Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Obama's Sequester Strategy Backfiring

Thomas Lifson  "Barack Obama is overplaying his hand in the latest manufactured crisis of his presidency, Sequestration, and may be alienating his most important constituency of all, the media.  He and his advisors are heedless of the psychology of the media, who have been battered by downsizing and budget cuts far more draconian than the piddling 2.4% at issue in the Sequestration Crisis."
...."It may be that administration wolf-crying evokes a certain degree of scorn in the minds of event of their media allies. At same time, a degree of insulting high-handedness, if not contempt, is being demonstrated by the president lately:"....
...."The press corps is firing back, giving Jay Carney a hard time lately.

...."If Obama loses enough degrees of his media support, he might even (gasp!) start being held accountable.
"Maybe Obama will wise up and star making amends. But self-critical thought has not been his hallmark. "

GAO's own report shows we cannot afford ObamaCare

It’s official: Government ‘Confirms Everything Critics and Republicans Were Saying’: GAO Report Finds Obamacare Likely to Add $6.2 Trillion to the Deficit

"Back Benghazi who has continued to lie to We the people has finally been busted by his own government auditors on the actual costs of Obama’s Health Care, Rationing and Denial Program.

"Though he would love to keep doing it with smoke and mirrors, it’s over. ObamaCare is unaffordable and must be disemboweled ."

National Review has a copy of the GAO report and Sessions’ remarks:

Bread and Circuses; Economic growth is anemic, but at least we have a cool first couple.

Mona Charen
"When Americans were under fire in Benghazi and pleading for help, we’ve finally learned, the president did not make a single phone call. After learning of the attack, he failed to follow up with his defense secretary, secretary of state, or chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. The following day, he left for a fundraiser in Las Vegas.
"But it sure is great that he’s so cool. And didn’t Mrs. Obama look lovely in her shimmering, silver designer gown?"

 A $9000 designer gown at that, I might add.  "That stunning silver dress must have cost a fortune, an odd choice for a woman whose husband is constantly seeking ways to punish the rich and once declared, "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money." " More here.

Heroes, Not Props: FLOTUS Ignores Military Members During Oscar Appearance" Folks on both sides of the ideological aisle will be debating First Lady Michelle Obama's appearance on the Oscars for some time, but one matter is instantly clear. The First Lady was flanked by several members of the U.S. military during her live streaming appearance to announce the Best Picture winner, and she failed to acknowledge their presence or their heroism."
Well, the Clintons used them for waiters and waitresses at a White House function.

The military blog BLACKFIVE took note of the military window dressing.
I'm sure Obama's former Weatherman anti-war friends enjoyed the spectacle.

Kerry says we have the “right to be stupid” and then proves his intellectual “disconnect” in the very next sentence.

Bookworm Room  " ‘In America, you have a right to be stupid, if you want to be,’ he said. ‘And you have a right to be disconnected to somebody else if you want to be. And we tolerate that – we somehow make it through that.’  (Emphasis mine.)"
"Let me repeat: “[Y]ou have a right to be disconnected to somebody else if you want to be.”  In what word does that even remotely make sense?  Bush pronounces “nuclear” the Southern way and is ridiculed for the next 12 years.  Kerry says something completely meaningless and all you hear are crickets."

Kerry to American Diplomats: 'We Are Also Citizens of the World'  "John Kerry says his experience as the son of a Foreign Service officer -- living abroad in various cities in his formative years -- is helping him now that he's secretary of state."

The sequester in pictures

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

The lap-dog press