Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The John Duarte Trial Is Starting And You Should Pay Attention

Hot Air

. . . "In addition to distorting the meaning of “Waters of the United States” beyond any reasonable definition, this case is also challenging the use of the phrase, “normal farming practices.” Stop and think about that for a moment. The act of plowing a field is not, in the eyes of some in our government, considered a normal farming practice.
"Duarte’s lawyer is trying to get the fine dropped to one dollar rather than a figure in the millions since Duarte was already found guilty. But that won’t matter anyway because he’s going to appeal as soon as this is over. It’s more of a matter of principle than the actual money (though I’m sure the farmer could use that also) and a question of whether or not there is any sanity or common sense left in the federal government or the judicial system. Sadly, unless there’s a way somebody in the Trump administration can derail this, his appeal would be going to the Ninth Circuit, which means he’s pretty much already lost because, well… the Ninth Circuit." . . .
Image result for clean water act cartoons
The good EPA; not the Democrat EPA that seeks to rule every corner of our lives.
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers released a proposal on Tuesday to repeal the 2015 Clean Water Rule, the latest move by the Trump administration to unwind environmental regulations put in place under former President Barack Obama." . . .

Not So Private Property?: Clean Water Restoration Act Raises Fears of Land Grab
" 'Right now, the law says that the Environmental Protection Agency is in charge of all navigable water," said Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., chairman of the Senate Western Caucus and an opponent of the bill. 
" 'Well, this bill removes the word 'navigable,' so for ranchers and farmers who have mud puddles, prairie potholes -- anything from snow melting on their land -- all of that water will now come under the regulation of the Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency," he said. 
"Barrasso said the federal government's one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work in the west where the Rocky Mountain states have gone even further than Washington to protect land, water and the environment.

" 'The government wants control of all water -- that also means that they want control over all of our land including the private property rights of people from the Rocky Mountain west, the western caucus and the entire United States," he said." . . .
 Image result for clean water act cartoons

CNN: Hell No, We Won’t Run Trump’s New Ad

Hot Air

. . . "Exit question: Trump’s campaign deliberately baits the media in its ads hoping that it’ll get CNN or MSNBC or one of the broadcast networks to reject them, right? Controversy draws an audience; this ad has nearly a million views on YouTube already, thanks in part to CNN rendering it taboo. No one understands how this works better than a media manipulator as practiced as the president."

Muslim Mafia joins war on Confederate memorials

"Urging all governments to remove any symbols of Civil War South"


CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad

"An Islamic organization founded in Washington, D.C., by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamasis entering the controversy over Confederate monuments, urging all state and local governments to remove any symbols of the Civil War South.
"The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, is offering to help facilitate the process, providing a template resolution to be introduced by public bodies such as state legislatures, city councils and school districts.
"CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to fund Hamas, was designated by a Gulf Arab state as a terrorist organization. CAIR has sued the authors of a WND Books exposé, “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America,” which documented the group’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood." . . .

CAIR wants every state and town to remove all names honoring 'white supremacists' after Charlottesville
(perhaps it would also be appropriate to remove all names honoring the fake god of islam, its false prophet, and its followers following the 9/11, Orlando, San Bernardino and Boston islamic terror-castings)
Muslim organization wants every state and town to do this after Charlottesville  . . . "America’s largest Muslim civil rights organization is asking state and local governments across the country to remove or change the name of anything named after Confederate sympathizers.
"Nihad Awad, national executive director at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, told the Daily Caller on Monday that doing so would be a “fitting response” to the deadly domestic terror attack that took place over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia." . . .

Stop this purging of America's history!

. . . "These symbols are not racist.  They represent a big chunk of U.S. history and heritage for lots of Americans.  It does not mean that we support segregation or the way black Americans were treated.

. . . "As we've read since election day, many Democrats want to change their party so that it appeals to more people between New York City and the California border.  It's hard to see how removing Confederate statues is going to do that.  I think it will be a huge burden on Democrats trying to get votes.
"Also, this is exactly the kind of issue that could generate huge turnout in typically low-turnout midterms." . . .
How are Democrats going to win congressional districts in the South or West or defend red states?  It will be tough with candidates who believe that Robert E. Lee statues should be removed.
Woman protester, 22, who pulled down Confederate statue in North Carolina is arrested and could face PRISON - as Democrat governor vows to remove all 'anti-American' Civil War monuments from his state  . . . "Takiyah Thompson, 22, was taken into custody on Tuesday by Durham County sheriff's deputies shortly after protesters held a news conference at North Carolina Central University where she identified herself as the person who climbed a ladder to the top to tie a rope around the monument before the crowd tore it down on Monday." . . .

Vandals scrawl ‘F–k law’ on Lincoln Memorial  . . . "A preservation crew is working to remove the graffiti without damaging the stone on the historic memorial, officials said.
"The Lincoln Memorial overlooks the Capitol building and National mall. Anyone with information about the crime is asked to contact US Park Police." . . .
Four Perspectives On Removing Confederate Monuments   "There are four main schools of thought as it pertains to the removal of Confederate monuments from public spaces:" . . .
"There is a fourth set of Americans who, while they may agree with those who want Confederate monuments removed, they also worry about what comes next."
. . . 
"This set of people are concerned that the removal of Confederate monuments is only the beginning of a slippery slope, the end of which will be the sanitizing of great swaths of our history. 
"As of now, it appears the movement to pull down Confederate monuments is gaining steam. Where it goes next remains to be seen." 
 Howard Zinn and his pupils will be proud.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams calls for removal of Confederate faces off Stone Mountain

We apologize for this error. Below is the picture we wanted to post: