Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Federal Aviation Administration is not collapsing but the White House is.

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Jennifer Rubin  "The latest FAA gambit was a somewhat desperate effort to revive the issue. Once again the president, seemingly with no back up plan, had no choice but to give up when the public became outraged and it was obvious that Democrats were trying to wield their inconvenience as a club against Republicans. Really, did the president expect any different result than occurred when he was threatening to lay off first responders?
"The president has been deeply unserious of late — about our debt, about the Syrian chemical use (not such a “red line” after all), about the identity of our enemy (jihadists) and about the depth of our economic woes. He would rather pursue a largely frivolous anti-gun bill or demagogue about the FAA. For the sake of the country, he needs to raise his game and start facing up to our real challenges."

School Counselor Fired for Alleged Racist Rant on Texas Explosion Victims

Big Government "The comment was posted under the Facebook account of public school counselor Karon Wright on the Facebook page for a local news station. The comment stated:
It's amazing how the 'whites' get angry when Obama speaks. Oh well....its most of the whites who is getting blown away. So they will soon be wiped from the earth. Lol
"The comment was not the only angry words from liberals directed at relatives of the killed or injured victims of West. Several local officials in the city and county have had voicemails left for them blaming the prominence of
“conservative” political ideologies in the area for the explosion, according to Toby Marie Walker, a county resident who also heads up the Waco Tea Party. “They blame a belief in free-markets for the explosion,” she said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News."

She plans the Anthony Weiner defense:
WFAA Dallas reports  "She closed her statement saying her goal "has been and will always be to support my students in a professional manner."
"Wright said she has filed a complaint with Facebook about the comment, and hired an attorney."

Tom Brokaw's criticism of the White House correspondents dinner and the blowback you would expect

Big Journalism   "For those of you who might not know or care, the White House Correspondents Dinner is an annual orgy of narcissistic self-indulgence where the biggest stars in media, Hollywood, and politics gather to become even more corrupt and insulated than they already are. It is also a decidedly left-wing affair where the media hoot, holler, and applaud as Barack Obama attacks his political opponents, and do the same when Stephen Colbert rips George W. Bush."
...".Last year Brokaw surprised many when he made this statement about the event on "Meet the Press":
What kind of image do we present to the rest of the country? Are we doing their business, or are we just a group of narcissists who are mostly interested in elevating our own profiles? And what comes through the screen on C-SPAN that night is the latter, and not the former.
"This year, Brokaw doubled down with this statement to Politico:
But I think any organization… has to have a kind of self-policing instinct and what we’re doing with that dinner, as it has been constituted for the past several years, is saying, ‘We’re Versailles. The rest of you eat cake.’
 "Look at what we publish,” he said. “Does it seem like it corrupts us?”
Over the years, Remnick noted that the New Yorker has published groundbreaking stories on torture, drone strikes and other sensitive topics in D.C.
“If one party can corrupt you,” he said. “You probably shouldn’t be in the game.” 

Would You Sign to Rid U.S. of 1st Amendment? These guys would.

Conservative Daily News  "Clips from this video were shown on Fox and Friends Friday. The creator, Mark Dice, wanted to challenge the knowledge of Obama supporters by offering a petition to rid the US of its pesky First Amendment.
"Is it okay for those mean right wingers to criticize the president? Want to stop those haters?
"Watch as the majority of these naive voters easily sign away their rights.  They have no idea the importance our forefathers placed on free speech nor it’s role today.
"This will make you shake your head."
 As he said, "This is so easy!"

What do you know about the First Amendment?   "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Lock up the interns, the Clinton's are headed for the White House again!

Hat tip to Bob Hope, Sacramento, CA

Syria's gas attacks and Obama's red line

Obama Not Rushing to Act on Signs Syria Used Chemical Arms  "But Mr. Obama is also trying to preserve his credibility after warning in the past that the use of chemical weapons would be a “game changer” and prompt a forceful American response.
" “Knowing that potentially chemical weapons have been used inside of Syria doesn’t tell us when they were used, how they were used,” Mr. Obama told reporters in the Oval Office. “We have to act prudently. We have to make these assessments deliberately.”
" “But I meant what I’d said,” the president added. “To use potential weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations crosses another line with respect to international norms and international law. And that is going to be a game changer.”"
 White House Wants Syria ‘Red Line’ to Be Determined by UN
"Capitol Hill pounced on the Obama administration’s flailing rhetoric about red lines after a slip of admonition that the Syrian regime most likely used chemical weapons.
"“We cannot have a situation in which chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people,” Obama said in August. “We have been very clear to the Assad regime but also to other players on the ground that a red line for us is, we start seeing a whole bunch of weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my equation.” "