Noisy Room Via Thomas Talbot:
This video shows that the supposed clock invention by a 14 year old is in fact not an invention. The ‘clock’ is a commercial bedside alarm clock removed from its casing. There is nothing to indicate that the clock was even assembled by the child. I suspect this was brought into school to create an alarmed reaction.
Ahmed’s Clock in the Age of Grievance-Mongering via Jeff Hayden of Plano, TX
This video shows that the supposed clock invention by a 14 year old is in fact not an invention. The ‘clock’ is a commercial bedside alarm clock removed from its casing. There is nothing to indicate that the clock was even assembled by the child. I suspect this was brought into school to create an alarmed reaction.
Ahmed’s Clock in the Age of Grievance-Mongering via Jeff Hayden of Plano, TX
"you cannot very well go actively cultivating an atmosphere of paranoia and then pronounce yourself surprised by all the paranoia in the air."
. . . "President Barack Obama, never one to miss an opportunity for cheap moral preening, invited Mohamed to the White House. That’s an interesting gesture: Anybody want to hazard a guess as to what would happen if a young man showed up at the White House visitors’ center with a backpack in which was a homemade device full of circuit boards joined to a timing device? I do not frequent the White House, but I often am in the House and Senate office buildings in Washington, and my best guess is that if I’d tried to bring Mohamed’s clock into one of those places, there would have been guns drawn.
. . .
"Of course it is the very same self-satisfied lifestyle liberals who want to send your toddler to Gitmo for playing with a cap gun who are so theatrically appalled at what happened to Mohamed." . . .
Another of Obama's "the police acted stupidly" moments:

Late arrival from HopeN'Change
"We're sorry for Ahmed (although he's now a hero to everyone on the Left), but we don't appreciate Obama's none too subtle mockery of the authorities who were simply trying to protect innocent lives.
"After all, one doesn't have to think very far back to remember another seemingly harmless Muslim kid who didn't get arrested for carrying a backpack containing an innocent-looking pressure cooker to the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Until, of course, it was too late."

Late arrival from HopeN'Change
"We're sorry for Ahmed (although he's now a hero to everyone on the Left), but we don't appreciate Obama's none too subtle mockery of the authorities who were simply trying to protect innocent lives.
"After all, one doesn't have to think very far back to remember another seemingly harmless Muslim kid who didn't get arrested for carrying a backpack containing an innocent-looking pressure cooker to the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Until, of course, it was too late."