Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bravery in the Hostage Standoff: Malian Muslim Man Saved 15 People During Paris Market Siege; Brave Hostage Killed

Screen Shot 2015-01-10 at 1.10.26 PMWeasel Zippers  "Brave man."
"Via Buzz Feed:
Four people were killed Friday when the terrorist Amedy Coulibaly took several hostages inside a Kosher market in Paris, but that number may well have been higher were it not for a quick-thinking employee of the market named Lassana Bathily.
Bathily, a 24-year-old Muslim from Mali, was working in the store in the Porte de Vincennes neighborhood when the Islamist gunman burst in.
As panic ensued, up to 15 customers in the store hurried down to the store basement, when Bathily had an idea.
“When they ran down, I opened the door [to the freezer],” he told France’s BFMTV.
He quickly shut off the freezer and switched off its light. As he closed the door to shelter the customers inside, he told them, “Stay calm here. I’m going out.”
Eventually police raided the market, killing Coulibaly. As the hostages were freed from the freezer, they had a few words of thanks for Bathily. “They congratulated me,” he told BFMTV.
On social media, Bathily was being praised as a hero for his actions.
Harrowing Account From Inside Paris Market Siege, Including Of Hero Who Tried To Take On Gunman 
A heroic customer at the kosher supermarket in Paris snatched one of the terrorist’s guns and turned it on the hostage A heroic customer at the kosher supermarket in Paris snatched one of the terrorist’s guns and turned it on the hostage taker – only to find it was jammed, leaving the extremist to execute him in cold blood.
Many photos and videos here.

Why Liberals and the Media Can't Use the 'Terrorist' Label

American Thinker   "After reading multiple articles and watching insane interviews of supposed experts trying to blame the victims in France for the barbaric acts committed against them by religious fanatics, I couldn’t help but try to come up with some sort of explanation as to how they could bring themselves to do that.

"Keep in mind that these are the same folks who refuse to let anybody implicate the actions of Michael Brown, Jr., Trayvon Martin, or Eric Garner in their own deaths, while insisting that admittedly offensive cartoonists should somehow be held accountable for their own tragic deaths.

"Here’s my explanation in fifty words or less:
Liberals are willing to protect to the death, Islamic fanatics’ right to be Islamic fanatics, while the Islamic fanatics are will to fight to their deaths in the name of Allah, to kill Liberals for the act of protecting anybody’s right to be Islamic fanatics.

"See -- it makes perfect sense.
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

NYPD Union Chief: Bill de Blasio Is the Problem

Big Government
AP Photo/John Minchillo
... "New York police have recently expressed their anger at de Blasio by turning their backs on him when he appeared at the funerals of Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, who were ambushed and executed on December 20. At Liu’s funeral, one officer called out, “About face!’’ and officers who heard him joined civilians to turn their backs on the mayor. The New York Post reported that one officer said, “I turned my back last week on [de Blasio], and I will continue to turn my back whenever I hear him speak because he disrespected me, Officer Ramos and Officer Liu when he said he warned his son, Dante, to be wary of cops.” Another officer echoed, “I can’t stand even looking at him. He has no friends here.”...

More Facts Obama Didn’t Mention Regarding His ‘Free’ College Tuition Plan


Joseph R. Carducci  "As with any typical liberal agenda item, the devil is usually in the details. Such is certainly the case for the bombshell Obama dropped on us the other day, saying how he wants to make community college nearly as universal as high school and he wants the first two years of such education to be free. Of course, it is only going to be free to those ‘willing to work for it.’ I’ll leave you to unravel how something can be free, if we are working for it.
At any rate, Obama also left out many important details about the program. Don’t look for any of the following details to be included in his State of the Union speech since he obviously wants to try and garner support for his plan. Here is just a sampling of what our President left out:" ...
Full article...

Muslims and the Left's Death by Tolerance

Selwyn Duke   "Aside from the three Muslim men who perpetrated the deadliest terror attack in France since 1961, there are some other individuals complicit in the Wednesday massacre. They have names such as Hollande, Merkel, Löfven and Obama. Their connection to the act will largely go unnoticed and unapprehended -- and they likely will never be held to account."  Read more...

Ms. Duke compares the message of the Islamic fundamentalists with that of the left: 

Believe what we believe.
Like what we like.
Hate what we hate.
Become one with our collective.
And we can live in peace.

Freedom Fighter's Journal

The Party of Snobbish Elites; A gentrified cocoon of progressive privilege has cost Democrats the middle class.

... "Why, then, have Democrats lost the working class — especially white, lower-middle-class voters?
There are several obvious reasons.

"For one, high-profile progressives are largely rich, and their relatively small numbers live in a gentrified cocoon. Politicians, academics, media personalities, celebrities, and other Democratic-aligned professionals had just the sort of academic brands or technological, linguistic, cultural, and service skills that were well-compensated during the transition to globalism.

"Their out-of-touch privilege, however, led to agendas — radical green politics, hyper-feminism, transgender advocacy, forced multiculturalism, open borders — that were not principle concerns of the struggling working classes. A techie in Silicon Valley, an actor in Hollywood, a trial lawyer in Washington, or a professor at Yale had the income to afford the steeper taxes and higher housing, energy, and college costs that were the natural dividends of their own political agendas." ...
The hysteria over Sarah Palin’s gaffes in comparison to the more frequent lapses of Joe Biden was due to cultural bias. Palin was ridiculed as an ill-informed, working-class Alaskan mom. Good ol’ Biden earned a smile as an occasionally too candid East Coast liberal.
Baloney Detector

How the media educated me this week

... "Paragraph 2 could go in any direction at this point. It could situate the killings in the context of the ongoing murderous rampages in the Middle East. It could say the “why” is because Islam is a bunch of thugs bent on the destruction of Western civilization.

"But this is not in fact what the remainder of paragraph 2 says. It says that “the French satirical magazine … has a controversial history of depicting Mohammed often in an unfavorable light, which has angered many Muslims around the world.”
Oh dear, what an awkward situation. CNN has ferreted out the enemy—and the enemy is us!
 "The CNN article goes on for many paragraphs, most of them a remedial education in the religious scruples of Islam, the better to help you and me not be so darned offensive in the future. That way we will not bring more trouble on ourselves."

 Political Satire and Censorship in the Middle East

... "Indeed, the threats towards satirists is never greater than in the Middle East. In 1993, two Indian editors were given two years in prison and 500 lashes for printing the American comic strip “B.C.” in the Arab News. The rationale was that they were questioning the existence of God, which demanded harsh punishment. Luckily, intense international pressure ended in a pardon for the editors, but this case exemplifies the level of risk Arabs are dealing with when they print satire." ...

Related:   Top 10 Stand-up Comedians Who Joke About Muslims/Islam (With Videos!)