Sunday, August 9, 2015

Has the U.S. Treasury Department announced that Michelle Obama will be the new face on the $10 bill? No, No, a thousand times NO. Um, at least not now.

 Expect to find this urban legend in your email any day now
Snopes  "Claim:    Michelle Obama has been chosen by the U.S. Treasury Department to be the new face of the $10 bill."
Fact Check doesn't mention this at all


"There is no truth to this item, as Fox News The FB Page (although designed to look like an official Facebook page for the Fox News Channel) is one of many online purveyors of fake news stories.

"Although the above-quoted story is false, the U.S. Treasury Department did announce that a woman would be featured on a newly redesigned $10 bill. The person to be so honored has not yet been selected, but Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said that that person would be “a woman who has contributed to and represents the values of American democracy.”

"Another publication has similarly falsely suggested the new face on the $10 bill will be that of Hillary Clinton:" Read more
"The law prohibits portraits of living persons from appearing on Government Securities. Therefore, the portraits on our currency notes are of deceased persons whose places in history the American people know well."
However Bill Clinton did appear on this currency:

The torches and pitchforks are out for Megyn Kelly

Petition to Ban Megyn Kelly from Hosting Future Debates Goes Viral  "I’m not surprised in the least. I was offended as well by Kelly’s conduct at the debates. Not only did she vehemently attack Donald Trump and try to set him up to be taken out, she set the candidate’s at each other’s throats. The ‘esteemed’ panel also knocked Ted Cruz for having the temerity to call Mitch McConnell out as the liar that he is. Shame on them. Who’s calling the shots here? I bet it is Carl Rove and the Bush team. Bet on it. Everyone should sign the petition requesting that Megyn Kelly not host future debates for Fox News. She was biased, vicious and manipulative. I’m very, very disappointed in her."


 Look who's No.1 in NBC poll after GOP debate  "A brand-new scientific poll taken in the wake of Thursday’s Republican debates and Donald Trump’s war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly shows the billionaire developer increasing his lead at the top position, with GOP establishment candidates such as Jeb Bush and Chris Christie in a downward spiral.

Independent Sentinel : We Took a Different Look at the Debates Because We Hate the Media 
. . . "People just want fairness. Even many non-Trump supporters were unhappy about the way Trump was handled.
"It probably took away from the candidates because everyone was waiting for more sparks to fly or stewing over the opening questions.
"It wasn’t boring, I’ll give them that.
"Actually, listening to the questions individually in the clips below might change your mind somewhat.
"Each of these candidates is intelligent, knowledgeable, and deserves credit for being willing to serve the country and put themselves out there to be ridiculed and reviled – some are more worthy than others but that is for you to decide." . . . Videos at the link.

'It wasn't an attack': Defiant Megyn Kelly maintains she was 'fair' with 'nervous' Donald Trump in the lead up to 'bloodgate' 
 . . . "Kelly, the only female moderator on the panel, also revealed that she told her male colleagues, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace, before the debate not to defend her, should Trump attack. 
" 'I'm a big girl, I can handle it,' she said.
" 'My job is not to feel passionately about these candidates.
" 'My job is to go out there and ask probing questions that are hopefully smart and that help the people learn something about this person.
" '(Baier and Wallace) are both gentlemen and I didn't want them to in any way feel they needed to somehow come to my rescue.
" 'I didn't want them to feel if anybody started to attack me that I would be wondering where my compadres are.
" 'I'm a big girl. I can take it.' 

Do Trump supporters care what part of Megyn Kelly's body he was thinking of?
. . . "How do you feel about his comments?  Does your judgment of Trump depend on what part of Kelly's body  he was really referring to?  Do you think his sometimes offensive style will be a turn-off to voters in the general election...or just the breath of fresh air to get elected?"

Jonah Goldberg: Asking Trump Whether He’d Support the GOP Nominee Was Anything but ‘Unfair’ . . . "Donald Trump is the frontrunner in the polls for that nomination and he has, several times in recent weeks, suggested he might take his marbles and go if he’s not the nominee. But it was unfair to ask him about it?" . . .

NYT: This Wasn’t a Debate, It Was an Inquisition  . . . "They took each of the 10 Republicans onstage to task. They held each of them to account. They made each address the most prominent blemishes on his record, the most profound apprehensions that voters feel about him, the greatest vulnerability that he has.
"It was riveting. It was admirable. It compels me to write a cluster of words I never imagined writing: hooray for Fox News."

Salon:  Fox News’ vicious Republican power grab: Why Megyn Kelly vs. Donald Trump was just the beginning    "There were many on Twitter who seemed surprised that the moderators were asking such tough questions of the candidates. But they shouldn’t have been. Just because Fox News may be soft on Republicans when comparing them to Democrats doesn’t mean its journalists will simply roll over for them when it’s an intra-family affair."

Obama and the 'Amen Corner'; With accusations of warmongering, the president feeds anti-Semitism.

Elliott Abrams    "This week President Obama sealed his legacy as the most divisive president in modern times, who will leave behind both worsened race relations and a set of arguments about Iran that will surely feed anti-Semitism. 
"That race relations have worsened under Obama is crystal clear, as even publications like The New York Times have acknowledged. A Times/CBS poll conducted in July revealed that “nearly six in 10 Americans, including heavy majorities of both whites and blacks, think race relations are generally bad, and that nearly four in 10 think the situation is getting worse. By comparison, two-thirds of Americans surveyed shortly after President Obama took office said they believed that race relations were generally good.” And Americans did link the downturn to the president: “almost half of those questioned said the Obama presidency had had no effect on bringing the races together, while about a third said it had driven them further apart.”
"Think of that: a third of the American people, over a hundred million Americans, hold the president responsible for worsening race relations in the country. Why would that be? It’s reasonable to say the Mr. Obama’s close relationship with people who make a living from bitter race relations, such as Al Sharpton, plays a part. And so does Mr. Obama’s repeated insertion of himself into divisive racial situations even before the facts were fully known—starting with the famous case of the Harvard professor, Skip Gates, arrested in 2009." . . .
Pat Buchanan doesn't help much, He called Capitol Hill “Israeli occupied territory.” Cartoons added.

WHILE #BlackLivesMatter CROWD PROTESTS SANDERS: Obama Flees To Whitey Whiteville  . . .  "White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Obama realized he could spend Friday night on the island after all and “get started on his vacation first thing (Saturday) morning” so he decided to go for it."

Bernie Sanders' Politics of National Socialism

National Review Online . . . "He is a national socialist in the mode of Hugo Chávez. He isn’t driven by racial hatred; he’s driven by political hatred. And that’s bad enough.
“This is not about me,” Bernie is fond of saying. Instead, he insists, it’s about building a grassroots movement that will be in a permanent state of “political revolution” — his words — against the people he identifies as class enemies: Kochs, Waltons, Republicans, bankers, Wall Street, Them – the numerically inferior Them. His views are totalitarian inasmuch as there is no aspect of life that he believes to be beyond the reach of the state, and they are deeply illiberal inasmuch as he is willing to jettison a great deal of American liberalism — including freedom of speech — if doing so means that he can stifle his enemies’ ability to participate in the political process. He rejects John F. Kennedy’s insistence that “a rising tide lifts all boats” — and he is willing to sink as many boats as is necessary in his crusade against the reality that some people make more money than others."

Related:  Bernie Sanders’ Fossil Socialism 
. . . "It’s an old left-winger’s dream: a larger government, a more equal — and in all likelihood poorer — country. But whether the country is poorer doesn’t matter to Sanders, because his critique of capitalism is fundamentally moral." . . .Read more

About Bernie Sanders and Socialism

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders backs Obama's agreement with Iran
. . .  “ 'This agreement is obviously not all that many of us would have liked but it beats the alternative – a war with Iran that could go on for years,” Sanders said in his statement. “If Iran does not live up to the agreement, sanctions may be reapplied. If Iran moves toward a nuclear weapon, all available options remain on the table. I think it is incumbent upon us, however, to give the negotiated agreement a chance to succeed.' ” . . .

 Socialist Bernie Sanders begins to lay out his potential presidential platform
. . . "In Sanders’ socialist America, the tax rate on America’s wealthy “will be more than it is right now,” though Sanders refused to specify exactly how much higher."Read more

 A Bernie Sanders Presidency Is ALL About Socialism   "However, many economists and lawmakers have taken issue with the idea of basing a modern tax increase, especially as high as 90 percent, on policies issued in the past. e are many more economic factors that must be considered with such a impactful policy stance.
. . .  “Before Congress decides it can raise the top rate without any adverse effects, policy makers need to get the relevant facts about how taxes affect the economy.”
"Nevertheless, Sanders has made wealth retribution a significant part of his political career, often making private sector companies the enemy of his crusade."
"For instance, a congressional joint committee report from 2012 argued there are many more economic factors that must be considered with such a impactful policy stance."

Bernie Sanders, Socialist.  Yahoo Answers: What is Democratic Socialism in simple terms?   "Best Answer:  The Socialist ideology is a theory , fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and which holds forth beliefs that have no basis in reality. Under socialism, incentives either play a minimal role or are ignored totally. A centrally planned economy without market prices or profits, where property is owned by the state, is a system without an effective incentive mechanism to direct economic activity. By failing to emphasize incentives, socialism is a theory inconsistent with human nature and is therefore doomed to fail. Socialism is based on the theory that incentives don't matter!. . .
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"...Winston Churchill

What  Are Socialism And Capitalism In Simple Terms?
"In a recent online edition of Pravda, Stanislav Mishin wrote, "It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.' "
When both systems fail.
"When socialism fails it can leave a residue of totalitarian governance or merely implode into a a social democracy that limps along after receding dreams of utopia. We in America need to ask ourselves if we want to become another Europe? If so why?
"When capitalism fails it will self-correct, if it is left alone, because it is based on the native desire of the human spirit to survive and even thrive. Its failures can and will be painful, but pain has a purpose. Capitalism can only completely fail when it is arbitrarily replaced by another system of economics. This is what is happening in America now. We are financing the loss of our own liberties for the safety of servitude. Is this trade worth it?"

Bernie Sanders is now effectively a hostage of #BlackLivesMatter   " Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A large, well attended Bernie Sanders rally was shut down entirely by a handful of Black Lives Matter protesters." . . . "They have learned that Sanders has a weak team and no stomach for a confrontation and can be bullied into silence as they advance their agenda. Sanders had a huge crowd at the first event who were obviously there to see and hear him and were disgruntled when he was denied the chance to speak. Yet he let them down and ran away from a confrontation with a few agitators. This is a leader? This is what inspires a nation to follow you into the future?"
 Ann Althouse has more to say about this
Do all our candidates fear these people?

 Still, Bernie Sanders isn't awarded much chance by the DNC:
 The DNC Paves the Way for a Clinton Coronation

Jon Stewart, Patron Saint of Liberal Smugness

 Mr. Stewart later acknowledged that Mr. Yoo had bested him, which didn’t happen very often. In that sense, the interview was an outlier. But it wasn’t a coincidence. Mr. Stewart had gone in lazy, relying on a caricature, and seemingly unprepared for the thoughtful conservative sitting in his guest chair.
NY Times   "It shows how gifted Jon Stewart is that his best moment happened on someone else’s show. He appeared in 2004 on “Crossfire,” a CNN yelling program, and asked the hosts to take seriously their responsibility to public understanding by having useful conversations instead of shouting matches.
"It was Mr. Stewart’s finest hour. He made an earnest pitch for civility in a place where there really was none. Which makes it too bad that in his 16 years of hosting “The Daily Show,” he never lived up to his own responsibility. His prodigious talents — he was smart and funny, and even more of both when he was mad — perfectly positioned him to purge a particular smugness from our discourse. Instead, he embodied it. I loved watching him, and hated it too. " . . .

"Liberals turn out to be just as prone to their own forms of intolerance, ignorance and bias. But the beliefs are comforting to many. They give their bearers a sense of intellectual and even moral superiority. And they affect behavior. . . . "This sense of superiority is hardly the only cause of our polarized public discourse, but it sure doesn’t help."

And polarized it is, indeed. In fact I feel an intense dislike between both sides that is manifested in many comments and tweets on current events. TD