Monday, October 17, 2022

Biden faces his subjects

It turns out Biden also took the opportunity to become the human embodiment of an ice cream meme. According to the Know Your Meme website, versions of the ‘Joe Biden eating ice cream meme have been circulating the internet since 2020. Biden’s ice cream antics today reminded Twitter users of this particular version of the meme, which has been around for at least 6 months.

 Video: Biden Attempts A Sniffing At A Baskin Robbins In Oregon But This Girl Reveals How To Escape His Signature “Predator” Move   Well, guess again because after sniffing a girl yesterday and making her obviously uncomfortable he attempted the same stuff today.

His predator move however wasn’t as successful as yesterday as this girl pulled her hand away from him.

"While he was eating his ice cream Biden turned his focus on a girl who was sitting in the store and went over to shake her hand. It’s hard to tell what he said and he held her hand longer than is required to shake it. But it isn’t hard to see how fast the little girl pulled her hand away from him.

"Biden also bent in, sniffing the head of the woman next to the little girl. He also appeared to kiss the top of her head."


Video: Biden Motorcade Gets Ambushed By Based Man With Gigantic “Trump 2024” Flag Pole – The Crowds’ Reaction Says It All  . . .Sure, he saw all the Trump flags and whatnot, but what he probably didn’t expect to see was “FLAG MAN” running down the street as fast as lightening, right next to Joe’s car, waving a “Trump 2024” flag.
"Seriously, how great was that guy? He was definitely not giving up until he was as close to Joe as humanly possible, and he did it.
"There are still so many amazing patriots in California and the crowds’ reaction says it all!
"Would you to Los Angeles on vacation or any other liberal-run city right now? You’d probably be safer walking around the streets of Kabul. No joke. I am actually not being sarcastic. That’s how bad things have gotten, thanks to Dems and their hate for police, love of criminals, and soft-on-crime DAs.

"Imagine how these patriots feel every day!"

The language heard is most regrettable. TD

Restaurant Owner Posts a Photo With Mike Lindell; Is Now Receiving Threats and Harassment

After an outpouring of criticism from people who indicated they had never eaten at the restaurant, staff added an update about Lindell’s visit. They lamented the hateful comments directed at them and described how Lindell and his family treated the restaurant’s Hispanic staff respectfully and were very nice people. 

Resist the Mainstream  "California cancel culture crusaders censured a restaurant owner for allowing staff to post photos with a conservative personality they dislike.

"A Mexican restaurant in Humboldt County, Tres Chiles Picosos , posted photos of staff alongside MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell on Facebook.

"Restaurant owner Michelle Hill said a waitress and a bartender recognized Lindell because they have purchased MyPillow products, according to an SFGate report. Hill added the staff of her North California restaurant were unfamiliar with Lindell’s galvanizing participation in national politics. The owner said she permitted a manager to post the photo on the restaurant’s Facebook page because staff were excited by having a quasi-celebrity like Lindell eat at their restaurant.

"The Facebook post was not intended as any kind of political statement, Hill declared.

“I don’t get into politics,” she said. “We knew nothing about him apart from that he’s the MyPillow guy.”

" 'My staff buys his pillows, his sheets, his socks,” HIll said, adding, “they were just excited to see someone famous.”

"Lindell is being sued and investigated for his claims that electronic voting machines helped Democrats steal a 2020 general election from former President Donald Trump. The MyPillow CEO is a vocal supporter of the former president and his policies, which have made him persona non grata to liberals and progressives.". . .

Posts were supportive of Lindell, such as this one: 

Albert Garcia: Mike Lindell is an American patriot and I would eat with him anytime before eating with brainwashed liberal hate filled fools!

Dare we hope? Pour Yourself a Drink, Patriot—the Democrat Party Is Crumbling

Kevin Downey jr.   . . ."But those halcyon days of Democrat power grabs are ending, and the apparatchiks are beginning to retreat like Nazis out of the Soviet Union. Let’s take a look at what was and what is, and how the truth is oozing out and killing the Democrats:

  • Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation,” according to 51 former “intel specialists.” Now it’s real and full of evidence that the Biden family is corrupt and filthy, perhaps to the point of treason. Even better, everyone knows that the Bidens are in the crosshairs of angry GOPers like Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Matt Gaetz, etc., and that the red wave in November is looking more like a crimson tsunami. The New Republicans know that the Democrats must be punished and are eager to break out the paddle. Joe Biden has some ‘splainin’ to do, and he needs to be the first Democrat investigated. Once the “big guy” has been sent to the cornfield, the other scoundrels will be easy pickin’s.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci was “science” (according to the megalomaniacal troll himself). Now, we know he is a well-paid shill for big pharma. To this day, he’s still pushing the “vaccine” that never was, even on kids who aren’t really affected by COVID. Like the guilty little hobgoblin he is, Fauci is quitting the National Institute of Health (NIH) in December, though Sen. Rand Paul has stated that Fauci can run but he can’t hide.
  • Twitter was a haven for First Amendment-hating bolshies. Now that Elon Musk is buying it, the trans-pansexual soy-boi commies who run it are filling their non-binary underpanties because they won’t be able to stifle free speech. Heaven forbid the truth gets out. They are quitting in droves. Imagine hating free speech so much you’d rather be unemployed.
  • The FBI was America’s foremost law enforcement agency. Today, everyone sees that they have become the Democrats’ KGB. The FBI decided to bury Hunter’s laptop, full of slimy business dealings and amateur porn, and instead focus again on taking down Donald Trump. They are now arresting pro-lifers for non-federal crimes. Everyone sees the swamp in action.
  • Americans are catching on to what is happening. Crime is slaughtering thousands, the southern border is a joke, and liberals are trying to make it normal to have sex with kids.

    "What once seemed like a scary episode of The Twilight Zone has become real. What’s going on?

    "The communists are here. They’ve infiltrated the Democrat Party, the FBI, the schools, the military, and then some.

    Related: In 1958, Communists Had 45 Goals to Take Over the U.S. Without Firing a Shot. Here Are the Ones They’ve Already Achieved

  • We had a great economy, compliments of a president with no experience in politics. Now we have to cut out meat a few days a week to pay for gas, thanks to a legacy politician with dirty links to China and Ukraine.
  • AOC was a media darling who walked on water. She was recently gloriously outed by her followers as the fraud she is. She has never been anything more than an “attractive-in-a-horsey way” communist looking to fill her pockets while forcing us to eat bugs, and now her own fans are catching on. Watch her audience — there are only about 30 — turn on her below:. . . 

Back in May: MLB’s Woke Politics Strikeout

MLB has a banner week for toxic, woke politics | Washington Examiner  "The sports world’s embrace of toxic social justice politics never ends, with last week being Major League Baseball’s turn to embarrass itself.

"In the aftermath of the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, the New York Yankees and Tampa Bay Rays used their Twitter accounts to focus on gun violence during their game on Thursday. The Yankees earned the mockery of Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) after they referred to Hispanics as “Latinx,” the made-up word used basically only by white liberals who have decided that the Spanish language must be altered for purposes of inclusion.". . ."The sports world’s embrace of toxic social justice politics never ends, with last week being Major League Baseball’s turn to embarrass itself.

. . ."Then, there was the most troubling social justice pandering, courtesy of the Detroit Tigers. According to Nate Hochman at National Review, the Tigers will be celebrating “Pride Night” on Wednesday, and they are allowing fans to contribute to gay and transgender groups when purchasing tickets for the game. Among the groups that the Tigers are financially promoting are groups that provide irreversible gender transition surgeries for children too young to consent.

"Teams and athletes pretending to be political experts expose their own brazen hypocrisy at best or support damaging fringe policies at worst. Major League Baseball managed to cover the entire spectrum in the span of one week. Given the fawning media praise for such stupidities, nobody in the league is likely to walk away from their uneducated political advocacy anytime soon."

Makeup Giant Ulta Goes Woke Highlighting 'Trans Girl' Dylan Mulvaney, Customer Base of Real Women Revolts

 PJ Media

"Ulta may be regretting whatever marketing “genius” came up with this idea. In a recent post on Twitter, Ulta highlighted a podcast with two grown men in makeup and wigs chatting about what it’s like to be a “girl.” The makeup giant’s target audience is obviously women. It’s probably a safe bet that over 90% of Ulta’s customers are women. The choice to put men in drag in the marketing material for a company geared toward women is backfiring big time.

"#Womanface and #BoycottUlta are trending on Twitter, and the ratio of angry women telling Ulta they’re taking their business elsewhere is off the charts. It got so bad that Ulta turned off commenting on the thread.

"The headline “Trans Girls Can Do It All!” really irked many women who see grown men pretending to be “girls” as a weird sexual fetish that has nothing to do with being female and everything to do with men appropriating femaleness for their own titillation. This is straight-up autogynephilia, and it’s obvious and not amusing to women in any way.". .

Stand by your pronouns

 J.R. Dunn  "This past weekend, Derek Hunter published in Townhall a well-turned, nicely argued piece attacking the kind of “liberals” who take their small children to drag shows. This a classic case of the lefty tactic of using their own kids as cannon fodder to promote their ideology. No sane individual would disagree with Hunter’s stance here.

"But then, right in the middle, we get this:

What does this do to the mind of a kid? In the future, it’ll likely mean they’ll have some serious problems with their parents, up to not talking to them anymore. 

"That’s right – in the midst of a piece attacking LGBTQ+ agitprop, Hunter effectively gives up the fort by using trans pronouns.

"I don’t want to come across as attacking Hunter, who seems to be the level-headed sort that the movement needs a lot more of. This kind of thing is universal – I’m sure you could provide your own examples, and plenty of them. But there’s no getting around the fact that it’s a weakness, an unnecessary one, and one that needs correcting.". . .

I’m quite sure that’s not a place where Derek Hunter wants to be, so I would encourage him, the staff at Townhall (where this seems to have become editorial policy), and the rest of the conservosphere to be true to their rightselves and not give an inch.. . .

Babylon Bee is on to something: AOC Says Ever Since She Died On January 6 She Has Been Using Ghost/Ghostself Pronouns  . . . "I knew something was wrong. So when I saw on Twitter that the insurrectionists were insurrecting things, I began fearing for my life. Andthen I died."

"When asked how ghost was still standing there talking to reporters about ghost's experience that fateful day, ghost replied, "I got better."  (Thank you, Monty Python).

Editor's note: the writer who typed this headline misgendered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with the incorrect pronoun "she" and has been fired and reported to the FBI, IRS, and PayPal.

'Democratic Dames' impersonator has big plans for conservative comedy

 Susan D. Harris   "After years of belittling and often offensive comedy directed at both President Trump and the conservatives who support him, it's way past time for conservatives to take the lead...especially in an era where the fruit is ripe for the picking.

"The legacy of political and cultural comedy, which liberals have coddled as their own, holds that conservatives cannot produce good comedy because they don't have a sense of humor.". . .

. . ."It's time to fight back, and one woman on social media plans to do just that.

"The Rachael Maria channel began with Rachel lip-syncing on TikTok.  Views were steady until the day she made a Nancy Pelosi costume, wrote a short skit, and suddenly...her channel took off!  Viewers couldn't get enough of her hiccupping, hilarious portrayal.  After she brought in a Jen Psaki impersonation, she knew she was onto something bigger.  (Newsmax did a segment with her titled "Comedian Channels Her Inner Psaki.")  Eventually, with the addition of numerous other "characters" like AOCKamala Harris,  Karine Jean-Pierre,  and even a mix of Russell Brand with Joe Biden, she built a fan base of nearly 300k on TikTok and 100k+ on YouTube. 

"However, she explains, it hasn't been easy building that base:. . ."