"In their eyes, all of the Iranian propaganda doesn't matter because it's their idea of "justice." And whoever gets elected president later this year is going to have a helluva time trying to re-establish some kind of strategic balance to the world that Obama has so thoroughly upended."PJ Media

"Iran has jacked up its propaganda war against the U.S., milking the seizure of our boats and sailors for all it's worth.
"The Iranian general commanding the Revolutionary Guard Corps said during military celebrations this weekend that American sailors "started crying after their arrest." He also claimed the incident proved Iranian military supremacy in the region." . . .
"The White House continues to insist that no one should be "embarrassed" by the photos of our sailors kneeling with their hands behind their heads at gunpoint.
“I don’t think there’s any reason for anybody to be embarrassed,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest. “We’re pleased that our sailors were released promptly and unharmed.”. . .
Mr. Earnest said Iran’s showing of the video does not violate the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits the exploitation of prisoners of war, because the U.S. and Iran are not at war.
"Just what is this "responsible, mature presidential leadership"? It's the kind of leadership that willingly absorbs insults, humiliations, and anti-American propaganda without a whimper because, like many liberals, the Obama administration believes that America deserves it."