Saturday, June 4, 2011

D-Day Monday UPDATED with more links

Watch the Tunnel Wall on Monday for some historical photos of the landings at Normandy on 6 June, 1944. The photos were released in 1949, but I just found them last month.
The aerial photos of the landings and their aftermath that will show you the magnitude of the operation known as Overlord and what great things were accomplished by the industrial might of the allies.  The Tunnel Dweller  
Some D-Day links added below and if you search the words "D-Day" in our search box, you will find more.

The liberal mindset hits reality again

American Thinker  "There are two constants in dealing with the liberal or socialist mindset: 1) they can never admit a mistake, always blaming it on others; and 2) regardless of the situation, they can ignore historical facts or the tenets of economics and achieve what others have not."

Companion article to the above: Telegraph View: a Budget windfall tax spectacularly backfires. "...this is an object lesson in the way tax rises can prove economically harmful. While South Morecambe is not producing, it is delivering no tax revenues; meanwhile, the shortfall will be filled by imported gas. So the tax take goes down and the cost to the consumer goes up: not a happy combination."
How much empirical evidence does it take for the left to realize their economic policies are ill-informed, envious and bankrupt?

How Not to Choose a Presidential Candidate

Adam Graham  "Pundits and politicians make false assumptions like: a conservative can’t win the election. Also, “bird in the bush” theories propose that if the party jettisons social conservatives, then a large pool of voters would embrace the Republican Party. No proof is ever offered that this large pool of voters exists anywhere but in the minds of pundits. In the case of the abortion issue, the actual evidence suggests Republicans enjoy a large advantage because of their position on the issue.
"Voters are far more concerned about the condition of the country than the factors “electability” experts trumpet. Republicans should nominate a candidate who will put their best foot forward in representing the party. Unsubstantiated electability claims should be dismissed."
On identity politics, the author has this: Those who advocate a Cain candidacy on racial grounds are right that the GOP needs to increase its share of the black vote. However, they’re trying to take a shortcut. The Democrats dominate the black vote because they’ve politically organized in the black community. "Republicans must do the same. It will take time, money, and effort to reach out. There is no easy way to victory.

"Similarly, nominating a female candidate will not give the GOP any edge among women. To the contrary, women rate Sarah Palin more unfavorably than men.
"The GOP should nominate the best candidate regardless of race or gender. Basing nominations on identity politics thinking it will gain brownie points has been proven to be baseless." (Emphasis added)
Adam Graham is a contributor at and host of the Truth and Hope Report podcast. His personal site is Adam's Blog. He is author of novel, "Tales of the Dim Knight," from Splashdown Books
Also by Mr. Graham:  How to Create Your Own Political Scorecard  He says if it worked for his state's elections, it can work for us. 

Best and brightest in the world call for redistribution of wealth

Iran calls for equal wealth distribution  "The president said that the wealth amassed in the US and European countries is “not the fruit of their hard work,” IRNA reported.
"“All of this wealth is the result of imposing poverty upon other countries,” Ahmadinejad said, adding that “the American and European people are too held captive by the cruelty and injustice of their corrupt leaders.” "

[Then-senator] Obama Calls for Redistribution of Our Wealth  "In this segment from NPR radio Obama is debating the best means to Re-Distribute the wealth of America – he prefers legistlative; but only because the courts would not have a way to administer it. So, when you vote for president, and when you vote for your Congresscritters, please take this into account – are you electing a Socialist whose idea of change is to destroy the engine of American productivity?"

Joe Biden on Taxes: You Call It "Redistribution of Wealth," I Call It "Just Being Fair" "It's a simple proposition to us: Everyone is entitled to adequate medical health care," Biden says. "If you call that a 'redistribution of income' -- well, so be it. I don't call it that. I call it just being fair -- giving the middle class taxpayers an even break that the wealthy have been getting."

Communist Party calls for it in the extreme   "I like to say that when workers enter the corporate board rooms to take over and the ruling class says: O.K. you're right, we made a mess of things and now you should run it all. Well then there won't be any trouble. But if the ruling class says: Forget it! And call out the army and the police and the national guard, then that is how revolutions become violent. It starts with the ruling class. Workers and their allies have to defend themselves and to fight for what is rightfully theirs."      Gus Hall,  former Communist Party head.

Gallup: Today’s Democrats Twice as Likely as Depression-Era Americans to Favor Redistributing Wealth "Although public support for taxing the rich to redistribute wealth is higher today than it was in 1939, it is a bit lower than it was at the beginning of the Obama presidency."
Please refer to the quote by Abraham Lincoln under the header at the top of the blog page.

Pres. Obama: With Assad Finished, Don’t Dare Pull a Jimmy Carter on Syria

Farid Ghadry "The Obama administration cannot get this wrong. Syrian liberals and seculars must lead the fight for the soul and future of Syria, not the Muslim Brotherhood or the weak Damascus Declaration. A new younger leadership is rising inside Syria, and once that youth sees through the fog, it will take charge of its own destiny.
"If the Muslim Brotherhood, working so diligently to exclude Syrians, is successful in managing to deceive the U.S. and the EU, I can guarantee millions of Syrians will look to emigrate to Europe and the U.S. in fear of detention, violence, murder, even women being stoned — all the horrors of present-day Iran."