Sunday, February 6, 2022

America’s crime spike goes much deeper than policing or the lack of it

We’ve had only one honorable man serve as President of the United States in this century. This honorable quality so offended the Washington swamp people that they ginned up a hoax accusing him of treason, impeached him twice, and allowed him to be cheated out of his second term in office because he wasn’t one of them.

 American Thinker  "There’s a spike in crime right now in the United States and the only thing that surprises me about that is that nobody expected it. The right says there’s not enough support for law enforcement. The left claims it’s because of systematic racism. Tucker Carlson says it’s due to left-wing policies in Democrat-run cities. I agree with almost everything Tucker says, but not this one.". . .

Toon added by TD

. . ."Joe Biden is a known liar and plagiarist. The only reason that I’m not calling him a criminal is because he hasn’t been convicted for the crimes that we all know he’s committed. People need to wake up and smell the swamp. You can’t steal right in front of your kids and then expect them to be law-abiding citizens when they grow up. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

"How did Nancy Pelosi get as wealthy as she is on a public servant’s salary? We’re not stupid. If the people that run this country cannot manage to follow the law, then why should anyone else?"...

Crime is spiking because the American people are becoming as morally bankrupt as the politicians in our government...

Schadenfreude overload: Chris Wallace joined CNN+ because Jeff Zucker would be his protector there, now reportedly ‘irate’ at his departure

 Thomas Lifson

. . .

At the time, the former Fox News Sunday anchor specifically cited Zucker as one of the reasons he joined the network.

“I am honored and delighted to join Jeff Zucker and his great team,” Wallace gushed in a statement just two hours after he quit Fox on December 12.

"That “team” bloviation obscures the reality of the snake pit nature of TV news, especially at a failing operation like CNN. Wallace has got to be worried about the long knives and his ample back at his new employer that looks like it is about to clean house. Notably, there are no reports of him bringing any staff with him from Fox, and his old support staff at Fox News Sunday must be popping champagne corks with the new ratings they enjoy with Shannon Bream helming the broadcast. For what it is worth, her colleagues at the Fox News Washington Bureau refer to Shannon on-air as "the nicest person in the building" -- which is consistent with her on-air persona.

"Wallace is very unhappy, according to Radar."

Justice? BLM Rioter Gets Probation For Setting Fire to a High School


PJ Media   "A 20-year old man convicted of setting a fire at a high school during the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 in Minnesota received probation and was fined $34,000.

"Judge David S. Doty, appointed by Ronald Reagan, didn’t comment on why he only gave a terrorist probation, but court documents show that he was constrained by the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984.

"Mohamed Hussein Abdi pled guilty to conspiracy to commit arson, according to court documents obtained by Fox News.

New York Post:

Abdi was arrested in June 2020, a month after he entered the high school through a broken glass door during the Floyd riot and could be seen on security footage pouring liquid from a white container onto the floor and then into a trashcan. Abdi then took a liquid-soaked garment and sent fire to the trash can before running away as flames and smoke began to spread.

It has been estimated that rioting across the nation following Floyd’s death destroyed over $1 billion worth of property.

More than 1,500 businesses in the Minneapolis St. Paul area were damaged or destroyed during the riots totaling roughly $500 million in damages.

"Abdi was an accomplice to the arson fire, which was set by Jose Angel Felan, who also torched a Goodwill store and a 7 Mile Sportswear store. He pled “not guilty” in April and is awaiting trial. Felan’s wife, Mena Dhaya Yousif, was charged with being an accessory after the fact when she assisted her husband in his escape to Mexico.". . .

Afro-Idealism in Black History Month and January 6 - American Thinker  . . ."The killing of police officers in large numbers in the United States is a direct result of false teaching and education about African-American history in the United States.  Black History Month must become a renaissance of black voices that honestly and boldly represent the best hopes of the nation.  In failing to tend to and recover this more accurate and humane history, we will continue on a path of dangerous partisan violence.  This fuller truth including afro-idealism will set us free.". . .

This Photo Should End Stacey Abrams' Gubernatorial Campaign


PJ Media   "Stacey Abrams, who is once again running for governor of Georgia, has generated huge backlash after she shared a picture of her visiting Glenwood Elementary School in Decatur, Ga., in which she was surrounded by dozens of masked children while she sat and smiled in the front conspicuously maskless.

Public schools in Decatur have a mask mandate, and Abrams proved herself to be a garden variety Democrat who believes that rules are for everyone else but her. Hence why Abrams is hardly the first Democrat to appear maskless during similar photo ops. For example, in November, First Lady Jill Biden was photographed maskless during a visit to an elementary school while the kids she was visiting were masked. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) are just a few other Democrats who have flouted mask mandates. But this photo could be more problematic for Abrams (who eventually deleted her tweet) because she’s running for governor in Georgia. “Stacey Abrams wants state government mask mandates for Georgians and their children,” Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp tweeted. “But it looks like they wouldn’t apply when she’s attending a photo op.”0

"Public schools in Decatur have a mask mandate, and Abrams proved herself to be a garden variety Democrat who believes that rules are for everyone else but her. Hence why Abrams is hardly the first Democrat to appear maskless during similar photo ops. For example, in November, First Lady Jill Biden was photographed maskless during a visit to an elementary school while the kids she was visiting were masked. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) are just a few other Democrats who have flouted mask mandates. But this photo could be more problematic for Abrams (who eventually deleted her tweet) because she’s running for governor in Georgia.

“Stacey Abrams wants state government mask mandates for Georgians and their children,” Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp tweeted. “But it looks like they wouldn’t apply when she’s attending a photo op.”

Biden’s Ukraine Scramble

 Conrad Black

Joe Biden appears to be attempting to scramble through the present crisis without giving away too much or being humiliated once again, but better options are available.

"Perversely, most of the aggressive left-wing media want to escalate the feud with Russian President Vladimir Putin to the point of driving Russia into the arms of China. This is the only way Russia (whose GDP is smaller than Canada’s) could seriously damage the West. 

"At the same time, some conservative commentators, including some of the stars at Fox News, are unreasonably accusing those who favor resisting Russian aggression in Ukraine of being warmongers and trying to propel America into endless, useless war. Again. 

"There is a legitimate American and Western interest in not allowing Russia to trample an independent nation of 40 million underfoot in the middle of Europe to the embarrassment of the Western alliance, and it is not a difficult scenario to avoid.

"For once, I’m prepared and happy to come partially to Joe Biden’s defense. The greatest problem with what he said about Ukraine at his press conference last week is not his customary ambiguity about the assertion of a legitimate national interest, or that the Western alliance (partly because of his own weakness) is divided on this question. Rather, the problem is very complicated. Biden grasps this, but he is famously bad at responding to such questions, even with rehearsal. Of course he is correct that there is a distinction between a wholesale invasion of a country and a frontier violation with very limited objectives.". . .