A Truly Great Phony ...."What our glib talker was saying might have seemed impressive to someone who had never read "Capital," as most people have not. But it was complete nonsense to me.

"This episode came back to me recently, as I read an incisive column by Charles Krauthammer, citing some of the many gaffes in public statements by the President of the United States."....
"One wonders how he will laugh when all his golden promises about ObamaCare turn out to be false and a medical disaster. Or when his foreign policy fiascoes in the Middle East are climaxed by a nuclear Iran."
Labor Dept: Same-Sex Spouses Must Receive Benefits Regardless of State Laws "...Obama Labor Department announced that married same-sex couples must receive the same pensions, 401(k)s, health plans, and employee benefits as heterosexual married couples, regardless of whether they live in one of the 37 states where same-sex marriage is illegal."
Obama Wasn't Ready in 2008, Isn't Ready Now "In 2008, the RNC warned what would happen if Americans voted to elevate one of the least experienced presidential candidates in history to the Oval Office." Reince Priebus
Another Obama 'smart diplomacy' belly-flop "The vast and growing gap between what Obama promised and what he has delivered would be hilarious, were it not for the fact that America's prosperity and power are diminishing with every day he remains in office."
; Obama: I Meant to Do That "The president’s bait-and-switch on Syria will turn
out badly for the U.S. "
...."The question, however, is: What policy?"...
Stephen F. Hayes; Administration's Benghazi Review Board Discredits Itself in Congressional Hearing *The ARB did not investigate the Obama administration’s public response to the attack or the role that senior State Department officials played in shaping that narrative. That response included the highly misleading claim that the attacks had come as a reaction to an anti-Islam video and many other claims that were later shown to be false."
Cleveland Clinic To Layoff Workers Due To O-Care "She attributed most of the budget reductions to looming changes accompanying the start of the Affordable Health Care Act."
So we say thank you to all of the 50,000,000 Obama voters who voted for this man and his party because you thought he was "really cool" and so you could feel like a nice person. TD