WHAT IS BDS? "Welcome to the website of the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), a wide coalition of the largest Palestinian organisations, trade unions, networks and NGOs.
"In 2005, Palestinian civil society issued a call for a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights."
Of course, Hollywood and academia have jumped all over this and woe to the national figure who dares to stand by Israel as Ms. Johansson has done.
Of ScarJo, Soda, Settlements, and Super Bowls; The seltzer-maker spokeswoman strongly supports Israel and its manufacturers. "But the fortitude displayed by ScarJo (a leading celebrity exponent of numerous liberal causes, as readers of this site well know), speaks volumes about the righteousness of Israel’s cause and the moral bankruptcy — and rank ineffectiveness — of the boycott crowd."
"Indeed, as is typical for the Israel-hating crowd, the boycotters get both their facts and their inferences wrong. First, SodaStream offers comprehensive benefits, including health insurance, and high wages for the Palestinians it employs in its Ma’aleh Adumim facility — better jobs than are available in most of the West Bank. The company’s CEO “just can’t see how it would help the cause of the Palestinians if we fired them,” as the boycott movement effectively desires." ...
Watch this Scarlett Johansson commercial that made the anti-Israel lobby livid.
Debbie Schlussel is not impressed with Scarlett Johansson "Scarlett Johansson isn’t a hero in my book. Not even close. She has a history of hanging out with and enabling Israel-haters and anti-Semites." ...
And she doesn't love Sodastream all that much either:
And SodaStream is one of those typical Israeli companies that panders to Muslims because they are politically correct and think this will help them escape the Judenrein boycott Israel campaign (but won’t). They hired a lot of Palestinian Muslim workers (not just Israeli ones–despite chronic unemployment remaining among Jews who were forced out of their Gaza homes). They built an on-site mosque, forever making that mosque (and the ground beneath and surrounding it) Dar Al-Islam ["Islamic land"] in the eyes of Islam. That’s Scarlett Johansson’s kind of company. But because the company is owned by Jews, it’s never enough. No “good deed” toward Muslims goes unpunished. Dhimmis are useful idiots, always and forever."
Emphasis added.
Nevertheless, I recommend Sodastream along with other Israeli products to reject those entities who want Israel not just gone, but destroyed. Never support the causes of those who celebrate the murder of entire families simply because they are Israeli.
Before you boycott Israel, you better get your facts straight. This makes you wonder where those US liberal human shields are.
"In 2005, Palestinian civil society issued a call for a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights."
Of course, Hollywood and academia have jumped all over this and woe to the national figure who dares to stand by Israel as Ms. Johansson has done.

"Indeed, as is typical for the Israel-hating crowd, the boycotters get both their facts and their inferences wrong. First, SodaStream offers comprehensive benefits, including health insurance, and high wages for the Palestinians it employs in its Ma’aleh Adumim facility — better jobs than are available in most of the West Bank. The company’s CEO “just can’t see how it would help the cause of the Palestinians if we fired them,” as the boycott movement effectively desires." ...
Watch this Scarlett Johansson commercial that made the anti-Israel lobby livid.
Debbie Schlussel is not impressed with Scarlett Johansson "Scarlett Johansson isn’t a hero in my book. Not even close. She has a history of hanging out with and enabling Israel-haters and anti-Semites." ...
And she doesn't love Sodastream all that much either:
And SodaStream is one of those typical Israeli companies that panders to Muslims because they are politically correct and think this will help them escape the Judenrein boycott Israel campaign (but won’t). They hired a lot of Palestinian Muslim workers (not just Israeli ones–despite chronic unemployment remaining among Jews who were forced out of their Gaza homes). They built an on-site mosque, forever making that mosque (and the ground beneath and surrounding it) Dar Al-Islam ["Islamic land"] in the eyes of Islam. That’s Scarlett Johansson’s kind of company. But because the company is owned by Jews, it’s never enough. No “good deed” toward Muslims goes unpunished. Dhimmis are useful idiots, always and forever."
Emphasis added.

Before you boycott Israel, you better get your facts straight. This makes you wonder where those US liberal human shields are.