in recent months for trying to protect kids from a crippling disease."
Below, relatives of a murdered polio-prevention worker are upset by the sight of her body at a Karachi morgue.

Obama An Unrivaled Polarizing President

Peter Wehner  "In 2008 Barack Obama predicated his campaign not on a set of policies but on what might be called a political aesthetic. He would do away with what he called the “50 plus one” style of governing. He would “turn the page” on the “old politics” of division and anger and end a politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” Mr. Obama would help us to “rediscover our bonds to each other and … get out of this constant petty bickering that’s come to characterize our politics.” In the Age of Obama the Red State wolf would dwell with the Blue State lamb, and all would be right with the world.

"What a shame it turned out to be utter fiction." 

Wendy Davis: The New Spokeswoman For Sugar Daddy Dating Website

Downtrend  A couple months ago, I wrote about the “Sugar Daddy” dating service that matched up wealthy, older men with young women looking for a little … um … financial security.
"As it seems, the site – – has found a new spokesperson in Abortion Barbie – kind of.

"The site has endorsed Wendy Davis’ candidacy for Texas Governor. After it was revealed she lied in her official biography and that her wealthy ex-husband paid for the lion’s share of her college education, conservatives and others pounced. “Abortion Barbie had a Sugar Daddy Ken,” one Fox News analyst suggested."

Wendy Davis endorsed by ‘sugar daddy’ dating service

Abortion Hero Caught In Multiple Lies    ... "
Perhaps most outrageously, the report indicates Davis initialized the divorce just one day after her then-husband made the final payment for her law school education.
For someone who is fashioning herself as the next women’s rights leader in America, it seems a man was integral to her success. In true feminist fashion, however, it seems she had no qualms with casting him aside after he had served his purpose.

Perhaps most outrageously, the report indicates Davis initialized the divorce just one day after her then-husband made the final payment for her law school education.
For someone who is fashioning herself as the next women’s rights leader in America, it seems a man was integral to her success. In true feminist fashion, however, it seems she had no qualms with casting him aside after he had served his purpose.

Perhaps most outrageously, the report indicates Davis initialized the divorce just one day after her then-husband made the final payment for her law


SLAPPstick Farce: Getting Sued for Speaking Out

Mark Steyn   "America is a land of acronyms, and, useful as they are, acronyms can quickly curdle into jargon. SLAPP stands for "strategic lawsuit against public participation" — i.e., using legal action to cow an opponent into silence, and withdrawal from the public square. It was coined in the Eighties by Penelope Canan and George W. Pring at the University of Denver, and in the Nineties they turned it into a book: SLAPPs: Getting Sued for Speaking Out." ...
[National Review] "runs specialized blogs on both legal matters and climate change, yet they too have been all but entirely silent. I assume, from this lonely outpost on NR's wilder shores, that back at head office they take the view that it's best not to say anything while this matter works its way through the courts. In other words, a law explicitly intended to prevent litigious bullies from forcing their victims to withdraw from "public participation" has resulted in the defendants themselves voluntarily withdrawing from "public participation." That's nuts.

How political correctness took down Navy SEALs

NY Post
How political correctness took down Navy SEALs
Matthew McCabe (pictured) and Jonathan Keefe caught the man who butchered American contractors. Their reward? Court-martial

"The night of Sept. 1, 2009, Echo Platoon of Navy SEAL Team 10 headed out into the Fallujah night. Their goal: concluding a five-year search for the al Qaeda killer who had been responsible for the shocking 2004 murders of four American military contractors — one of them an ex-SEAL — whose bodies were then burned, dragged through the streets and hanged from a bridge.

"This night the SEALs departed with these words from their commanding officer: “Gents, stay sharp, and expect a firefight.”

"In the event, no shots were fired, but the SEALs faced another kind of ambush: a humiliating, baffling, infuriating struggle with the military-justice system that would end with an unsatisfying victory.

"Because the man those SEALs captured — Ahmad Hashim Abd Al-Isawi, aka “the Butcher of Fallujah,” a man who lived for mayhem — somehow sustained a bloody lip on the night of his capture." ...
"But the lip injury was the only harm found on his body, and as the al Qaeda training guide known as the “Manchester Manual” (after the English city where a copy of it was discovered) advises, detainees should “always complain of mistreatment or torture while in prison.' ” Emphasis added.

A book mentioned in the above article:

Honor and Betrayal