Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Forgotten Anniversary

Bruce S. Thornton  "The full import of this event even now is not clear to many. The failure to respond forcefully and quickly to this affront to our citizens and property damaged our prestige and emboldened our enemies, as a German newspaper at the time prophesied: “[A] Lilliputian is binding a giant. Such an example invites followers.” Within a month the Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan, part of a geopolitical rampage throughout the Third World sparked by our display of fear and weakness.
"The attack on the embassy followed the abandonment of the shah, a geostrategically important Cold War ally. The failure to support the shah came four years after Congress threw South Vietnam to the communist wolves, and confirmed the impression among our enemies and allies alike that we were in global retreat and hence an unreliable partner."
And Obama's yoke fellows on the left like it just fine that way. Pacificism will get you killed.

Foreign-policy setbacks deepen Obama's election wounds

Washington Post  "From failing to secure a free-trade agreement in South Korea to struggling to win Senate ratification of an arms-control treaty with Russia, Obama has bumped up against the boundaries of his power at a defining moment of his presidency.
"He is halfway through his term and politically weaker after midterm voters punished his party. But ahead are a host of unresolved foreign policy issues, from drawing down troops in Afghanistan to advancing Middle East peace prospects and economic relations with China, that will require a firm base of domestic support and could help determine whether he is reelected."

LSU Professor: Global Warming "Dwarfs" 9/11 "This is the third of a three-post series that shows what happens when a professor brings his politics into the classroom. An LSU astronomy professor mocks and ridicules right-leaning students for their opinions about global warming.
"Astronomy professor Dr. Bradley Schaefer of Louisiana State University delivered a lecture on global warming to his class. The lecture made it clear: there's no debate here." Video and sound.

Waters accuses ethics panel of having weak case after calling off her trial

The Hill  "Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) accused the ethics committee of having a weak case that is unraveling after the panel abruptly cancelled her public trial." Via Drudge

The Party of Maxine Waters  "Maxine Waters issued an infamous apology for the LA violence, which Malkin quotes as follows: The LA riots were "a spontaneous reaction to a lot of injustice and a lot of alienation and frustration." Thus Waters attempted to apologize for her constituents' criminal behavior.
"Commenting upon Maxine Waters' publicity-oriented defense of the 1992 LA violence, Malkin writes "This is a woman who visited the home of Damian Williams, the infamous thug who 'expressed himself' by hurling a chunk of concrete at white truck driver Reginald Denny and performing a victory dance over the innocent bystander.""

Attorney Michael Connelly on the Constitutionality of Health Care Reform

Snopes  Constitutional or not? They do not say.
Hat tip to ROBT J HOPE , ex-Marine from California

Nancy Pelosi; in her own words (Updated post)

NY Times  Question: "As the speaker of the House of Representatives, where Democrats just lost 60-odd seats as well as their controlling majority, you led your party into the worst electoral defeat in decades. And yet you chose to run for Democratic leader in the next Congress. Why not just step down?" And she answered, Wellll...

The Ground Zero Mosque Holds the Key to the Attack on America

Big Peace  "...Did Osama bin Laden really think he could conquer the U.S.A. with nineteen jihadists, wielding boxcutters?
"Yes. And he may very well be right. America is under siege from an enemy who doesn’t need the blitzkrieg tactics of tanks, infantry, artillery and air power. These enemy combatants use bursts of violence to terrify us; then, they smile and overwhelm us with floods of radical asylum seekers, hate preachers and Ph.D. students. When the time is right, they unleash bare-knuckled threats and intimidation, demands for special privileges, decimation of our free speech, cooption of our ruling class, and relentless legal warfare, in which they turn our own laws against us. Right now, they’re winning."

A Triumphal Mosque  "...When a mosque is open, there's a claim of territory. When you open a mosque it establishes Islamic law within the purview of the mosque. There is a history of Islam putting up mosques that are associated with claims of victory.""

Netanyahu Needs to Stop Appeasing Obama

Rachel Ehrenfeld  "When Netanyahu caved in to the Obama administration by freezing Israeli construction in November 2009 as a prerequisite to renewed negotiations with the Palestinian Authority (PA), opponents of the move cautioned that the freeze would set a dangerous precedent. It would, they argued, reset the bar for Israeli concessions to any future engagements with the Palestinian Authority. The freeze also weakens Israel’s sovereignty over the land, advancing Palestinian claims of disputed ownership of the territory."  Via Big Peace

A New Era: American Hegemony

Financial Times Deutschland, Germany  "At one time Bill Clinton sometimes came to similar summits an hour late for no reason, and all the others had to wait for him. Obama is more polite and punctual. However, it is no longer certain that they would wait for him as well."

Ghailani Verdict Links

Weekly Standard "Senator Webb: Ghailani Verdict Affirms Need for Military Commissions"
 Link: "The new commission system is consistent with international standards. Moreover, it balances robust procedural and substantive rights for the defendants, including prohibiting the introduction of evidence obtained through torture, against the reality that these are not common criminals but violators of the law of war.”"  Senator Jim Webb

Wrong Again On Terror Trials    “You’ll recall that Attorney General Holder assured the American people last year that Ghailani would not be acquitted of the charges against him." Sen.Mitch McConnell

Justice Was Not Done "The civilian prosecution of Ahmed Ghailani was a misadventure because politics was permitted to trump justice and, predictably, justice was not done. "  Andy McCarthy

The Ghailani Debacle  "In other words, what in the world was the bomber doing in an Article III courtroom? He was, quite bluntly, part of a stunt by the Obama administration, which had vilified Bush administration lawyers for failing to accord terrorists the full panoply of constitutional rights available to American citizens who are arrested by police officers and held pursuant to constitutional requirements." Jennifer Rubin

Civilian Trials for Terror Suspects and America’s Image Abroad  "For all President Obama’s miscalculation in sending Ghailani to a normal criminal court, he also remains committed to holding some detainees indefinitely simply because of the risk they would pose — a risk that has been amply documented by the number of Gitmo detainees released by the Bush administration who have gone back to terrorism."  Max Boot

Ghailani Trial Provides Road Map to Victory for Future Terror Detainees  'The trial also provided a legal roadmap for future detainees to escape entirely, or like Ghailani, to severely limit the scope of conviction should the Department of Justice attempt to continue with this misguided policy.'