Monday, November 1, 2010

Video: The Ad the Media Didn’t Want Delaware to See

Pajamas Media  "Fool me once, etc. I’m not buying the “forgot to air it” excuse. Not when these “mistakes” keep happening to GOP candidates but not Democrats. According to Hot Air, some readers complained, and the cable station blamed the fiasco on Comcast. I’m not buying that either. Not when the mistakes keep helping one side.
"Here’s the ad that Comcast or the staff at that Delaware cable station — or both — didn’t want the voters of that state to see."

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Yusuf Islam’s Changing Views: Were Stewart and Colbert Taken In?

Pajamas Media  "But if he has changed, what he has to do is publicly recant his radical fundamentalist views, and apologize formally to Rushdie. If he is indeed a true moderate Muslim, as he wants people to think, nothing less will do. And those who are artists — like Colbert and Stewart — must stand with the likes of Rushdie before giving a platform to the possibly unrepentant Yusuf Islam. That is, unless they prefer to stand by their own illusions and ignore reality. Are liberal comics so dense that cannot do what is right?" Ron Radosh

Yusuf Cat Stevens/ Islam
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert: Are They Pro-Islamofascist or Just Stupid?  "Although they pretend to be more, they are just mildly talented entertainers with the depth of a petri dish who rely on their writers to stoke them with material and ideas.  And no one told them Cat Stevens supported killing a fellow artist merely for exercising free expression. And unlike many of you, they simply didn’t know themselves.  They thought he was, you know, just a peaceful ex-hippie dude who went Islamic spiritual instead of zen." Roger L Simon

A Time for Choosing

This election is a referendum not on Obama personally, but on Obama as liberal progressive.  "Today’s liberal progressives are directly descended from the “New Left” of the 1960s. By this I do not mean student radicals, SDS members, Yippies, and others of the radical fringe of this movement. Instead, I define the “New Left” as those Americans — largely bearers of college and postgraduate degrees — who sought not merely to ameliorate some of the hardest edges of American life, as FDR did with the New Deal, but rather to transform American life now."

A Vote Against Dems, Not for the GOP "In this environment, it would be wise for all Republicans to remember that their team didn't win, the other team lost. Heading into 2012, voters will remain ready to vote against the party in power unless they are given a reason not to do so.
"Elected politicians also should leave their ideological baggage behind because voters don't want to be governed from the left, the right, or even the center. They want someone in Washington who understands that the American people want to govern themselves."

The Inexplicables

Victor Davis Hanson "What is it with former Democratic presidents? Cannot they let it be and recede into retirement in the manner of a Nixon, Ford, or Reagan? His multimillion overseas speaking junkets to oil rich dictatorships now nullified by Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State, a restless Bill Clinton is once more still shaking his finger, haranguing the electorate, knee deep in partisan politics, and now caught in intrigue trying to oust the African-American Democratic candidate for US Senate in Florida.

Irony: Obama to be interviewed by American Idol co-host Ryan Seacrest

 Ed Lasky  "Doesn't the office deserve just a bit more respect
and dignity?"                  Google Images

The New Blacklist: ABC News Makes Provably False Claim Breitbart ‘Exaggerated’ His Role

Big Journalism  "There’s been yet another troubling turn in the story of ABC News caving to left-wing Blacklisters since Andrew Breitbart published this article last night laying out the facts with respect to how the network offered him a gracious invitation to participate in tomorrow’s “online and network broadcast election night coverage” and then revoked at least part of that invitation after the left ginned up a coordinated Juan Williams-like astro-turf attack to silence him."

Anchorage CBS Affiliate Caught on Voicemail Conspiring Against Alaska’s GOP Senate Candidate

Big Journalism  "From the Miller Campaign:"
Now the media has gone from trying to create stories to openly lying. The audio was pulled directly from the voicemail message. Nothing was altered. “Everything that was recorded on my phone is what we released without change,” said Randy Desoto.
"Clearly the reporters were conspiring to set up some type of smear of Joe Miller. With glee, they even cite a recent controversy over an incident involving the Rand Paul campaign, while discussing how they would spread the story via social media after whatever incident they had in mind came off. It also brings to mind another recent episode that ended with Jerry Brown’s California gubernatorial campaign being caught up in controversy when someone from Brown’s camp called Brown’s opponent, Republican Meg Whitman, a “whore.”"

What to look for on election night

Print version: From the Washington Examiner

Published version: "For political junkies planning to keep score on Tuesday night, here’s a guide to races of particular interest, in order of poll closing times. There are roughly 500 federal and governors' elections, so I've tried to leave out as many non-competitive races as possible, unless they represent pickups for one party or the other."

Thanking American Muslims

Blackfive "Here's a list of terror plots that have been foiled with the assistance of the American Muslims drawn from the Muslim Public Affairs Council's recent report on the subject:"....

 "...Today we can add another one -- while Farooque Ahmed's recent alleged attempt to attack the subway system in Washington, D.C., seems to have been under the control of federal investigators from the beginning, Ahmed was initially brought to the attention of authorities by a "source in the Muslim community."  Emphasis added.

Terror Plots Foiled With The Assistance Of The American Muslim Community.  "There are ongoing questions about whether or not law enforcement has crossed the line with some of its sting operations -- but there shouldn't be any question that the American Muslim community has played an important role in protecting the country from terrorism."

Muslim Public Affairs Council's recent report on the subject:  
"Despite the numerous legal and social
challenges Muslim Americans face at
times, the above list shows the critical role
their communities play in keeping
America safe. Other notable cases include,
warnings from Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab’s father52 and a case in
1997 NYC bomb plot foiled with the
assistance of the suspects’ roommate.53
Altogether this totals 13 post-9/11 plots
involving anti-terror assistance from
Muslim community members, 14 if the
1997 plot is added."

Obama Tricks Voters Like Enron Hoodwinked Public: Amity Shlaes "For the first quarter century or so of its existence, lawmakers didn’t dare impose the income tax on the average earner. Only when World War II broke out did this class tax become a mass tax. And then two extra tricks were necessary for the transition. First, many taxpayers were hardly in a position to resist a shift in the code since they were already government captives: draftees. Second, withholding was introduced. Soldiers never knew how much they were taxed because part of their income never even made it into their pockets."

Democrats want to take over IRAs and 401k's

Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs "This is the confiscation.
"First take away the advantage of 401(k)'s and IRA's.
"Create a new and mandatory retirement system.
"Swoop in and take over the failing 401k and IRA fund managers to save the individual accounts and put them under government administration."

Huge See, I Told You So from 2008: Democrats Try To Take Your 401(k)  "The unions are behind this. You might say, "Why? Why are the unions pushing this?" Very simple. The average union pension plan right now is only 62% funded -- and that's way below the point at which the government considers a pension plan endangered. So there are estimates that suggest unions' multiemployer pension plans are underfunded by $165 billion and could be on the verge of collapse, because all the money the union guys think is stashed away for them has been spent. The Reverend Jackson years ago talked raiding pension accounts for "social justice." The union leaders see these retirement security ideas like GRAs as vehicles as a back-door pension bailout:"  Rush Limbaugh Background links included.

Should Government Take Over Your 401(k)? Prophecy from 2008   "Reports have surfaced in recent days over House Democrat attempts to make significant changes to 401(k) plans in our country. They first want to remove the tax break we currently receive by contributing funds to a 401(k) plan. Then, they wish to enroll everyone into a government run retirement plan where you would be required to put away 5% of your income to earn a 3% return. Let’s look at why this is likely to happen.
"First, there are two reasons why I think that this is going to happen (assuming Obama is elected President)."

Reid loss could reopen nuke debate

Politico  "And without a senior Nevada lawmaker in position to fend off Yucca’s supporters, the project could have new life.
"A Yucca kick-start would be welcome news to the nuclear industry and pro-nuclear lawmakers who see the lack of a long-term repository as a roadblock for what they foresee as a U.S. nuclear renaissance."

 Nuclear Power Now "Unfortunately, the voting public has been victimized by forty years of misinformation regarding the safety of nuclear power. The graphs on nuclear energy showing it to be safe, economical, and in our national interest are countered by anti-nuclear activists using fear tactics to frighten the electorate into inaction."

Solutions for Sanity

Heritage   "“It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government,” Reagan said in January 1981. “It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the Federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the States or to the people."