Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mark Steyn Calls Intelligence Director James Clapper An Idiot

Fox News Photo
Gateway Pundit  "On Friday’s “America Live with Megyn Kelly,” columnist Mark Steyn had some harsh words for Clapper, not only for the intelligence failures surrounding the Egyptian turmoil, but also for his comments that the Muslim Brotherhood as a “secular” organization.
“This is the director of intelligence of the global superpower and he is going on one of the most historic days in the Middle East– he is going around the world announcing that the guy in charge of U.S. intelligence is an idiot,” Steyn said. “A few weeks ago just before Christmas, he was oblivious to the biggest terror bust of the day.”"

Don’t put wire on your windows – it might hurt burglars! Villagers outraged after police order them not to protect garden sheds

UK Mail  "I have three sheds and had two break-ins in the past four years,' Mr Cooper explained.
'I reinforced my shed windows with wire mesh, but was told by the police I had to be very careful because thieves can actually sue you if they get hurt.
'"I mean, what are you meant to do? Let them take your stuff? It is ridiculous that the law protects them even though they are breaking it.' "


We could still 'lose' Iraq

Max Boot in the LA Times. "Iraq may very well muddle through no matter what. It has so far. But I would be a lot more confident about its future if we were making a bigger commitment. It would be a tragedy if, after years of struggle and sacrifice, we were to lose Iraq now — when we are so close to a successful outcome — because of our own attention deficit disorder."

Iranian Regime Releases New Spring Line of Women’s Activewear

Gateway Pundit  "Iran released its latest line of spring fashions for the active woman this week. Color is in!"

Group of Egyptian protesters call on Iranians to revolt against Tehran govt "“Leaders of Iran's “Green Revolution will devote tomorrow Friday in solidarity with the Egyptian people. Egyptians must respond to these honorable people by allocating the same day in solidarity with the Iranian people who suffer injustice, dictatorship and corruption,” said the statement."

Get Ready… Junk Scientist Al Gore Predicted North Pole Will Be Completely Ice Free By Next Year

Gateway Pundit     "But, this wasn’t the first time Gore made his ice-free prediction. Gore had been predicting this since 2008. That means that by 2012 the North Pole should be completely melted.
"So don’t worry about the record cold outside… According to junk scientist Gore the north polar ice cap will be completely ice free by next year. We’re doomed."

Will Egypt's New Freedom Force More Women Under a Veil of Brutality?

Phyllis Chesler   "According to Amina Afzali, a member of a new government commission,"there [are] cases where women needed protection but [she] was upset about the shelters' high profile in discussing abuse." Afzali found it "grating" that Time magazine featured child bride Bibi Aisha on its cover; her husband had hacked off her nose after she tried to run away from home. Such publicity "humiliates us in the eyes of the world.""

Fantastic reading: George Soros, Nazi Obsessive

Pajamas Media   "You see, while George W. Bush had not even yet been born in 1945, when real Nazis were perpetrating the real Holocaust, George Soros, as a teenager, was actually helping real Nazis confiscate the real property of real, about-to-be-“exterminated” Jews in his native Budapest, Hungary.
"And no, this actual Nazi collaboration by a young George Soros was not an obscure tidbit dug up by opposition researchers. George Soros freely admitted his actions in the now-infamous Steve Kroft interview of 1998.
"When Jews are being “deported” to death camps, Soros says, I am “above them.” What’s that to him? If “I was not doing it, then someone else would be doing it.” "Kyle-Anne Shiver

How to Think About the Tea Party

Commentary  "In the weeks that followed, ordinary citizens spontaneously gathered in towns and cities across the continent to organize Tea Parties in protest against what they took to be an unjust redistribution of wealth from the industrious and the rational to the greedy and improvident. The mainstream media treated them with contempt, and most Republicans kept their distance. Leading Democrats denounced them as frauds and ignoramuses and sought to brand them as racists. Even when the president of the United States used the obscene epithet “teabaggers” to refer to them, however, the adherents of what was coming to be a full-fledged movement—the Tea Party movement—stood firm."

The New World Order At NASA

Always On Watch  "What is with this government? Every day there is another slur on American Culture, American Values. This time the agency is NASA. Instead of naming a new rocket after an American Hero or a victim of the 9/11 attacks, they have decided to name the rocket after an Egyptian...Woman killed in the riots."....
"If NASA wants to honor a foreign hero they could honor Ilan Ramon (Israel) who died on the Columbia.
"Or NASA could honor the 2,998 victims of 9/11. They could put all the names in a box and pull out one."

McConnell says Obama agenda is `over'

Yahoo News  While Republicans remain in the minority in the Senate, McConnell said Democratic senators facing re-election next year have a political motivation to join GOP lawmakers in pushing for spending cuts.
"We'll see how many of them come over and join us and begin to tackle our annual deficit," he said.
McConnell said the national debt has grown rapidly with the stimulus spending under Obama, and yet national unemployment remains stubbornly high.
McConnell warned that cutting federal spending won't come without some pain.
"Everybody is going to have to do with less if we're going to get this job done," he said. "And we need to get it done."