Monday, May 16, 2011

After bin Laden: End the Public Diplomacy Apology Tour


Heritage  "A column in the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat expressed a bitterness about bin Laden that could hardly have been imagined before his death. Editor-in-chief Tariq Alhomayed wrote: “He who tricked our sons and cast them into hell did not die on the battlefield—but in the middle of his luxurious house hiding behind his wife.” He concluded, “Certainly, the world is a better place after the death of a terrorist who betrayed his religion, his family, and the world.”
"The world has been waiting for this kind of condemnation since September 11, 2001."
bowing obama

Why I Take Obama's 'Common' Offenses Against Officers Personally

American Thinker  "President Obama continues to use the White House as a platform to dishonor police officers."
On May 11, Obama and First Lady Michele welcomed a rap poet who celebrates cop killers to the White House. Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr., known professionally as "Common," performed a few days before thousands of police officers arrived in Washington for "National Police Week," the annual memorial to honor fallen officers."....
"Common and Obama have more in common than disrespect for law enforcement. There's the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor of 20 years who preached racist, anti-American, anti-government diatribes. Common began attending Wright's church at the age of eight. He defended Wright against critics of his inflammatory sermons. He "rapped" for Obama from Wright's pulpit on New Year's Eve 2008."
Jan LaRue is senior legal analyst with the American Civil Rights Union.

CNN Tries to Contain Damage from Spitzer Outing Zakaria's Consultations for Obama

Media Research Center "The revelation of Zakaria’s personal efforts to ensure Obama’s success all started from a paragraph in a Wednesday, May 11 New York Times article praising Obama’s quest to master the Middle East:"
Chris Muir, Day by Day Hat tip to Freedom Fighter's Journal

Michael Yon: PFC Bradley Manning's Charge Sheet

Michael Yon This is from some time back and just discovered by the Tunnel Dweller. The search also revealed a number of sites supporting Manning which we will not link to in this site. You can find them without TW's help if you need to.

Michael Yon
Michael Yon vs. Rolling Stone Magazine  "This could go on for pages, but Rolling Stone is not worth it, and thrashing them might only build their readership. I’ve found in the past that boycotts work. I led a boycott against one magazine and it went bankrupt. It’s doubtful that Rolling Stone will go bankrupt for its sins, but you can cost them money not by boycotting their magazine, but by boycotting their advertisers. That hurts. Just pick an advertiser whose products you already buy, boycott it, and tell the advertiser why you are not buying their product." With a slight language advisory.

CO2 Mitigation: It’s Dopey

Cartoon: Charlie Brown (medium) by jellyfish333 tagged charlie,brown,windmill,kite,tangle,cloud,string
Pajamas Media  "A wind turbine in England just produced only enough electricity over an entire year to keep one light bulb on for three months. Let’s have fun with the numbers …"
...."So there you have it. After the biggest and most expensive propaganda campaign in human history, leading to the biggest tax increase in human history, it turns out that trying to stop “global warming” is the least cost-effective use of taxpayers’ money in human history — and that’s saying something." The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley is a British politician, business consultant, and policy advisor.