Monday, June 6, 2011

Palestinian who slaughtered Fogel family has no regrets

American Thinker  "In a chilling statement to reporters, an unrepentant Amjad Awad proclaimed "I don't regret what I did, and I would do it again," adding "I'm proud of what I did and I'll accept any punishment I get, even death, because I did it all for Palestine." "
In a related item, hundreds of Muslims took to the streets in protest against the senseless killing of innocent Israeli families... What?... Wait, um, never mind. I misspoke.
Photo from weaselzippers. Two Palestinian youths from the West Bank
 village of Awarta, arrested in April on suspicion of murdering five members
of the Fogel family in Itamar, were charged with five counts of homicide
 at a military court on Sunday.

Tunnel Dweller did an internet search for "muslims protest killing of Israeli family." The first page yielded just what you saw and the second page had just this one:

A Memo to American Muslims  "I hope that we will now rededicate our lives and our institutions to the search for harmony, peace and tolerance. Let us be prepared to suffer injustice rather than commit injustices. After all it is we who carry the divine burden of Islam and not others. We have to be morally better, more forgiving, more sacrificing than others, if we wish to convince the world about the truth of our message. We cannot even be equal to others in virtue, we must excel.
"It is time for soul searching. How can the message of Muhammad (pbuh) who was sent as mercy to mankind become a source of horror and fear? How can Islam inspire thousands of youth to dedicate their lives to killing others? We are supposed to invite people to Islam not murder them.
"The worst exhibition of Islam happened on our turf. We must take first responsibility to undo the evil it has manifest. This is our mandate, our burden and also our opportunity."
Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D. Director of International Studies, Adrian College, MI. Association of Muslim Social Scientists.
Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy.

To which we say amen and thank you, Doctor.

Omaha Beach D-Day landings from above; Victor Davis Hanson column. (Updated with more info.)

(Above) Some sources list this as Omaha Beach, but this is most certainly Utah Beach. The small dots on the beach are men standing and the longer ones are bodies laying down. Since troops moved quickly off Utah Beach and there was not quite as much debris buildup as on Omaha Beach where the beaches were covered with destroyed vehicles, it is probably Utah Beach. Omaha was covered with wreckage by the third wave.  TD

(Above) Taken a few days after June 6th, this view is over the hedgerows of the Normandy bocage where so many thousands of lives were lost. Look back toward the beaches at the massive amount of ships involved in the landings. The area in the foreground was the graveyard of much of the 29th Infantry Division in the drive toward St. Lo.  TD
The National Collection of Aerial Photography  (UK)  Labelled elsewhere as the Vierville draw at Omaha Beach, it is actually the neighboring landing site, the Les Moulins draw, where Gen. Cota went ashore, worked his way to the top of the bluffs, then moved west to the Vierville exit, where the worst slaughter took place. This beach is distinguished by the immense, 18-foot-wide anti-tank ditch inland.  (Gen. Cota was portrayed by Robert Mitchum in the movie, "The Longest Day".)  TD

Robert Capa photo of French fishermen gazing at the aftermath of the Normandy landings.

This photo and many more at

Updated Aug 20th: My educated guess about the above photo is this: At the top, just right of center is the bulge in the shoreline known as the Point et Raz de la Percee. About an inch or so to the left of that is the Vierville Draw where the Bedford boys and Co. A, 116 RCT, 29th Division were annihilated. The next draw to the left of that and close to the left margin is the Les Moulins Draw where General Norman Cota (or was it Robert Mitchum?) personally led his men off the beaches. This is either very early on D-Day as there do not seem to be many vehicles and boats jamming the beaches. (Or it is several days after as the line of sunken ships off the beach at Les Moulin would indicate? They were placed there for a breakwater.) More here. And here.  TD

 Link replaced with this from History News Network:    What We Might Remember This Memorial Day  by Victor Davis Hanson

(Link fixed)    "The list of American wars, interventions, and campaigns, past and present, is endless — a source of serial political acrimony here at home over the human and financial cost and wisdom of spending American lives to better others. Sometimes we feel we are not good when we are not perfect, whether trying to stop a Stalinist North Vietnamese takeover of the south, or failing to secure Iraq before 2008. But the common story remains the same: For nearly a century, the American soldier has often been the last, indeed the only, impediment to butchery, enslavement, and autocracy." . . . (National Review article no longer good
Oldie, but a goodie:

Rich Terrell on D-Day plus posts from MilBlogs Mudville Gazette and Blackfive
D-Day posts  from Mudville Gazette.

Added: Omaha; posted on Blackfive
"Omaha, bloody, Bloody Omaha. Thank God for those that fought and died on you."

Leading the Democrats into Battle: Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Demagogues Ryan plan

Pajamas Media "Born in Queens, New York, Wasserman Schultz, a former legislative aide, was, at one time, the youngest female legislator in Florida history. A prolific fundraiser — she reportedly raised more than $17 million for her congressional colleagues in 2006 — she nonetheless seems an odd choice to lead the national party. She is not terribly well-known, is not considered an expert on the less-than-gentle art of politics, and, as she has shown in recent days, is somewhat gaffe prone." ....
"These are the kind of hypocrisies that voters understand intuitively. The hypocrisies that reflect one set of rules for the people we don’t like and another set of rules for the in clique. They don’t like it and they remember it when they vote.
"Wasserman Schultz has some time yet to “grow into the job.” As long as the White House is happy with what she’s doing, she’s not going anywhere because, at the end of the day, she works for the president — not the party. Meaning he bears some responsibility for what she says and does."

DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Has No Clue That ‘Undocumented’ Immigrants Being In Our Country Is Currently A Crime  Video.

WashPost Fact Check: Wasserman Schultz 'Scaremongering' on Ryan Plan "U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s claims that the GOP plan to remake Medicare would throw seniors “to the wolves and allow insurance companies to deny you coverage” are bogus, The Washington Post concluded in a fact check of the assertion."