Saturday, September 16, 2023

Biden Will Veto Military Pay Raise Because It Doesn’t Cater to Climate Change, Transgenders Enough


"The White House condemned the GOP's changes to the bill, claiming the new proposal is unfair to the LGBTQ community and would make "deep cuts to climate change and clean energy programs.' "

"Since day one in office, President Joe Biden has advanced policies that weaken America's military and distract from its core mission of protecting the nation. 

"Biden has continually proposed cuts to the defense budget while sending hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine. The president has also tried to politicize America's armed forces and cater to those who are transgender, pro-abortion, or radical climate change activists. 

"This week, the White House announced Biden will veto a GOP bill that includes military pay raises for soldiers should it pass. 

The House Republican legislation would have given the military's junior enlisted troops a 30 percent raise next year and ensure that no military member would make less than the equivalent of $15 per hour during a 40-hour work week.

" 'If the president were presented with H.R. 4365, he would veto it.," the White House said in a press release, pointing to the lack of Left-wing agenda items such as diversity initiatives, abortion, transgender issues, and climate change. 

" 'The draft bills also include numerous new, partisan policy provisions with devastating consequences, including harming access to reproductive healthcare, threatening the health and safety of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) Americans, endangering marriage equality, hindering critical climate change initiatives, and preventing the Administration from promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion," the White House stated. " . . .

Biden Claims He Taught Political Theory – Says He Can't Answer Questions Because He'll Get in 'Real Trouble'

 Biden Claims He Taught Political Theory – Says He Can't Answer Questions Because He'll Get in 'Real Trouble' (   "President Joe Biden insists he gave college-level lectures on political theory for several years.

"During an event on Thursday, Biden said, “Democracy is at stake, folks. Our democracy is under attack. And we gotta fight for it.”

" 'I taught at the University of Pennsylvania for four years. And I used to teach political theory. And folks, you always hear every generation has to fight for democracy. And I found myself – it’s automatic, we didn’t have to believe it – but we do,” he added. . ."

WATCH: Trump Says Biden 'Not Too Old' to Be President but Is 'Grossly Incompetent' (  . . . “No, not old, he’s incompetent. He’s not too old. He’s incompetent,” Trump said of Biden. “And age is interesting, because some people are very sharp and some people do lose it, but you lose it at 40 and 50 also. But no, he’s not too old at all. He’s grossly incompetent.”

“You look at some of the great world leaders. They were in their 80s. And they did — I mean, Churchill, so many people. They were phenomenal in their 80s. You know, there’s a great wisdom, if you’re not in a position like him,” he continued." . . .


Call me crazy!

  American Thinker

We've also learned that abortion is really women's health.  How's that working out for the baby?

"To quote Royce White, "Please.  Call me crazy!"  I'm serious.  I can't think of any other reason to explain what's going on in the good old USA. 

"We're told that electricity is the way to go.  Let's replace those old gas-guzzlers with neat-looking E.V.s with lots of LED screens, self-driving software, and more intelligence than most of their drivers.  And gas stoves?  A thing of the past, along with gas water heaters and home heating furnaces.  Bring on those kilowatts, but don't mention that we're retiring continuous-duty coal and gas generating stations so we can have windmills and solar farms that produce electricity for only six to seven hours a day.  And that's on a sunny, windy day.

"Now they're working on adaptors so we can back-feed our homes from our E.V. batteries when the power goes out.  Pure genius!  When the E.V. battery runs out, as it inevitably will,  we can just sit in the dark, since we can't drive to the local motel in a dead E.V.

"I will admit, though, I will defend my DeWalt cordless electric drill with my life.

"But we don't need no stinkin' oil.  We'll adapt.  We really don't need all those other products that use petroleum as a raw material.  I'm sure we'll get used to natural fibers for our clothes,  and those woolen boxers and bras will be just dandy once we get used to them.  No more polyester, nylon, rayon, orlon, Dacron.  No more LL Bean fleeces.  No more plastic anything.  Stop the drilling now!" . . .

New York Turns Against AOC: Protesters Drown Out Congresswoman's Speech with Jeers on Live TV

Just a friendly reminder to New Yorkers that you get what you vote for... Shout down AOC all you want... but you keep voting her back in to office while your city crumbles.   Also here: Democrat from Illinois loves to tweet about how stupid the electorate is, including his own voters

Tim Young ( "Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels — a nonprofit group for unarmed crime prevention, later said that Ocasio-Cortez, who has jousted with residents at town meetings in the past, finally was seeing the rage of Americans up close, according to Fox News.

“They’ve allowed an illegal invasion into our city, state, in our country. Politicians only give speeches. So you’re seeing the rage of people,” Sliwa said.

“ 'And AOC – look at her face – ‘All Out Crazy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ – who encourages this invasion, who stopped Amazon from providing good-paying jobs to Americans – she’s talking about the need for illegals to work. She was stunned because in that crowd she saw moderate Democrats, not just Republicans and independents.”

"Sliwa said there is a big difference between the generations of immigrants who legally came to New York City and the illegal immigrants flocking there now." . . .

Dove Soap Hires BLM Activist, Quickly Gets 'Bud Light' Treatment and Calls for Boycott –


"You might have thought that every other American company that witnessed the downfall of Bud Light as the number-one-selling brand of beer in the country after the Dylan Mulvaney fiasco would have made it a point to inform their marketing department, that going woke is not a winning marketing strategy and would not be approved. But going woke does seem to be the latest fad in the marketing industry. The latest brand that is attempting insanity and expecting a different outcome is Dove Soap. Dove is not only facing a boycott, but its entry into the woke arena comes with some serious baggage.

"Last month, Dove Soap began something called the "Fat Liberation campaign," presumably an effort to encourage customers to accept and feel good about their bodies, no matter what they look like. Great idea, sounds good so far. The spokeswoman Dove has partnered with for this campaign is a woman named Zyanha Bryant. Bryant has a history that could be a real problem for Dove Soap. Bryant was a student activist at the University of Virginia and, most notably, a Black Lives Matter activist." . . .