Monday, May 17, 2010
How Liberal Jews Are Enabling the Second Holocaust
The American Spectator "As sickening as it sounds, Jewish liberals see their fellow Jews as noble when they are victims being led helplessly into the gas chambers, but recoil at the thought of Jews who refuse to be victims, and actually take actions to defend themselves. It isn't too different from American liberal attitudes toward criminal justice or terrorism, where morality is turned upside down and the lines between criminals and victims become blurred, and in certain cases, even reversed." Philip Klein
A Special Delivery for UPS That Could Change FedEx Overnight
Heritage "However, Organized Labor is no ordinary interest group. Labor unions spent hundreds of millions of dollars electing President Obama and the current Congressional majority and they want payback. They have been getting it. Consider that Congress and the administration have already:
"· Bailed out unionized GM and Chrysler;· Bailed out the pensions of union workers at GM subsidiaries, but not nonunion workers;· Repealed union financial transparency regulations;· Required federal construction contractors to sign collective bargaining agreements;"...
Did the Federal Government Enable the Gulf Oil Spill?
Heritage "In the President’s mind the federal government apparently can do no wrong. The leading answer to every problem our nation faces is bigger, stronger, and more intrusive government regulations. But a closer look at the facts surrounding the spill shows that it was an already overly oppressive regulatory legal framework, coupled with lax enforcement, that created the mismatched incentives that led to the disaster."
Uh oh: Arizona starting to feel the pinch from boycotts
Hot Air "As a wise man once said, you can’t reason a man out of that which he wasn’t reasoned into, so rather than trying to politely explain the virtues of the law, they’d better start thinking about reciprocal boycotts. Take a piece of California’s ass economically and let state officials over there deal with the headaches of their own business leaders. And at some point, some high-profile Arizona pol really should call the bluff of sanctuary cities by offering to release captured illegals into their custody in lieu of deporting them." Reciprocal Boycotts? Hmmm. I like that.
‘Law and Order’ Pushes For Gay Marriage
Culture and Media Institute "NBC’s “Law and Order” has been known to promote a liberal agenda and the May 10 episode was no exception. “The Taxman Cometh” followed the New York City detectives as they tried to prove that three wealthy families purposely allowed an ailing member of their family to die during 2010, since the inheritance tax isn’t in effect. But the twisted plotline included blatant support for gay marriage. " Sarah Knoploh
The Conservative Revolt
Cook Political Report "While the biggest political story this year has been the Democratic Party's fight to retain its majorities in Congress, a fascinating back-story is developing: the very conservative, populist revolt taking place within the Republican Party."...
YouCut - A Project to Change the Spending Culture in Washington
House Republicans "YouCut – a first-of-its-kind project - is designed to defeat the permissive culture of runaway spending in Congress. It allows you to vote, both online and on your cell phone, on spending cuts that you want to see the House enact. America is at a crossroads and the choices we make at this critical time will determine what kind of country we want to be. To get back on the right path, Congress must start to make some choices that simply can't be delayed any longer."
If conservatives oppose amnesty Hispanics will punish them in November? The numbers say otherwise
Collins Report "Anyone who can count would want to court the 52% rather than the 3% of Hispanic supporters of amnesty. No level of Hispanic Democrat enthusiasm can overcome this 17 to 1 ratio.
"Notwithstanding the fondest whishes of Democrats and the media, the legal honest Hispanic vote has a long way to go before it will be the potent super weapon the Democrats dream of.
"If we fight like hell against amnesty and work on building bridges to conservative Hispanics who understand and cherish the real American dream of personal and economic freedom we can keep it that way."
"Notwithstanding the fondest whishes of Democrats and the media, the legal honest Hispanic vote has a long way to go before it will be the potent super weapon the Democrats dream of.
"If we fight like hell against amnesty and work on building bridges to conservative Hispanics who understand and cherish the real American dream of personal and economic freedom we can keep it that way."
Comedy Central and Anti-Semitism
American Thinker "While censoring a South Park episode that was offensive to Muslims and resulted in the ever-expected death threats to infidels, Comedy Central apparently feels no compunction about depicting Israel as a violent, child killing machine."
911 Mega Mosque Creates Fury Across the World

A Strategy for Handling the United States
By Xin Yishan; Zaobao, Singapore "Because America's national debt is rapidly growing, the number of countries able to buy into its financial burden is fewer and fewer. If China now implements a strategy of fighting back, America's funding sources will certainly dry up or be cut off." Watching America
It Has Begun… Obama Adminstration Now Apologizing to Communist China for Arizona Immigration Law
Gateway Pundit "A disgusting new low for Team O…
"Obama Administration officials apologized early and often to the Communist Chinese regime for Arizona’s ID check law during last week’s talks. For the record… The communist regime they apologized to has slaughtered millions of its own citizens and has a record of harvesting body organs from political prisoners."
"Obama Administration officials apologized early and often to the Communist Chinese regime for Arizona’s ID check law during last week’s talks. For the record… The communist regime they apologized to has slaughtered millions of its own citizens and has a record of harvesting body organs from political prisoners."
The Left's War on Free Speech
Bruce Walker "So when does the left get concerned about opinions reaching tens of millions of Americans? When someone like Rush Limbaugh takes the largely ignored and financially modest medium of A.M. talk radio and, against a torrent of abuse and many boycotts, finds a profoundly resonating voice among the conservative majority of America. Then -- only then! -- the ancient "Fairness Doctrine" rears its peculiar head. When the identical triplets of CBS, NBC, and ABC had the same news, the same entertainment slant, the same everything -- which meant conservative ideas and beliefs were scrupulously purged, the left thought the Fairness Doctrine something akin to censorship. Only when the other side gets heard does the doctrine have meaning." Bruce Walker is the author of two books: Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie and The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity.
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