Monday, June 6, 2016

Bundesarchive Photos 1933 - 1945..+ all fields of WWII

German photo archives
Two photos out of scores in this site:
Berlin, blasted bunker in Friedrichshain.

Berlin, Friedrichshain park, mountain of rubble.


The mountain of rubble is a park today.  . . . "At the opposite end of the district, the Volkspark Friedrichshain is a large park serving the densely populated area of Prenzlauer Berg on the other side. Its distinctive features include the Märchenbrunnen (Fairytale Fountain) and two green and pleasant "mountains" consisting purely of rubble and the ruins of two World War II Flak towers." . . .

What To Do With Just One Day In Normandy; The WW2 Historian and the British at Pegasus Bridge

Normandy, Then and Now

Early morning – Bénouville

"Start as D-Day started, at Bénouville Bridge over the river Orne.  Doesn’t sound familiar? Its post-war name is Pegasus, taken from the flying horse emblem of the British Airborne Forces.  A little later than the Airborne arrived on that historic day, aim to be here for 9.30am.
What To Do With Just One Day In Normandy; The WW2 Historian

"This is a long day, but one that will stay with you forever. Best to plan ahead and have drinks, snacks and a packed lunch with you.  Useful museum and memorial links at the end of the article.

Early morning – Bénouville

"Start as D-Day started, at Bénouville Bridge over the river Orne.  Doesn’t sound familiar? Its post-war name is Pegasus, taken from the flying horse emblem of the British Airborne Forces.  A little later than the Airborne arrived on that historic day, aim to be here for 9.30am. 
Two bridges, gateways to Normandy
"Through the quiet of the inky black night 5 June 1944, 181 men in 6 Horsa gliders were towed from Dorset to capture two key bridges in Normandy near the coast.
"If the Germans kept control of the Bénouville and Ranville bridges they could reach the Allies landing on nearby Sword beach.  Under Allied control, the bridges were an essential gateway to Normandy and liberation.
D-Day part 2 Pegasus Bridge  . . . "One of the members of the 7th Battalion reinforcements was young actor Richard Todd who would, nearly two decades later, play Major Howard in the film The Longest Day."

Pegasus 2

Remembering D-Day and Pointe du Hoc. Even an app is included!


Surviving observation bunker at the Pointe du Hoc

Tour Pointe du Hoc with app 
"Smartphone users can now experience the history of Pointe du Hoc and tour the World War II D-Day landing site in France with the American Battle Monuments Commission free Pointe du Hoc mobile app.
"The GPS-enabled application allows virtual visitors to experience the site where U.S. Army Rangers scaled the 100-foot cliffs of Pointe du Hoc, destroyed a critical German battery and took control of the coastal highway, playing a crucial role in the Allied success of D-Day. The app is perfect for those seeking a guided-tour of Pointe du Hoc or those who simply want to learn more about the battle." . . .

Trump's foreign policy is worse than this?

Hillary Clinton gave a thirty-minute foreign policy speech in San Diego Thursday and blasted Trump as unfit to have the nuclear codes. Reaction was furious. ISIS and the Taliban and North Korea beheaded their publicists after they got no mention during a thirty-minute foreign policy speech.  Comedian Argus Hamilton
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

"Arrogant, foul-mouth, and violent candidate calls for opening border"  . . . "she will open the floodgates and allow more illegal immigrants into the country."

Alberto Gonzales’ dubious defense of Trump’s attack on Judge Curiel

Gonzalo P. Curiel is a U.S. district judge in California overseeing a legal challenge to his now-defunct Trump University.Volokh Conspiracy     "Donald Trump’s claim that Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge presiding over the Trump University lawsuit is biased against him simply because he is “Mexican” has drawn nearly universal condemnation. Eugene Volokh offers a particularly thorough critique here. However, former Bush administration Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has (partially) come to Trump’s defense. Although Gonzales states that Trump was wrong to raise these issues in “a public manner,” he also claims that Trump’s accusations may have some legitimacy. His argument is less indefensible than Trump’s own. But only slightly."  

Andrew Volokh writes: No, Trump can’t get a Mexican American judge recused just because Trump wants to ‘build a wall’ to exclude illegal immigrants  . . . "First, a judge’s race, ethnicity, sex and the like aren’t grounds for recusal, even if the case directly involves questions that relate to one of those factors. Neither black nor white judges, for instance, have to recuse themselves from cases that involve alleged race discrimination by whites against blacks (or blacks against whites). Hispanic judges don’t have to recuse themselves from immigration cases that involve Hispanics or from cases that involve constitutional law, administrative law or immigration law questions that especially bear on Hispanic immigrants." . . .
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Journalism, R. I. P.

Cartoon: Bad Journalism:

Victor Davis Hanson  "For a variety of historical and cultural reasons, most of those who work in the media are progressives. They believe that government must undertake to fix an array of social maladies, such as income inequality, perceived racial and gender disparities, and the general dangerous superstitions, bad habits, and cultural baggage of those of less education than reporters, investigative journalists, and Internet and television commentators. 

"Yet sometimes simply reporting on society’s perceived ills does not offer quite a rich enough landscape in which to save humanity. And sometimes reality offers examples that confound the progressive ideology." . . .
. . . 

The prognosis of the entire article is this:
Recently, at an anti-Trump rally in San Diego, a Telemundo cameraman instructed protesters how to hold the Mexican flag to get the preferred video angle. On the other end of the journalistic spectrum, the iconic Katie Couric just released a documentary, Under the Gun, that was edited in an intellectually dishonest fashion to make it appear that clueless gun owners were stumped by a penetrating question from the narcissistic Couric — the documentary version of the disgraced Dan Rather’s fake-but-accurate National Guard memos, which were mythologized by Hollywood into the joke of a movie titled “Truth.” Couric now joins Rather, Brian Williams, Candy Crowley, and Jayson Blair in the pantheon of fallen fabulists and political operatives.
Two Americans Turn Table On Agenda Driven Univision Journalist…
"This is well worth watching.  It doesn’t need any set up, and is self explanatory for most:"

Ramadan or D-Day; which will Obama honor?

In Ramadan message, Obama takes swipe at Trump  . . . "Obama said he looks forward to hosting Muslims at the White House as the monthlong observation concludes in July." . . .

Hundreds of dead soldiers in stretchers covered with a blankets after D-Day. Killed during Normandy landings, they lie in a temporary cemetery on the cliff of Colleville-sur-Mer, overlooking Omaha Beach, ca. June 8-10, 1944. This scene took place a little west of the permanent Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. France, World War 2. (BSLOC_2014_2_43) (Newscom TagID: evhistorypix026772.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]

Guess What Obama Will Do to Commemorate D-Day  . . . "Today is D-Day. And what is Obama doing? He’s not somewhere honoring our veterans. He didn’t invite military leaders and veterans to the White House, instead bringing the Denver Broncos.

"This didn’t sit well with baseball great, Curt Schilling, who posted this on Facebook:
I’m now 100% convinced the President has absolutely zero concern with public opinion OR he’s subliminally telling us all to f--k off. On June 6th, 2016, the anniversary of the greatest invasion mankind has ever known, headed by our Greatest Generation, this ass invited the Denver Broncos to the White House. Screw logistics, you’re the president, you get what you want when you want it, this is again an intentional slight at our past, what an a-----e. It pains me to say things like that about our President but he clearly doesn’t give a s--t.

Remembering D-Day: then and now

I'm ashamed to recall when as a teenager how I made fun of old men who looked like this. Turns out I couldn't shine their shoes or carry their luggage. TD
D-Day veterans listen during the Utah Beach Memorial

Prominent Harvard Law professor: ‘The rule of law’ and ‘the First Amendment’ are ‘almost entirely without content’

Volokh Conspiracy
. . . "It’s always hard to trace the precise practical influence of academic ideas. But what are the odds that views like these have not influenced the perspective of the past couple of generations of liberal lawyers? And if Obama administration lawyers have at least a creeping suspicion that the concept of the rule of law is vacuous, and instead that law is just politics by another name as critical scholars have argued for decades, it’s easy to see how that would influence their decision-making, especially at the margins.
"And just to be clear, I think that Donald Trump does show contempt for the rule of law and the First Amendment, which I believe have plenty of “content.” In Trump’s case, I don’t think it’s a rejection of the concept of the rule of law as much as complete, willful ignorance of the principles underlying our legal system." . . .

Trump Supporter to Make Campaign Signs '10 Feet Taller' After Vandals Strike

'He's Doing a Lousy Job': Trump Rips Obama on Economy, Foreign Policy   "Donald Trump supporters in Washington state aren't backing down as vandals continue to destroy Trump campaign signs.
"Mark Nelson, a Trump supporter in Whatcom County, said that several signs have been damaged, including one that was doused with gasoline and set on fire Friday night." . . .

The Secret History: Obama Is a Nincompoop

Andrew Klavan   . . . "A while back — I can no longer locate the post — I advanced the notion that Barack Obama is a hapless schmuck. The theory was greeted with derision from both sides. Leftists, of course, were furious because it's clear to them that even their president's failures are a product of his genius. He's just too smart for the rest of us to comprehend what it is he's doing. Rightists were upset because I had offended their certainty that Obama is evil. Clearly every disaster of his administration was the result of his careful planning. He hated America so much that he had schemed and connived to lose her wars and damage her economy, and what a brilliant job he'd done.

"They were wrong. I was right. The man's a nincompoop. An economy that should be in a booming recovery has stalled. A war that was fought and won when Obama took office has to be fought all over again. The "Arab spring" has spiraled into an endless winter of discontent after the administration mishandled nearly every uprising in every nation. The most plausible explanation is neither genius nor evil, merely the incompetence of a boob." . . .