Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hamas Military Song Calls on ‘Palestinian” Muslims to “Exterminate” the Jews

Supporters and enablers of these savages will be found among the ranks of Obama supporters and in the Democrat Party as a whole.
You know; the "War is not the answer" crowd.   TD

Pamela Geller    "Songs of extermination — only jihad could produce such anti-human abominations.

"Obama is strong-arming Israel to stop defending herself while Hamas sings military songs of extermination. That’s what America represents under this jihadaphile.

"Had Obama not sanctioned Hamas and said he would work with the Hamas government, this would not be happening.
Hamas ‘Scare Song’ Vows Genocide on Israel
‘Traditional’ song by Hamas ‘military wing’ against Israel calls on Palestinian Arabs to ‘exterminate’ Israeli ‘cockroaches.’
By AFP and Tova Dvorin, July 11, 2014

Hamas terrorists have released a Hebrew version of yet another propaganda ‘scare video,’ AFP reports Friday, translating the lyrics to a popular Hamas battle song calling to ‘exterminate’ Jews and Israel.

The original Arabic version of “Shake Israel’s Security” has long been a popular anthem of Hamas’s “military wing,” the Ezzedine
al-Qassam Brigades. 

"Now the Hebrew translation is on the brigades’ YouTube site, proclaiming to a dramatic orchestral accompaniment: “Wipe out all the Zionists…burn soldiers and their bases.”
“ 'Exterminate the cockroach nest, expel all the Zionists,” it exhorts.
“ 'They are startled by death and hide behind walls and protection,” the brigades’ song jibes. “Rain upon them many rockets. Make their world into a horror.”
"Earlier this week, Hamas released two additional “scare videos” targeting Be’er Sheva and Judea-Samaria residents.
"The clips feature footage of rockets being launched from a multiple rocket launcher, and bodies being placed in an Israeli ambulance."

Oh, The Bear is Loose in America Alright…

American Glob    "Have you heard about this stupid, completely manufactured attempt by the White House to nickname Obama the bear?

"Valerie Jarrett tweeted this today…

View image on Twitter
Valerie Jarrett         @vj44
I guess bears drink coffee too. Pres Obama at Magnolia Cafe in Austin

Do we laugh or cry over this border issue?

Illegal Immigrant Voting
Send Them Home    "President Obama has asked Congress for billions of dollars to address a crisis that is in part the product of his own policies — policies he would like to expand, in fact.

"Yes, there are fundamental forces pushing Central Americans, including a startling number of unaccompanied children, to try to cross our borders illegally. But Obama’s non-enforcement of our immigration laws, his amnesty for illegal-alien children, and his vigorous push for immigration reform with a much broader amnesty as its central element have played a big role in creating our current crisis." ...By the editors of NRO
Border Patrol Baby Sitters
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Obama the problem creator    ..."Everything Obama does is about politics. If he weren't endlessly raising money for his hyper-partisan Democratic Party, he wouldn't have even bothered to fly to Texas in the first place. His entire approach to the immigration issue is to fast-track as many illegals as he can, with the long-term goal of turning the country permanently blue, which happens to be a political, not humanitarian, motivation. Obama is so thoroughly political that commentators can't even discuss Obama without focusing on the "optics." Would it be that hard for them to assess, just once, whether he's doing the right thing?" ... David Limbaugh
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

 ..."One thing is certain. When the first convoys begin rolling from town to town across Central America, the influx will stop."When he began taking heat for his laxness and indecisiveness, Obama said he would seek statutory authority for eliminating the Central American loophole. Yet when he presented his $3.7 billion emergency package on Tuesday, it included no such proposal."