Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Biden Really Considering 2016 Run?

Legal Insurrection
 joe biden convertible
"Despite not having taken the step to even announce that he’s considering to announce a possible announcement about a run for the presidency, Joe Biden’s people are quietly saying he will decide soon.
"Biden’s entry into the race would certainly shakes things up. Despite the Hillary juggernaut, Biden could be a formidable opponent, and would certainly poll better as a candidate than he is now as Vice President. As for the potential run, CNN reports:" . . . 

"If Joe gets in and puts a dent in Hillary’s polling numbers, it will mean she can no longer hide from the press without consequences. Biden will also bring a burst of energy to the race, distinguishing himself from Bernie Sanders, who has appealed mostly to far left progressives. Biden will be strong talking to people in the middle class, particularly as he attempts to draw a distinction between himself and Hillary Clinton."
And Joe has this awesome background to talk about:

Next:  Joe Biden is shown in this 1988 NBC News program as a serial plagiarist and a blatant copycat.

Joe Biden Prevaricates about Law School Class Standing 
Uploaded on Sep 22, 2008
Joe Biden departs from the 1988 presidential race due to plagiarism and his exaggerating about his law school record, as reported by NBC news.
 If I'd paid that much for my grin I'd show it off too.

Our Watcher’s Council Nominations – False Flag Edition

"Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere, and the longest running group of its kind in existence. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.Then we vote on the best two posts, with the results appearing on Friday morning." . . .


The Dignity of Charleston Flies in the Face of the Left’s Uninformed, Anti-South Bigotry

Jonah Goldberg   "Lots of folks expected us to do something strange and break out in a riot. Well, they just don’t know us,” the Reverend Norvel Goff told the packed, multiracial congregation of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., on Sunday. It was the first service since the horrific slaughter of nine innocent souls by a racist fanatic. Not being a Christian, I can only marvel at the dignity and courage of the victims’ relatives who forgave the shooter. If I could ever manage such a thing, it would probably take me decades. It took them little more than a day. Less shocking, but almost as uplifting, was the conduct of the broader Charleston community, which has been unified and dignified, despite the expectations of some in the media — and the accused gunman, who had singled out Charleston because of its success at racial integration." . . . Read more

Liberals, led by Obama, have only disgust for America and are embarrassed by us.

American silliness: 6/24/2015

A great plan: liberals refusing to breed so they don’t biologically spread white privilege
. . . " Similarly, if you feel that being white is essentially an original sin (which is what this sound[s] like for all the world) and that such sin will be carried from you to your offspring, then who knows? Maybe you’re right. And just to hedge your bets, you might want to avoid reproducing. If nothing else, there’s roughly seven billion people on the planet already. I’m sure we’ll do fine without you adding to the pool."

Racially Obsessed Liberals Force Chuck Todd To Apologize For Airing Anti-Gun Video Featuring Only Black Men

 The Rachel Dolezal Story has Jumped the Shark  " The rest of the world, however, seems happy to hand over the story to comedians and the entertainment establishment. On a recent episode of Late Night with Seth Meyers, Maya Rudolph succumbed to demands that she take on the character and pulled it off with flair (and an afro):" . . .

Politically Correct College Student Pens Open Letter to Jerry Seinfeld   "The letter is a response to Jerry Seinfeld’s recent and correct declaration that colleges are too PC.

"The student is Anthony Berteaux and he published his letter at the Huffington Post. I wish I could say this is parody." . . .

 Bill Maher Calls College Student A 'Little S**t' For Criticizing Jerry Seinfeld

It will takes months to remove the Confederate flag, and by that time…hey look another thing to be offended at!!…


Amazing grace in Charleston

. . . "In violent streets we have become used to calls for retribution, appeals for justice, rioting, looting, marches, and self-appointed civil rights leaders hogging cameras and microphones with angry people standing behind them and chants of “no justice, no peace.”

"But this, this act of forgiveness by grandsons and sons, daughters, husbands, and other relatives of the dead is so out of character, so distant from the “norm” we have come to expect, so not Ferguson, Mo., or Baltimore, so not the Middle East, that it makes the world stop and pause.

"Preachers call it “grace,” which they define as “unmerited favor.” The accused killer doesn’t deserve it, but he is offered forgiveness nonetheless. It speaks volumes about the character and spiritual strength of those extending grace to him. In a normal person, grace might bring repentance and, yes, salvation, which is what at least one of the relatives said she was praying would happen to Dylann Roof, a deeply troubled 21-year-old who is accused of the murders.

"When the world sees such acts of kindness, it doesn’t know what to say. For many it is unfamiliar territory. And yet it is precisely the outworking of what those in that prayer meeting found in the Bible they were studying and the God to whom they prayed. It is a part of the nonviolence taught and practiced by Martin Luther King Jr. His refusal to respond to violence with violence helped turn the hearts of many and change the laws of a nation.

"Photos of church services following the killings showed a racial diversity and a coming together that might not just heal Charleston, but serve as a model for the rest of the nation about how to react to senseless violence. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s emotional response to the murders also served as a needed balm that can help heal Charleston’s deep wound.

“Amazing Grace” is a hymn sung in churches, at funerals, and on other occasions. It is familiar even to those who are not regular churchgoers and may not fully appreciate its meaning. It’s author, John Newton, was a slave trader. The story of his remorse, repentance, and salvation has been told in books and films, but never better than in the first verse of his hymn:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
Full article

Coulter: Forget ‘Moronic’ Confederate Flag Talk, Ban ‘Democratic Party’ To Help Blacks [VIDEO]

Daily Caller    "In an interview on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” Coulter also jumped on “liberal talking points” about the flag’s connection to Republicans, adding that Democrats were the ones who “supported the Confederate(s)” in the Civil War.

The best-selling author made the remarks one day after South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley called for the flag to be taken down from the state house’s lawn.
“I think it’s completely moronic,” Coulter said. “I mean, this is an awful thing that happened in Charleston. Luckily, it’s quite rare. But to jump on this and go back to a litany of liberal talking points that make Republicans look bad, how about banning the Democratic Party?”

“They were the ones who supported — who were on the Confederate side of the Civil War. They were the ones that supported segregation for a hundred years,” Coulter said. “If we want to do something nice for black people, how about ending immigration which is dumping millions of low-wage workers on the country, taking jobs from African-Americans, as enumerable studies have shown.”

“I mean there are all sorts of  nice things you could be doing here,” Coulter said." . . . Video