Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Any old Oregonians remember Art Lacey's Bomber station?

My uncle took me there as a third-grader in the late 40's. For a fill-up, I got to climb up into the bomber and go all the way forward. The pilot's area was covered in pencil graffiti (not gang graffiti back then) and was a mess, but what a thrill for a small boy who recalled the years of World War 2. Even today, certain prop plane noises seem so familiar and take me back to those days. The Tunnel Dweller.

Shortly after WWII a guy named Art Lacey went to Kansas to buy a
surplus B-17. His idea was to fly it back to Oregon , jack it up in the air
and make a gas station out of it. He paid $15,000 for it. He asked which
one was his and they said take whichever you want because there were
miles of them. He didn't know how to fly a 4-engine airplane so he read
the manual while he taxied around by himself. They said he couldn't take
off alone so he put a mannequin in the co-pilot's seat and off he went.
Read the rest of the account here.
These pictures and more were sent to me by Rick Clyne, my former lead man at the Atlas launch site, Vandenberg, AFB, and a former helicopter rescue man/ door gunner from Vietnam.
More at RoadsideAmerica. Then here.  It is still around, but in a different form.   Badly in need of restoration,     Efforts to restore the old bomber.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress ; all models:  12,700 planes produced, entered service 1939, B-17F specs: top speed 295 MPH, 17,600 lb. bombload, twelve .50 caliber machine guns

Below: Gunner's positions in a B-17 Flying Fortress. The poor ball turret gunner had a bad time of  it if he couldn't get out and the plane had to make a belly landing.

Poem; The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner

The Fantasy House of Barack Obama

Victor Davis Hanson  This excellent article ends with these words: 
"Remember that the grandees of the universities, the foundations, the arts, the unions, and the government employees are all heavily invested in Obama — the class warrior who assures those of the upper classes that class and racial resentment will be turned against others. Remember the powers of presidential incumbency. Remember that millions are still mesmerized by teleprompted eloquence. Remember that each month thousands more go on food stamps, receive disability insurance, obtain unemployment insurance extensions, and are excused from the federal income tax rolls — and are loyal to those who enable them and hostile to those who might not. Remember that to criticize Obama still almost immediately earns the charge of “racist.”

"It is not easy to overcome all that.
Political Cartoons
"This is an election of smiley fantasies versus a harsh wakeup call to prevent looming financial and overseas catastrophes in the next year or so. And fantasies, not reality, are what half the population may now live for. That Romney is close is a miracle; that he still can win is beyond a miracle. (Emphasis added)
Political Cartoons

Obama at the UN, standing up for America's principles just the way our Founders did

Obama Tells UN: “The Future Does Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam”… but I do give him credit for the other comments he makes in this video.

President Obama's remarks at the U.N. General Assembly

Obama Denounces “Crude And Disgusting” Mohammed Movie During Speech To U.N. General Assembly…  “I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity."

Obama Condemns ‘Crude’ Video at UN, Tells World Body to Respect Free Speech  “We need real leadership from the president on these issues, and he’s not providing it. He’s absent or stalling from the situations in Iran and Syria, doing his best to downplay the threats to U.S interests across the Middle East,  hiding from our allies, and silent on the recently deteriorating situation in Afghanistan,” Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said this morning."

U.S. Imams Call for Restricting Free Speech;  ... And “love,” in his mind, meant that “they should put a law not to insult a spiritual leader.”
 Islamic understanding "is that the “straight path” is Islam, while the path of those who have earned Allah’s anger are the Jews, and those who have gone astray are the Christians. Thus al-Husainy was condemning Judaism and Christianity right under the bowed heads of the assembled Democrats." 

My Address To the United Nations on Behalf of Americans

Kira Davis  "Despots, traitors, authoritarians, totalitarians, thieves, war criminals, genocidal maniacs, dictators and the precious few rest of you who actually carry the mantel of freedom, welcome to the United States and New York City, where you’ll remember over 3000 of our innocent citizens between here and Washington DC were murdered 11 years ago as many of you danced in your elaborate golden palaces, many of which are lined with the tears and blood of your own people. We are so privileged to have you here. My fellow citizens and I find no small measure of entertainment in watching you eat and drink the bounty of our land and enjoy the privileges of comfortable luxury appointments, all of which are provided to you by the very freedom you pledge to murder wherever and wherever possible."

Here is the video, the poor quality of which she apologizes for. That is why she adds the transcript of her speech.

A Letterman writer once said Obama was too competent to make jokes about!

The American Spectator; Heading for Disaster -- Without a Care in the World
"The smiling, self-assured Barack Obama who appeared on the Letterman show last Tuesday night plainly did not see anything to be alarmed about in what is happening in the Middle East, or anywhere else for that matter -- with the possible exception on the ongoing "war on women" (meaning the American version thereof, not the Muslim or Middle Eastern variant, which includes stoning, virtual enslavement, and other real-world atrocities)." Via Lucianne.

Reporters Press WH: Why Isn’t Obama Meeting With Foreign Leaders in NY?

Greg Buckley's Agony  "The 21 year old Buckley (Greg Jr.) was working out in a gym when the Afghan officer walked in with an AK-47 and discharged the weapon into the unarmed Marine's chest.  
"Earlier in the year, Buckley was told by a superior officer to apologize to the Afghan trainee after the pair had a dispute over the American presence in Afghanistan.....
.... "What's worse", says Buckley's father, Greg Sr. to Obama, "is that despite the senseless, agonizing loss of life and even more senseless Pentagon reaction to the murders, it's disheartening "when I see the laughter on your face on talk shows or at fundraisers, or even playing basketball on the streets of New York."

Andrew McCarthy; A Duplicitous Administration  "The Obama administration is the witness whose testimony a jury would discount out of hand. We trust jurors to decide important questions because they bring to the task the common sense of the community. After Libya, the sensible person says, “Never again.” The sensible person does not even see the point of asking Obama officials for information."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Not the media, though.

Our corrupt media

REPLACEMENT REFS CALL THE PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST  I made this cartoon as large as possible because Mike Ramirez' work must be studied closely for its subtleties, not merely glanced at.
"Over the years, I have gotten pretty philosophical about our corrupt news media. Obviously, they are trying to elect Barack Obama. Equally obviously, they have some impact on voters. Probably a lot of impact: I don’t think we can really imagine what a United States with neutral news media would look like. Still, popular distrust of reporters and editors is at an all-time high; appropriately so. If a majority of voters–not all, of course–can’t see through the media smoke screen to the reality of the past four years, they are dumber than I think they are."

Speaking of Emmys and Oscars: The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 2011  
"NewsBusters is showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala on Thursday evening."  (Videos)

Because twenty years from now, we’re going to look back on this time as a glorious idyll in American politics, with a confident, intelligent, fascinating president riding the surge of his prodigious talents from triumph to triumph....’I am large, I contain multitudes,’ Walt Whitman wrote, and Obama lives that lyrical prophecy....Barack Obama is developing into what Hegel called a ‘world-historical soul,’ an embodiment of the spirit of the times. He is what we hope we can be.”  — Esquire’s Stephen Marche, who tells us to bask in Obama's light. 
Boortz: Distrust of ObamaMedia at Record High   "This bias has become incredibly blatant because the ObamaMedia feels the need to defend itself, because it is largely responsible for the election of Barack Obama in 2008.  His failure is their failure, so they will do what they can to make sure that he does not fail in November.  
"This bias comes in many forms.  Here are just a few examples from the last few days …"

Heritage; FACT CHECK: Obama Misleads on Medicare, Taxes, and Regulations

Obama: “You can’t ask me to…ask seniors to pay more for their Medicare.”  Fact: Obamacare’s cuts to Medicare will raise Medicare costs for many seniors.
Obama: “I haven’t raised taxes.  I’ve cut taxes for middle class families by an average of $3,600 per typical family.”Fact: Obamacare will raise taxes on millions of Americans, including many below the poverty line.

Even MSM Beginning to Notice Obama’s Middle East Failures   "The press has been kind to the Obama administration during its travails in the Middle East, kinder than it might have been if the president were a Republican. That may finally be changing—and it only took a fiasco of epic proportions to do it. "
...".It is sufficient for us to note here that Iraq hasn’t turned out as well as the president’s campaign speeches would lead one to believe. Increasingly, even the liberal press is taking note." Via Lucianne.

How Ignorant are Obama Supporters?

Godfather Politics   "We know that Obama supporters are as ignorant about economic issues as the president. They don’t care about economics as long as their college education is being paid for by other people.

"In 2008, there was a large turnout of youth voters, most of whom were college students. To get into college, a certain amount of academic acumen is necessary. We’re talking about at least C+ students.
"Then there are blacks who turn a blind eye to Obama’s harmful social and economic policies because the president is black. Race trumps policy.
"The fine folks at Howard Stern’s operation went into Harlem and asked people who are supporting President Obama this time around some simple questions about Mitt Romney and the President. The results are depressing.
"It seems that our educational system and so-called black leadership have done a good job in keeping people ignorant. An ignorant populace is an easily led populace."
Trust me; there are plenty of nincompoops in other races. Last night we watched House Hunters International where a young American lady was searching in Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia. Her guide said of a bridge they were on, "This is the bridge where World War One began when the Archduke was assassinated here."
Her reply: "Oh, Cool", followed by silence.

Obama offers himself up as 'eye candy' on 'The View'

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden 
Madonna strips for Obama, offers profanity-laced endorsement    "....which involved the singer stripping down to her underwear to reveal the president's name written on her body. 
“You all better vote for f---ing Obama okay,” she told the crowd at Washington's Verizon center.