Saturday, March 29, 2014

Valerie Jarrett Admits Pushing Obamacare to Hollywood Writers (Video)

The Gateway Pundit
"That’s why it’s called the Democrat-Media Complex. "White House advisor Valerie Jarrett is out in Los Angeles this week meeting with television and movie producers to encourage them to include favorable Obamacare mentions in their scripts." 

... “ 'You name it,” said Jarrett. “That’s part of why I’m in L.A. I’m meeting with writers of various TV shows and movies to try to get it into the scripts.” When Jarrett says “it into the scripts,” she’s referring to getting references to Obamacare, the president’s signature legislation, into the scripts of TV shows and movies."

White House looks to regulate cow flatulence as part of climate agenda

When flatulence is outlawed, only outlaws will have flatulence.

Daily Caller
"As part of its plan to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, the Obama administration is targeting the dairy industry to reduce methane emissions in their operations.

"This comes despite falling methane emission levels across the economy since 1990.

"The White House has proposed cutting methane emissions from the dairy industry by 25 percent by 2020." (This would be laughable if not for this administration and it's oppressive regulations)

"Some of these methane emissions come from cow flatulence, exhaling and belching — other livestock animals release methane as well.

"“Cows emit a massive amount of methane through belching, with a lesser amount through flatulence,” according to How Stuff Works. “Statistics vary regarding how much methane the average dairy cow expels. Some experts say 100 liters to 200 liters a day…

Cow Flatulence Tax
2009: Op-Ed: Taxing Cow Flatulence is Butt of Many a Joke   'It has to be the most outlandish idea internalized then externalized so far, and is bound to be the butt of many jokes. A flat flatulence tax per head (excuse me, per petute) on dairy and beef cattle. It’s a hoot when cows toot from their petutes.
"G’head. Laugh. And while you’re laughing, make up your own jokes.
They’re proposing a tax of $50 per dairy cow; $35 per beef cow. Ah. You noticed the difference. Dairy cows are corn-fed and they’re allergic to corn, ergo more noxious methane expelled into the air. 

Russia May Threaten the Baltics but Estonia Knows How to Fight Back

The Foreign Policy Initiative
 "As president of a small Baltic republic that was occupied by the Soviet Union for more than four decades, Estonia’s Toomas Hendrik Ilves is all too familiar with the way Russia has treated its neighbors. For years he’s warned about the revanchist agenda and aggressive behavior of Russian President Vladimir Putin. And now that the world has seen the Kremlin’s reckless, ruthless actions in Ukraine and Crimea, influential leaders in the respectable salons of Washington, Brussels and other European capitals are starting to pay attention. Or, at least, they should be.

"What’s most threatening about Russia’s behavior, in Ilves’s view, is that “the old rules don’t apply.” But it should not have taken the invasion of Crimea to get that message across. The Helsinki Accords of 1975 were supposed to have established the territorial integrity of European nations, he says, and since Russia’s 2008 invasion of Georgia it’s been clear that Putin would just ignore them when he saw fit."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Latinos Teach Vital Lesson to Obama, Democrats: Lying Has Consequences!

Voice of Lillpop    "Obama’s wanton, wicked aversion to truth has even  alienated Latinos, until now one of the most loyal constituencies of the Democrat Party, owing to Obama’s  irresponsible flaunting of the rule of law, US sovereignty, US borders, and disregard for the welfare and well-being of American citizens, in deference to illegal aliens.

"As reported at the reference, Obama’s lying ways have boomeranged against the president and his Marxist health-care scam known as Obamacare:"
....Latinos, who are younger on average than the population as a whole and who make up more than 60 percent of the uninsured in California, will need to sign up for insurance in the state in droves in order to offset the costs of sicker, older people. The same holds true around the country: A third of all non-elderly, uninsured Americans are Latino, nearly 16 million in total.

The Odious Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid

Peter Wehner  "MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough interviewed Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, asking him about the charge by Majority Leader Harry Reid that the conservative philanthropist David Koch is “un-American.” Scarborough asked Schumer whether he associated himself with Reid’s statement.

"Senator Schumer began his answer by ducking and weaving, shifting attention from Reid’s claim to Schumer’s disagreement with the Kochs’ preferred policies.
"“ 'But, senator, can’t we have a disagreement about how charity is funded without calling somebody un-American?” Scarborough countered. He continued to press Schumer to answer his question. “Do you think David Koch is un-American?”
"I wonder if people quite appreciate how disgusting this all is. Here we have two Democratic senators labeling a private citizen as being “un-American” because that citizen is vocally advocating public policies they disagree with."
"Senators Reid and Schumer, small and mean men, are trying to usher in a new age of unreason. This is no time for those who oppose them to keep silent. Because we cannot escape responsibility for the result."
Emphasis added, TD